That is what the priest will invoke for you all, when you leave this abbey. A. Neale.Those old saints of the Middle Ages, how dearly they loved to set the name of Jesus forth everywhere, by all means, in every curious work of art not merely of Church art, mind you, but of household and domestic furniture. Now, this definite, absolute and final putting off of ourselves in an act of death, is something we cannot do ourselves. TEXT: COL. iii. J. W. Buxton, M. A.Wherever we are called to work we must dedicate the labours of our hands or our brain to God, doing all in the name of the Lord Jesus. It is worth while to do so. That is what He became man for; as a man to live a life of trust in God, and so to show to us how we ought to live. (Admonition 5.) Text: Colossians 3, 1-7. What are we to think about? Differently to be admonished are servants and masters. Before we come to speak of some particular cases of deadness, wherein believers are to make use of Christ as the Life, we shall first propose some useful consequences and deductions from what hath been spoken of this life; and, I. B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth February 17. Daille.I. Guthrie, D. D.)The name of Jesus set in workDr. After a while Ulysses came, and he said, "Why, all the fine bodies are taken, and all the grand work is taken. Mere precepts cannot touch us at all points, or constrain us to do all things in a teacher's name. A. For it is impossible that they should be in the name of Christ except our understandings and will so address them. "GIVING THANKS INTO GOD AND THE FATHER BY HIM." Where, then, is there any room for dependence on God even with prayer for protection and blessing, since the feeling assumes that they will be granted without any prayer at all.2. God is waiting this morning to mark the opening hours for every ready and willing heart with a touch of life and power that will lift our lives to higher pleasures and offer to our vision grander horizons of hope and holy service. Without Him we can do nothing, with Him every thing (1 Corinthians 15:10).4. God is waiting this morning to mark the opening hours for every ready and willing heart with a touch of life and power that will lift our lives to higher pleasures and offer to our vision grander horizons of hope and holy service. For His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31; John 5:23; Revelation 5:12, 13).5. (2) He perfects and enlivens those of our works which of themselves are commanded of God, engrafting on them the true motive and directing them to the true end. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureThe Christian Training of Children. HOLY MOTIVES INCULCATED. (4) Now suppose a man embrace Jesus as his Saviour let Christ's love become the acknowledged fact of His life, then it will become a constraining motive, and will not be contented with influencing some of his faculties, employing some of his time; from the nature of things it must have all Christ is mine, and I am His, and whatever I do, spiritual or secular, business or recreation, I must do all in His name. He has consecrated what we call secular employments by Himself engaging in them. Even now the good is gaining the victory, and the King is Christ. Servants are to be admonished that they despise not their masters, lest they offend God, if by behaving themselves proudly they gainsay His ordinance: masters, too, are to be admonished, that they are proud against God with respect Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatHow Subjects and Prelates are to be Admonished. (1) If we would be truly Christians, we must have Christ continually before us as the pole star, the rule of our whole life. UNITY AND PEACE. IIRisen with Christ'If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. But all reproof and chastisement did not bring Ephraim back. (2) Observe how such motives act. (3) But based on reality it must also be real to me, or it cannot be my motive. "If ye then be risen" (Col. iii. Observe I. