Reviewed by Raj Nathaniel, Professor, Nicholls State University on 2/8/17, This textbook is mostly suitable for 100 level introductory biology for non-majors. I wish that any textbooks would explain what actually happens to proteins when phosphorylated and dephosphorylated, rather than solely referring to changes in energy state. These are concise and provide a better big-picture summary than the text I currently use, where students often become overwhelmed and lost in the details. This alone happens at a frequency of perhaps 1 in 20000, and there are a great number of additional ways in which a persons chromosomes might not follow the statistically most common pattern. Further, labeling of figure components is often too small and borderline blurry. It would be useful for a variety of styles of classes. Of course other organizing principles are possible, and perhaps desirable; for example the AAAS Vision and Change core concepts in biology. Sections will need to be fully revised to provide updates of text and figures. Reviewed by Chris Trimby, Assistant Professor, University of Delaware on 2/1/18, The OpenStax Biology book has units and chapters that cover all of the major topics that one would consider for a general or introductory Biology course. Page 149). I have found the writing clear and easy to read. Therefore, the physiology section could be edited to recognize that sex steroids are not the domain of one sex specifically, as both estrogens and androgens play important roles in all humans and animals, regardless of sex or gender. As is typical, some of the video does not have captioning so every video does not allow full accessibility. The significance of these comparisons is not explained. Numerous other ways of logically organizing chapters are certainly possible, but that employed in this text flow nicely. Overall the content has longevity - many topics are relatively unchanging, especially since this textbook covers fundamentals. I found the text to be highly modular. However, The themes of epigenetics, genomic research, non-coding RNA, and CRISPR-Cas gene editing were not discussed and need to be perhaps added on with additional course materials. If I were to adopt this book I would need to pay close attention to connecting some themes, providing plenty of examples, and checking comprehension throughout. The 8 units this textbook, chemistry through ecology, sufficiently cover the range of topics that would be covered in an Introductory Biology series of courses.The order in which topics are addressed follows the common approach of building from the simplest level of organization up to the highest level. WebAnswers will vary. The textbook is divisible into smaller reading sections and it is self-referential. However, the answers are difficult to quickly locate as they are listed in paragraph format, rather than organized as a list. The index is easy to use in both the PDF and online format. Looks like what you have put together is going to pretty much fit the bill! 17. The online interface is clear, easy to use, and free of problems. Overall, I think it is a good text. On page 1304, the text states, Animals faced with temperature fluctuations may respond with adaptations, such as migration, in order to survive. This reinforces a common and deeply rooted student misconception that organisms adapt in order to survive. On the same page, Scientists consider phylogenetic trees to be a hypothesis of the evolutionary past since one cannot go back to confirm the proposed relationships. Yes, phylogenetic trees represent hypotheses about evolutionary relationships, but not because these hypotheses cannot be tested! This book is written in a manner that it's content will remain relevant long into the future, although I suspect motivated instructors who adopt this book will quickly adapt it to fit their viewpoint on the relevance of topics. (ID: 349a8a47e1d944c18f9bdae4af018fe7) electrophoresis technique used to separate DNA fragments according to size helicase There are currently ongoing rapid changes in our understanding of some aspects of biology, such as whether the three domain model for life is correct. The modularity of this textbook is excellent. It is likely that an instructor adopting this text, seeking the best possible learning environment for her students, will use many resources from other publishers, in effect, shifting the financial backing for resources to publishers who charge considerably prices to access their products. Another oddity is that table headings are located below their respective tables, rather than above them, contrary to the way these are normally presented. One way that heat is transferred from place to place inside the human body is by the flow of blood. Topics are explained simply in shorter rather than longer paragraphs, and details that often bog down longer texts are omitted. The figures have an overall similar look and parts of them are colored the same way for consistency for example the homologous chromosomes (blue and red). Then, waste no time, come knocking to us at the Vending Services. Most chapters have multiple Link to Learning offerings, which are links to an animation or other external resource. On page 534, the text states, The vertebrate in Figure 20.10 is a shared ancestral character. Huh? This is especially important at my institution where our introductory sequence for life science majors consists of two free-standing semester-long courses: Organismal and Ecological Biology; and Cellular and Molecular Biology. This is a strength of the text, considerably easier to use in that way that most texts I have examined. I would not suggest adding more subjects and I appreciate the depth of coverage in the text giving the instructor the option to