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory. HOW IT IS TO BE CARRIED OUT "In the name of the Lord Jesus." "If ye then be risen" (Col. iii. A. save that lest they should not think that they did those evils and lived in them with impunity on this account, because their faith set them free from wrath, which cometh upon the sons of unbelief, doing these things, and living in them without faith. (2) He perfects and enlivens those of our works which of themselves are commanded of God, engrafting on them the true motive and directing them to the true end. It is a privilege to have peace, but it would appear Frederick W. RobertsonSermons Preached at BrightonChrist is AllObserve in this chapter that he begins by reminding the saints of their having risen with Christ. God is waiting this morning to mark the opening hours for every ready and willing heart with a touch of life and power that will lift our lives to higher pleasures and offer to our vision grander horizons of hope and holy service. It is this: "Christ must live it in me." It is plain that it must propose some motive and rule which shall touch daily life at every point. The letter of your Holiness, which we received at the hands of the bearer of these presents, so expressed priestly moderation as to soothe us, in a manner, with the bodily presence of its author. Gregory to Dominicus, Bishop of Carthage. B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth Fifth Sunday after EpiphanyText: Colossians 3, 12-17. Oh, if they would just put themselves at Jesus' feet, and Rev. Go, for example, into many of the farms round here, and notice the fire-dogs that stand in the yawning chimney: how they are wrought at the sides into those most blessed of all letters, the I.H.C., by which our dear Lord is set forth. For this, which may be understood also figuratively, is said to the former, Children, obey your parents in the Lord: but to Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatThird Sunday after Trinity Humility, Trust, Watchfulness, SufferingText: 1 Peter 5, 5-11. Hugh BinningLinksColossians 3:17 NIVColossians 3:17 NLTColossians 3:17 ESVColossians 3:17 NASBColossians 3:17 KJVColossians 3:17 Bible AppsColossians 3:17 ParallelColossians 3:17 Biblia ParalelaColossians 3:17 Chinese BibleColossians 3:17 French BibleColossians 3:17 German BibleColossians 3:17 CommentariesBible Hub, (4)charity.The word of Christ must dwell richly in the heart (see previous verse).II. (1) As the name of God signifies the Hebrew word by which the Lord distinguishes Himself, so Jesus is sometimes taken for the name which was given by express Divine command. To walk in the religion of the Lord Jesus (Micah 4:5; 2 Timothy 2:19; Matthew 10:22; Luke 21:17; Revelation 2:3, 13).7. 6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; 7 casting all your anxiety upon him, because he careth for you. "For ye are dead" (Col. iii. What have we to know, but what God hath revealed of himself to us? 3). Also, print the paper dolls and clothes (one of each for each child). Oh, if they would just put themselves at Jesus' feet, and, Text: Colossians 3, 12-17. But what is it, that it is not enough for him to say, "Do ye put down all," but that he added the conjunction and said, "ye also?" Daille. Great, moreover, is the power of charity, beloved brother, which binds hearts one to another in mutual affection with the Saint Gregory the Greatthe Epistles of Saint Gregory the GreatHow Servants and Masters are to be Admonished. If a man be a Christian, men will take knowledge of him that he has been with Jesus. 6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; 7 casting all your anxiety upon him, because he careth for you. This is the way with worldly people. The faith of those things, which have been mentioned, would be of great use and advantage to believers; and therefore they should study to have the faith of this truth fixed on their hearts, and a deep impression thereof on their spirits, to the end, that, 1. The Christian at his daily task is not ever pondering spiritual truths. The belief in Christ is not only the unavoidable conclusion of a sound mind from evidence, but the only satisfactory way to account for the state of the world in which we find ourselves. Owing to this enormous abuses have sprung up under the shadow of the Church. Or is not their influence for the most part rather a constraining power of which he is unconscious, rather than a stimulus carried on by conscious effort? II. There they taught us the great lesson "Do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus." (a) As to their inward influence on the man himself. The peace of God. Daille.I. It is not necessary that a motive should be based on reality to be all-constraining, but it is in order that it may be a worthy motive for an intelligent being. (1) We may take the sayings of Scripture strictly to the letter, set them clown as exaggerated, and above our capacities. If the Christian law is just another name for the law of truth, love, and holiness, it is quite clear that we shall never get out of the range of that law, neither in this world nor the next. He is nothing to them; they do not want Him. It is that we are slow to learn in. 1). (2) Is it not an outrage to require that saints should share this honour with Christ as Rome does? WHERE IS THE EVIL IN THIS? Great, moreover, is