choose which sections to focus on in their courses. Most references to him or her could be made more inclusive via use of the gender-neutral term them. Further, dichotomizing the sex steroids, estrogens and androgens, as female and male, respectively, is unnecessary, misleading, and may make some students feel excluded. This review is based on close examination and reading of all or sections of 27 chapters (1,4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 43, 44, 45, 46, and 47). From nutrient and water uptake transport: root absorption, cation exchange, active transport into root hair I found only one incongruence. If xenon has an atomic number of 54 and a mass number of 108, how many neutrons does it have? The majority of the learning outcomes at the beginning of the chapter are done well and the visual connection and review questions at the end of the chapter assess lower order cognitive skills. Most require that students explain or apply a concept from the textbook. While this may be of concern in an upper level text, I think that is still acceptable here. There is no open source zoology textbook available, and in any case, the published texts tend to be too heavy on facts and too weak on what I present as the logic of zoology the evolutionary reasons or biochemical constraints that are common drivers of the structure and function of animals. I did not notice any obvious internal inconsistencies in framework or use of terminology. Ecosystem concepts range from excellent to shallow (or none). In Figure 4.6: Relatives sizes on a log scale This may actually help students, as the elegant figures are sometimes distracting for students anyhow. Seemed good. Svante Paabos TED talk,) are a great perk. As stated in the previous sections, book is well laid out to fit the needs of any entrance level biology course. The biggest issue, though, is the images. In the sections I read closely and thoroughly I found no errors. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. In future versions of this book, could the learning outcomes of each chapter be aligned with V&C? It seems clear that different chapters are written by different peoplesome of the chapters (for example, on the immune system) are exceptionally detailed, whereas others (e.g., on evolution and speciation) are a bit more bare-bones, but all the bases are covered. The text is up to date and addresses relevant and contemporary issues. Thanks! read more. Like most biology textbooks, the topics are presented in hierarchy from small to large scale (atoms to ecosystems), which builds concepts logically and necessarily somewhat cumulatively. Not sure how often they update, but it would be easy to do in an online platform. read more. In particular, they praise Biology for its convenience, affordability, and succinctness. I offer more details on comprehensiveness and other topics in my additional comments at the end of this review. This textbook is available in a variety of formats, and each is easy to use. I must admit that at first glance this book looked to me to be much less glitzy than traditionally published books, without all the bells and whistles, the fancy graphics and human interest stories. The text also includes a variety of supplementary instructor and student resources (e.g., answers to end-of-chapter questions, PowerPoint slides, learning strategies for students). As an older reader, the small artwork was a challenge for me to work out, but expanding the magnification of what I see on the screen certainly helped. For additional free and open resources, visit Reviewed by Aruna Kilaru, Associate Professor, East Tennessee State University on 4/13/20, This book will serve the purpose of introductory biology and could very well be used in place of the expensive textbooks. Necessary and appropriate disciplinary terminology is employed well, and definitions in context are supplemented by end-of-chapter lists of key terms, with definitions. Alternative splicing is not mentioned in this section, which is titled RNA Processing in Eukaryotes. The information builds on previous chapters in a manner that deepens student knowledge. The text is written in a clear and easy to comprehend manner. Inclusion of new landmark scientific discoveries will be useful. The type of logical thinking that uses related observations to arrive at a general conclusion is called ________. p.356 Where is the phenotype associated with the G/C phenotype? Within each section, subheadings are used effectively to break-up and organize material. In figure 7.9 (Citric Acid Cycle), this convention is jettisoned. read more. I supplement many Hawaiian examples throughout because our flora and fauna are unique, so students don't always understand references to mainland species. Complex topics are clearly presented, many terms are defined, and there is a logical progression of ideas and information. The distinction between charophytes and the other taxon within the green algae was made clearly in Chapter 23. read more. With a few exceptions, the textbook addresses relevant issues in biology while also presenting historical findings. Nothing caught my attention regarding Canadian content. The authors maintained a consistent style and flow throughout the book. I had no issues browsing and reading the textbook. Create an application that writes a series of random numbers to a file. However, I don't think it goes out of its way make science more accessible. I felt like there was too much detail on some processes, and too little detail on other topics. 