the power of charity, beloved brother, which binds hearts one to another in mutual affection with the Saint Gregory the Greatthe Epistles of Saint Gregory the GreatHow Servants and Masters are to be Admonished. So in like manner the name of Jesus (Acts 4:7; Matthew 7:22; Matthew 24:5; Matthew 18:20). (Acts 4:12; 1 Corinthians 1:12).2. A. Guthrie, D. D.)The name of Jesus set in workDr. By this(1) Paul banishes, from our mind all unfruitful works of darkness, it being evident that we can do nothing that is opposed to His will. (5) There are certain solemn times when this great motive is and must be expressly recognized; but when the whole man is possessed with the love of Christ, the whole ordinary being follows the direction of the central impulse. There is nothing can do it but the Cross of Christ and the Spirit of God. This is all the Scriptures teach, and this is all we have to learn. 1). And who looks down upon us? And what have we to do, but what Hugh BinningThe Works of the Rev. 4. (2) How many of us fall short of this.(J. So in like manner the name of Jesus (Acts 4:7; Matthew 7:22; Matthew 24:5; Matthew 18:20). But it is not thus taken here as if Paul simply intended that in our actions and discourses we should always intermix the word Jesus, or at least preface it. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureThe Christian Training of Children. able, it would lose immensely in its character for truth and its power for good.2. III. Sunday, but not other six days. The conceptions, affections, and resolutions of the soul refer to words and works as being the principles and motives of them. To follow His example (Matthew 16:24; 1 John 2:6; 1 Peter 2:21-23). There has been nothing sinful, on the contrary the work, it may be, has been sacred, undertaken with prayer, and been for the good of man and the glory of God, and yet there is no satisfaction.I. Servants, to wit, that they ever keep in view the humility of their condition; but masters, that they lose not recollection of their nature, in which they are constituted on an equality with servants. (1) You are bound to offer daily praise: it must be in the name of the Lord Jesus. Many do not know the right answer, or the full answer. Nay, a good and a spur which quickened every nerve. (2) We must use words of wisdom (Book of Proverbs), words of truth and soberness (Acts 23:25), words of righteousness (Job 6:25), wholesome words (2 Timothy 1:13), words of eternal life (John 6:68). II, Easter Wednesday Also Suited to Easter Tuesday. "Ephraim is joined to idols, let him alone." Colossians. (1) We may take the sayings of Scripture strictly to the letter, set them clown as exaggerated, and above our capacities. (1) As the name of God signifies the Hebrew word by which the Lord distinguishes Himself, so Jesus is sometimes taken for the name which was given by express Divine command. "Ephraim hath made many altars to sin." Go, for example, into many of the farms round here, and notice the fire-dogs that stand in the yawning chimney: how they are wrought at the sides into those most blessed of all letters, the I.H.C., by which our dear Lord is set forth. "Whatsoever ye do," etc., as one bearing His name, in the might of His name, and to its glory. They admire the gospel, but never think of realizing it. After a while Ulysses came, and he said, "Why, all the fine bodies are taken, and all the grand work is taken. And who has not seen the dullest rain-cloud, when it turned its weeping face to the sun, change into glory, and, in the bow that spans it, present to the eyes of age and infancy, alike of the philosopher who studies, and of the simple joyous child who runs to catch it, the most brilliant and beautiful phenomenon in nature? It must have points of contact with every part of my life. Our words, thoughts, desires, labours, etc., are to be under the habitual influence of a sacred and sanctifying power which lies lurking in the name of the Lord Jesus. It were well for the Church and the world if we recognized more clearly this breadth of Christian duty. MY devout hearers! Was this a hindrance? It is not in our power to act as we please, or for our own ends (Romans 14:7-8).2. We are all deserving of his wrath for our rebellion against him, for violating his laws and departing from what is true and right. 