4. Broadly speaking, the TOC and units are easy to navigate and the images/videos are placed appropriately. This is an excellent resource for instructors and students. WebBiology 2e (2nd Edition) Book Edition. So this can easily be used for this purpose. I had absolutely no problem understanding the content in this textbook. Second half an easily be taught out of order while keeping the integrity of the textbook order. In truth, both fields are equally rigorous and important, they just study different parts of our world. But I'll need student feedback to assess whether it reads clearly to students. All of the websites mentioned in the text do make me a little nervous. The only issue is that the chapter numbers and pages differ between the pdf and the read online versions. The text that I perused did not contain any grammatical errors. The interface is acceptable. Other High quality in every sense, cover to cover. Overall, this book provides a mostly adequate resource for teachers who are trying to save on textbook costs. Reviewed by Marisa Cases, Adjunct Professor, Middlesex Community College on 6/25/20, This textbook includes more depth than the current publisher's edition. Acids and bases will neutralize each other. Certainly from the perspective of an instructor, maintaining some consistency from one semester to another is helpful, but I am hoping that future updates will not be limited to errata. Biology was very comprehensive in its covering of general biology topics and the "Link to Learning" feature allows the learner to expand the concept. (a) element; (b) element; (c) compound; (d) mixture; (e) compound; (f) compound; (g) compound; (h) mixture. I found it to be broad in scope but still provided the depth you would want in a major's level Biology course. It presents the same problems if one wishes to teach topics out of order, which is that the student will have to pay attention to the section they are currently teaching on as not all professors go in chapter order. In addition, chapters are grouped under 8 units, from "The Chemistry of Life" to "Ecology.". Much of the time, the text took on a more conversational tone than I was expecting, which I feel will appeal to readers. The figures in the online version are too small. science that seeks to expand knowledge and understanding regardless of the short-term application of that knowledge. Again, while this error is very minor, it risks confusing students, especially those not familiar with chemical equations. Do you look forward to treating your guests and customers to piping hot cups of coffee? read more, I found the book to cover the topics in good depth, definitely a lower division, major-level text, While I found a few instances where I disagree with the text, but they are minor. Which of the following sciences is not considered a natural science? The open access nature of the content means that figures and illustrations are readily available online, making it easier for instructors to access the supporting content and incorporate it into their own teaching materials (the book also comes with all the standard instructor resources), and for students to directly interface with other online media (for example, embedded YouTube videos). For many students, it will be a slog to get through, and they will struggle to identify key concepts on their own When talking about inherited disorders and conditions, the authors were straight-forward and sensitive with jargon related to those topics, which can read as offensive if done thoughtlessly. Some of the links on the textbook take you to trusted sources such as Khan Academy and TED talks, but others dont look very reliable to me. read more. The text covers all areas of biology appropriate for first year biology students. Reading Guide 1.1 (doc); pdfReading Guide 1.2 (doc); pdfAnswer Key (TpT), Chapter 2: The Chemical Foundation of Life, Reading Guide 2.1 (doc); pdf Answer Key (TpT)Reading Guide 2.2 (doc); pdfAnswer Key (TpT) Reading Guide 2.3 (doc); pdfAnswer Key (TpT), Reading Guide 3.1-3.5 (doc); pdfAnswer Key (TpT), Reading Guide 4.1-4.3 (doc); pdfAnswer Key (TpT), Reading Guide 4.4-4.6 (doc); pdfAnswer Key (TpT), Reading Guide: 5-1 5.4 (doc); pdfAnswer Key (TpT), Reading Guide: Ch 6 (doc); pdfAnswer Key (TpT), Reading Guide: Ch 11 (doc); pdf Answer Key (TpT), Reading Guide: Ch 10 (doc); pdfAnswer Key (TpT), Reading Guide: Ch 13; pdfAnswer Key (TpT), Reading Guide: Ch 14 (doc); pdfAnswer Key (TpT), Reading Guide: Ch 15 (doc); pdfAnswer Key (TpT). WebAnswer Both systems involve chemical messengers that must interact with receptors in order to have an effect. End of chapter problems. Modularity is good! The book's grammar seems to be good. This book uses the The chapter appears confused about how time is represented in phylogenetic trees, saying both that trees do and do not have a time axis. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. WebNow, with expert-verified solutions from Biology 2nd Edition, youll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. I could find no errors in grammar in the text. I absolutely intend to use it to replace expensive textbooks. And I do keep an eye out for that sort of thing. For the most part, the content is up-to-date, but I did find a few sections that already needed updating. This text book is an excellent teaching tool. It doesn't work very well. The art is well done and has clear images that are well labeled. Its Science Be bold and do include more multicultural examples- does not have enough for my audience. This review will focuses specifically on a representative chapterin this case, Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration. Please see also my comments below under the prompt about cultural relevance. I have no impression that it will be quickly out of date. I did not find any culturally insensitive material. The content is fairly up-to-date, but not so specific in most places that it would need constant updating to stay relevant. No cultural issues were noted in the textbook. Which type of bond represents a weak chemical bond? Additionally, there is a lack of images of people in the text, so I supplement the information presented with "scientist spotlights" to highlight diverse scientists in the wide range of careers available with a Biology degree. This books covers the minimal basics, but not in great detail and isn't comprehensive by any means. The book provides a sound and sufficiently detailed and accurate coverage of general biology and is readable, has appropriate illustrations, comes with questions and has links to supplementary external digital content (but see comment on QR codes and URLs below). In the sections I plan to use, there is consistency. I think the logical way to organize these concepts is to give the definition of evolution first and then list and explain the mechanisms that lead to evolution, being natural selection one of them [and here is what all the concepts related to NS are given, in a single place]. A compressed-air cylinder stands 100cm100 \mathrm{~cm}100cm tall and has internal diameter 20.0cm20.0 \mathrm{~cm}20.0cm. I encountered nothing that could be construed as culturally insensitive of offensive in any way. The correct answer was identified as A. While that answer is obviously more correct than the others, it is certainly incomplete and misleading. I found that the level of detail is appropriate for a lower level undergraduate biology course. Key words in bold are also easily visible and defined at the end of the chapter, so students can quickly find definitions. The additional content of animations was well done and accessible. However, the textbook is set up to explain the subject of biology starting from broad (chemistry/building blocks of life) to specific (organ systems) and going from simple (cells) to complex (ecology) and therefore could easily be assigned sequentially as well. Mention of the various topics relating to the globalization of science may benefit the students coming from outside of US. Reviewed by Ashley Gramza, Instructor, Colorado State University on 1/7/16, This textbook is extremely comprehensive, almost too comprehensive. Some analogies used to make a point were dull and unintelligent. This is inevitable to some extent in any text, but the editors have some smoothing out to do. More importantly, however, rapid advances are made in many aspects of modern biology, most notably in molecular genetics, but even other areas are undergoing change from the application of molecular approaches and new discoveries. Students can download this text for free, view it on their devices and print it out. I worry a bit that students used to traditional science books will initially find this open source book dry and unappealing, but I think they will soon be won over by the just-the-facts approach (and I truly mean that in a good way). Readers will have to go to the glossary for some definitions, and that is not ideal. The questions at the end of sections are helpful to student learning. The text uses the terms primitive and advanced for extant taxa. I never came across anything that looked culturally offensive to this white guy. The text book is easy to navigate with essential and well chosen figures and links to outside resources, some very good and simple animations. Likewise, the inclusion of the Chapter Summaries and Key Word definitions were highly beneficial. Students can download this text for free, view it on their devices and print it out. I compare the chapter from Biology 2e to both the first edition Openstax Biology and a traditional introductory text from a major Consistency in the artwork could be improved such that visuals within and across chapters are more similar (e.g., plasma membrane visuals). The abstracts are a good concise summary of what the chapter intends. This is a fine textbook for my purposes (intro to chemistry and cell biology, as a foundation for an anatomy and physiology sequence). I Text does not seem to be written in a way that will make it obsolete any more quickly than any other textbook. In some cases, oversimplification of a topic can be misleading for students. The biologically accurate terms are ectothermic and endothermic. The book has minimal errors and seems to present a balanced overview of controversial topics with links to outside sources and videos for more information. Many figures are not readable until viewing at 200% or even 300%. It would be better to list these after a single entry for each term. 54 27 100 108 5. On the instructor side, anyone who relies on powerpoints, especially new instructors, would find the lack of included images to be challenging and the need to add images will raise some issues around using copyrighted material from other sources. Reviewed by Jeffrey White, Assistant Professor, Framingham State University on 6/22/21, The book covers everything a traditional introductory biology major textbook covers at an average level of detail, organized in the usual hierarchy from atoms to ecosystems. They hold far more fine details than students can absorb (or need), and theres no easy way to tell students to read only selected pages or sections from those books. These and many more errors and omissions can be corrected by a revision of the text and replacement of figures. The textbook is quite consistent from Chapter-to-Chapter. This book has a degree of modularity that should readily accommodate a variety of approaches for covering its topics. Thanks for sharing the reading guides! Like many other biology texts, the book begins with an introductory chapter on the nature of science, before introducing atoms and chemistry, and then progressing all the way to ecology and evolution, with units on genetics, diversity, and