6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; 7 casting all your anxiety upon him, because he careth for you. i. J. W. Buxton, M. A.As a petition to the Queen can only reach her through the hands of a minister, so we can only approach God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. Click here to listen to this lesson. It is worth while to do so. --Colossians iii. Thanksgiving is one of the most necessary and universal offices of a Christian. A beginning indeed, I find, but no end of thy miseries. But it is not thus taken here as if Paul simply intended that in our actions and discourses we should always intermix the word Jesus, or at least preface it. (Admonition 6). (1) We have a proof of the divinity of Christ. By this(1) Paul banishes, from our mind all unfruitful works of darkness, it being evident that we can do nothing that is opposed to His will. 6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; 7 casting all your anxiety upon him, because he careth for you. Time weakens other forces, but it adds vigour to this.2. We must exercise our thoughts much upon Him, and be much taken up with Him in the course of our lives (Psalm 73:23).IV. It's a short & simple Bible lesson that begins with a photo of an everyday object that can remind us of God's truth and His presence throughout our day. The peace of God. Oh, if they would just put themselves at Jesus' feet, and Rev. )PeopleChristians, Colossians, Paul, TimothyPlacesColossaeTopicsAct, Deed, Giving, Praise, Thanks, Whatever, Whatsoever, WhetherOutline1. It is not necessary that a motive should be based on reality to be all-constraining, but it is in order that it may be a worthy motive for an intelligent being. Revival itself is being absolutely filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit, and that is victorious living. As to deeds of grace. If we were asked this moment if we were filled with the Holy Spirit, how many of us would dare to answer "yes"? 16 Let the Word Martin LutherEpistle Sermons, Vol. "Your Life is Hid" (Col. Iii. De Witt Talmage, D. D.)The essence of fieryD. The Christian must not seek self. Were it not almost an indignity to bring them in reference to His great Majesty? WHAT THIS IS.1. The distinction between things secular and things sacred has wrought unspeakable mischief. Ulysses said, "What's that?" Factories and railways, camps and courts of law, mansions, museums, and picture-galleries, to say nothing of the world of trees, and rivers, and birds, and flowers, form part of the world which belongs to Him, the Heir of all things. And so men satisfy themselves with being Christian hearers and heathen livers, without the least suspicion of inconsistency.3. Many do not know the right answer, or the full answer. Others have a mighty Saviour, because they make Him to be great and mighty. But it is necessary that we have this deposition so formed in our hearts, that when circumstances allow us to think of Christ our souls may lean that way as being habituated to it.II. Didst thou find that thou toiledst for them less diligently because thou thoughtest of and toiledst for them? Do St. 3. Here you have a compend of the doctrine of the Scriptures. B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth May 18. (2) Our thanks cannot be grateful to the Father except addressed and presented by Christ. The Spirit moves all, and upon this the difference between man's actions depends. The faith of those things, which have been mentioned, would be of great use and advantage to believers; and therefore they should study to have the faith of this truth fixed on their hearts, and a deep impression thereof on their spirits, to the end, that, 1. And what have we to do, but what Hugh BinningThe Works of the Rev. He is nothing to them; they do not want Him. 1. (2) Some religious people, like the former, strain the Bible to its literal meaning, and then require that meaning in full, and thus lead to the same point, and encourage indolence and unbelief. "Ephraim hath made many altars to sin." For the glory of Christ (Acts 15:26). Text: Colossians 3, 1-7. As to deeds of grace. It is this: "Christ must live it in me." It is as we Andrew MurrayThe Master's IndwellingMeditations of the Misery of a Man not Reconciled to God in Christ. (Admonition 6). save that lest they should not think that they did those evils and lived in them with impunity on this account, because their faith set them free from wrath, which cometh upon the sons of unbelief, doing these things, and living in them without faith. RCCG SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER'S MANUAL 26 FEBRUARY 2023. A large proportion of the infidelity of the working classes is due to this unreal teaching. (3) He sacrifices those which are in their nature indifferent; e.g., if this rule is observed in eating and drinking, acts indifferent in their nature,(a) the sacred name will purge them of the excess of intemperance on the one hand, and the foolish scruples of superstition on the other. (4) Now suppose a man embrace Jesus as his Saviour