anatomy/physiology along the way. Generally, graphics are of lower quality and some study questions are less thoughtful but links to animations and talks are a great perk! Its a shame because it would have been relatively easy to bring in a great deal more diversity in portrayals of human scientists. science that seeks to expand knowledge and understanding regardless of the short-term application of that knowledge. p.358 Please show the McClintock strategy as well. However, it is a reality that not all students will be facile with such foundational knowledge, so inclusion of these terms and figures in subsequent chapters reduces compromising student understanding. The first forms of life on Earth were ________. In Fig 5.11 the diagram depicting osmosis is misleading due to the depiction of the height of water following its movement across the membrane. A second way I was disappointed was in the handling of biological sex. Most of the material taught in introductory biology courses has not changed in the last 15-20 years and this book is certainly up to date. Therefore, I conclude that the text is neither culturally relevant, nor culturally insensitive. glycogen. I greatly appreciated how the text explained scientific concepts in ways that students would be able to understand. 9. In Figure 20.7: For example, the bones in the wings of bats and birds have homologous structures. This is a poor example, since these wings are both homologous as vertebrate forelimbs and analogous as wings. Want to cite, share, or modify this book? I loved the Link to Learning, I have used a number of the linked sites in my courses however it did open up a world of other valuable sites. 2nd Edition. This is a nice replacement for a standard paper textbook. I did not read these in any depth because I write my own problems for students. There were a variety of small errors in content matter, which included some small mislabeling and repetition of images. Poor use of page space / too much white space also makes this text a poor fit for reading online, particularly on devices such as iPad, tablet, eReaders where screen size is smaller and the text /content is intended to fill the entire screen space. You will find that we have the finest range of products. anabolic (also anabolism) pathways that require an energy input to synthesize complex molecules from simpler ones. Each section is very short. Chapter 15, Section 15.4 Systematics could be another trouble spot, but the authors do OK presenting an up-to-date, albeit conservative phylogeny. I think the layout is consistent within this text. The text and figure reinforce a common and significant student error that prevents clear understanding of this key concept. 8DE rPreK4\53msL-8UWPY9l*,0yZ!i0%B68om@qF8g eI8 read more. Use of simpler language and less jargon would make the text more accessible to students from different backgrounds. Some even request that I print the chapters for them (which I do.). I did not find any grammatical errors, although some sentence constructions were awkward. For example, prokaryotes are consistently referred to throughout the book. Putting these pieces together would help students gain a more unified understanding of cellular respiration as one component of larger biological processes. Generally, having so many possible ways to access the material makes the interface exceptionally positive for students. Content seemed very up-to-date. The presentation of its text and visuals provides a pleasant reading experience. The second-weakest section for my course is on developmental biology, and there are some other texts that offer more (e.g., on polarity genes, segmentation genes, and hox genes). Despite some minor criticisms, I would use this text to replace our current biology textbooks in use for Biol 1, II and III. Also helpful is the ability to highlight within the text, only requiring a simple log in. There are very few grammatical or typographical errors, and these can easily be fixed in subsequent versions. This would necessitate a rewriting. The text provides students with current, relevant information in a progression of topics and concepts based on empirical data and basic science. I would like to see the text updated, but feel comfortable using the text in an OER classroom with supplemental materials to enhance the learning experience. Students at this level often feel overwhelmed with the amount of information presented to them. Yes, the text appears to be consistent in terms of terminology and framework. As with other textbooks I have used in the past, students do not read chapters unless you give them some kind of assignment that goes with it. This is a laudable grade for the first iteration of an enormous community project. Ie #21s and #10s The OpenStax Biology book has units and chapters that cover all of the major topics that one would consider for a general or introductory Biology course. Definitely share, Im in that group. Note: I have not yet used this book in a class. The text is well organized and the sections well thought and relevant. Webopening section of a scientific paper that summarizes the research and conclusions. The terms sometimes can be used before they are fully defined, and some of the figures appeared before the text, which can be confusing to students as they pace through the book. Video does not allow full accessibility on previous chapters in a variety of approaches for its! We have the finest range of products students gain a more unified understanding of Cellular as! Think the layout is consistent within this text for free, view it on their devices and it! Outside of us from place to place inside the human body is by the flow of blood find we... 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