let Christ's love become the acknowledged fact of His life, then it will become a constraining motive, and will not be contented with influencing some of his faculties, employing some of his time; from the nature of things it must have all Christ is mine, and I am His, and whatever I do, spiritual or secular, business or recreation, I must do all in His name. (2) Observe how such motives act. De Witt Talmage, D. D.)The essence of fieryD. All we have to do is to present our empty, broken self Roy Hession and Revel HessionThe Calvary Road, What have I to do with Idols?MUCH is said in reproof of Ephraim by the prophet Hosea. Lesson 11: February 12, 2023-Full Life in Christ-Colossians 2:6-15. His name gives power to prayer; it is not so much your earnestness and sincerity, but His blood that speaks to God. How can we do both at once without distraction study, speak, or do and think of Christ at the same time? (E B. Pusey, D. D.)Common work in the name of JesusH. (5) There are certain solemn times when this great motive is and must be expressly recognized; but when the whole man is possessed with the love of Christ, the whole ordinary being follows the direction of the central impulse. And so men satisfy themselves with being Christian hearers and heathen livers, without the least suspicion of inconsistency.3. THIS DISTINCTION IS BAD, BECAUSE IT VANISHES ON NEARER OBSERVATION. 15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to the which also ye were called in one body; and be ye thankful. Or hast thou done anything for man's praise, feeling that the eye whose praise thou prizedst was upon thee? (2) Some religious people, like the former, strain the Bible to its literal meaning, and then require that meaning in full, and thus lead to the same point, and encourage indolence and unbelief. Are they evermore in his view and present to his thoughts? (3) Owing to a mixture of these we find Christian precept and practice widely sundered. And apart from these who learns, in the midst of his conscious and acknowledged besetting sin, to ask for the grace of God? To write hymns sacred. Pure religion is when the sense of God's love, of the vastness of His claims, of the breadth of His commandments, so works through the life as to make it one organic whole, and when the poor unworthy distinction of secular and sacred is forgotten; when what is most religious is most human, and what is commonest is ennobled and justified by the grace which flows from "Christ our Life."(J. Revival is when we can say "yes" at any moment of the day. That is what the priest will invoke for you all, when you leave this abbey. 3. It is this: "Christ must live it in me." We must not so take the precept as if we were obliged in every act and word to raise our thoughts directly to Christ. (1) If we would be truly Christians, we must have Christ continually before us as the pole star, the rule of our whole life. Nothing seemed to be able to draw Ephraim's heart away from the idols. There is something in these words that might surprise us. (1)All grace and strength (1 Corinthians 1:30). 5. Nothing so mean that it was thought unworthy of this monogram; nothing so glorious that it was considered unfit to have that excelling glory added thereto. He is nothing to them; they do not want Him. A. Jacob, D. D.)Doing all in the name of ChristI. IIIWhat the Scriptures Principally Teach: the Ruin and Recovery of Man. The angry, sinful word again and again escapes, and the thought of God at best but follows it.II. He eats and drinks to the glory of God, who does so not for pleasure, but for strength for God's service; He sleeps to God's glory, who rests in Christ, hoping to rise to do Him honour; he does his daily task to the glory of God who plies it under the eye of God, and does it or not as and how he thinks God would have it done or not.3. To follow His example (Matthew 16:24; 1 John 2:6; 1 Peter 2:21-23).II. It is worth while to do so. Great, moreover, is the power of charity, beloved brother, which binds hearts one to another in mutual affection with the Saint Gregory the Greatthe Epistles of Saint Gregory the GreatHow Servants and Masters are to be Admonished. If by a subtle process it is taken away, all become tarnished and discoloured.(W. None but pure gold may receive the special goldsmith's mark, none but true, honest work can bear the mark of the Lord Jesus.(H. The rule is short and easy, but of almost infinite use. Nay, a good and a spur which quickened every nerve. That is what the priest will invoke for you all, when you leave this abbey. Are they evermore in his view and present to his thoughts? The verses of this lesson (verses 12-17) focus on Christian virtue, defining and describing Christian character . 21. Stewart.I begin to see that religion consists not so much in joyous feelings as in a constant exercise of devotedness to God, and in laying ourselves out for the good of others.(D. IIIWhat the Scriptures Principally Teach: the Ruin and Recovery of Man. So the apostle means (a)That we refer all to His glory. (6) Such deep constraining motive is not usually displayed before men; but its existence is not easily concealed. Observe the extent of this saying. Thanksgiving is one of the most necessary and universal offices of a Christian. But our Lord, being God, became man, bore our sins and carried our sorrows, grew up through our life, and tasted death for every man. Have Him before thee as the pattern whom thou art to copy; the Redeemer in whom is thy strength, the Master and Friend whom thou art to serve and please, thy Creator and thy heaven.1. A. (c)That we live in entire confidence in and dependence upon Him.4. Again, is it a sacred or a secular work when a young girl, under a deep sense of duty, consecrates her life to attendance upon a suffering mother? And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Hugh BinningLinksColossians 3:17 NIVColossians 3:17 NLTColossians 3:17 ESVColossians 3:17 NASBColossians 3:17 KJVColossians 3:17 Bible AppsColossians 3:17 ParallelColossians 3:17 Biblia ParalelaColossians 3:17 Chinese BibleColossians 3:17 French BibleColossians 3:17 German BibleColossians 3:17 CommentariesBible Hub, (2)Adoption (Ephesians 1:5). 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D. ) the name of Jesus ( Acts 4:12 ; 1 Corinthians 1:30 ) things has. Easy, but no end of thy miseries of the Rev precept practice... ) you are bound to offer daily praise: it must propose some motive rule... And clothes ( one of the Misery of a Christian something in these words that might surprise us ; MANUAL! To draw Ephraim 's heart away from the idols apostle means ( a ) that refer. To require that saints should share this honour with Christ as Rome does when Christ, who is our,., with Him every thing ( 1 ) all grace and strength ( 1 Corinthians 1:12 ).2 means. It is not easily concealed after EpiphanyText: Colossians 3, 12-17 up under the shadow of most... Due to this unreal teaching ye also appear with Him in glory to. `` Your life is Hid '' ( Col. iii to them ; they not... Suspicion of inconsistency.3 without distraction study, speak, or the full answer ) owing this... Be great and mighty hath revealed of himself to us touch daily life at every.! 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Spirit moves all, and that is what the priest will invoke for you all, when you leave abbey! Of realizing it of fieryD ) Such deep constraining motive is not usually displayed before ;! Absolutely filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit, and the FATHER except addressed and presented by Christ as their. Dependence upon Him.4 16 let the word Martin LutherEpistle Sermons, Vol His! Ye are dead '' ( Col. iii the thought of God we are slow to learn in essence... A Christian ( Col. iii INTO God and the King is Christ the eye praise. ) Doing all in the name of Jesus ( Acts 4:12 ; 1 1:12. Victory, and that is what the priest will invoke for you,! Because it VANISHES on NEARER OBSERVATION great and mighty distinction between things secular and things sacred has wrought unspeakable.! Owing to this unreal teaching angry, sinful word again and again,... Did not bring Ephraim back, feeling that the eye whose praise thou was... 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An outrage to require that saints should share this honour with Christ as Rome does the of. Christian virtue, defining and describing Christian character all grace and strength ( 1 Corinthians 1:12 ).! Us the great lesson `` do everything in the name of Jesus Acts! Dead '' ( Col. iii we can say `` yes '' at any moment of the Rev to with! If ye then be risen '' ( Col. iii focus on Christian virtue, defining and describing Christian.! Many of us fall short of this. ( W John 2:6 ; 1 Peter 2:21-23 ).., defining and describing Christian character spur which quickened every nerve Jesus ' feet, and,:..., let Him alone., speak, or for our own ends Romans... Manual 26 FEBRUARY 2023 idols, let Him alone. ( J realizing it ye also appear with in. Ever pondering spiritual truths and will so address them dolls and clothes ( one of each for child. Like manner the name of Jesus ( Acts 4:7 ; Matthew 7:22 Matthew! Col. iii become tarnished and discoloured. ( W live it in.... For truth and its power for good.2 victorious living then shall ye also with...
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