Now you need to collect necklace scarps by killing enemies with Arc abilities. Open the chest next to her to obtain the Symphony of Death quest step. Next you need to find the Circle of Bones. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. The Destiny 2 Deathbringer exotic rocket launcher gives you complete comtrol over your particular brand of descrutcion, here's how to get it. This may take some time Having this issue also, with fangs and the ehrath'ur's horned wreath its been well over three weeks for me ive been going down into the underground of the moon every 3-4 days to see if they will spawn. One particular objective on the Renewed gear asks players to defeat 100 minibosses in the new European Aerial Zone, something which traditionally will take multiple runs. After a cutscene open the chest next to her. Destiny 2: How To Defeat 100 Minibosses In One EAZ Run, getting the Shadowkeep Armor 2.0 treatment, How To Upgrade the Solstice of Heroes Armor Quickly, How to Farm Solstice Keys Fragments Easily. where to find the Horned Wreath and Captive Cord, how to get Phantasmal Fragments, Cores, and access Nightmare Hunts. Hotly anticipated Steam space RTS game unveils stunning new ships, Fallout New Vegas Remastered has the blessing of Obsidian devs, Starfield showcase date possibly teased by Bethesda, Bethesda sale slashes Skyrim and Fallout, and restores original Doom 3, Heres the best deal to buy Destiny 2 Lightfall on PC, but act fast, Heres when you can preload Destiny 2 Lightfall, Follow us for daily PC games news, guides and reviews on, Destiny 2 player count reaches all-time Steam peak on Lightfall launch, Fancy a free PC game? To the right of the boss is a big gold-colored tunnel with this room at the end of it. Jump out at the second stop on the elevator ride to find him. Add more answer options. The only way you actually know what they are talking about is because they often show you while they do it. Essence Mini-Bosses on the Moon are not spawning. However, a user in the Destiny 2 subreddit has found a way tofinish this challenge quickly and in many cases, one EAZ run. . If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can Tweet him:@SamuelChandler, Sam Chandler posted a new article, How to farm EAZ minibosses in Destiny 2, Watch the March 2023 Tesla (TSLA) Investor Day livestream here, Destiny 2 breaks its Steam concurrent player record with release of Lightfall expansion, Nock, Draw, Loose, Quiet, Verglas Curve Exotic catalyst - Destiny 2, How to get more Strand Meditations - Destiny 2. Deathbringer works a little differently to most rocket launchers. Unlike last year, Bungie has confirmed that this set of armor will be getting the Shadowkeep Armor 2.0 treatment, which provides even more incentive for players to grind away and earn a fully upgraded set of armor. This mission isnt too demanding, just stop the wizards from singing their death song by knocking their shields off, and keep going until you complete it. This excellent video from Fallout clearly covers the different Combatant types in the game= Destiny 2 Champions The go-to source for comic and superhero movies. To further complicate matters, the boss rounds and the chest hunts soak up valuable time. Because random players may defeat enemies before you can get a hit, you need to work around this. At that point, a Cabal transport ship appears in the sky to drop him off. Kill the enemies there, and you'll be asked to visit Eris again. Pained Cries - kill major enemies and mini-bosses with greater progress on the Moon. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. Go to the Scarlet Keep to find the High Conductor. While the Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes armor is meant to be a lengthy grind, use this guide to quickly farm 100 miniboss kills in the EAZ. Gambit is overlooked. It's a rocket launcher that uses ammo that can be remotely detonated, spilling void orbs over the unsuspecting targets. For more tips, check out Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide. She'll give you the next quest step, Marrow's Elegy. It may also be useful for the Destiny 2 Lightfall raid. For this step, you need to find three bones: Festering Bone, Ritualistic Bone and the Bone Collector's Marrow. Thankfully, the enemy spawns in the center of the map near where the first treasure chest spawns once the boss rush is over. Sorrow's Harbor is the best place to go hunting for Nightmares, so equip your favourite Arc ability and jump in. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. In order to get the Deathbringer, players must first complete the full Shadowkeep campaign and quests from Eris Morn. The Circle of Bones is essentially a hub that reaches most areas of the moon. You can collect the Festering Bone by completing a public event in the Hellmouth area. This was when Destiny 2 first went free-to-play and vaulted Titan, Io, Mars, Mercury, and Leviathan to stop the game from getting too big. Anguished Screams - Guardians or bosses with faster progress on the Moon. While the challenges themselves are not overly difficult and limited to mostly year 1 content, they do force the player to grind objectives like completing 10 strikes from the playlist, completing patrols, finish bounties, and so on. This process makes the engineer very easy to find and kill quickly. For instance, I have heard the Major (according to wiki terms) being referred to as: Major, Ultra, Lieutenant and Boss. With the final boss left alive, the game will continue to spawn in new enemies at various intervals of time. By clicking 'Accept', you agree to the updated policies documented at, Our policies have recently changed. For its Intrinsic Perk, Dark Deliverance, You must hold in the fire button to launch projectiles, then release it to detonate them. It takes you into the depth of the Moon to fight the Deathsinger. Here are the best available right now, How to build the best gaming PC money can buy. How do you get the Destiny 2 Deathbringer? For those who are unable to get a Fireteam together for whatever reason, your options will be limited to randoms. If you fail to land a hit on a major enemy before it dies, you wont get the tally. RELATED: How To Upgrade the Solstice of Heroes Armor Quickly. It requires you to finish all the Moon's Lost Sectors with the exception of the one in Sorrow's Harbor. Continue forward and you will eventually reach a mission flag for the Symphony of Death. Destiny 2's fifth Expansion, Beyond Light, was released on November 10, 2020, and marked Year Four. Try and stick to a player, following them from enemy to enemy or if youve got the firepower, go it alone. As always, there are a few hurdles to jump through before you can get your mitts on it, so let's take a look at how to get started. To charge it up, youll need to complete the Memory of Sai Mota legendary quest that you should be given. In order to take advantage of this fast method, players will need to find a European Aerial Zone match infested with Cabal enemies. New to Shacknews? Gahlran is the "easiest" Raid Boss on this list but don't let that fool you. To get Festering, simply do a Public Event at Hellmouth. Once the story is completed, you will need to speak with Eris Morn to receive the quest, Memory of Sai Mota . We'll also offer a brief review to outline the basic strengths of the gun. Complete Public Events Near The Hellmouth Complete The Lost Sector K1 Revelation in Sorrow's Harbor Kill a Bone Collector The other factions won't work nearly as well. Take a minute to review our Code of Conduct before submitting your post. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. While it cannot be setup in every encounter, you should know what to look out for so you can farm up the 100 mini boss kills in no time at all. In Destiny 2, the last safe city on Earth has fallen and lays in ruins, occupied by a powerful new enemy and his elite army, the Red Legion. Keep in mind that kills on the moon accelerate progress. This one is a bit of a grind as you have to kill 700 normal enemies, 110 elites and mini-bosses, and then 50 Guardians. According to one of the wiki's, Elites are regular orange bars that used to be called Majors in D1. 2023 Guide Stash (a TwoFour Communications property), Fastest Adventures to Finish in Destiny 2, Solstice of Heroes 2021 End Date Destiny 2, Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes Marks the Return of the EAZ, Destiny 2 Servers Are down Today, Heres Why. One task the armor requires players complete is to kill minibosses in the EAZ. The process of cheesing the mini boss kills in the EAZ requires a Fireteam working together. From then on, countless nights were spent hunting ducks, stomping turtles, exploring far off planets, and combing through dungeons with a trusty sword and shield. She'll give you a quest called Memory of Sai Mota, but to access the system core vault, you 'll first need to find the Firewall Data Fragment. Create your ReedPop ID & unlock community features and much, much more! We include affiliate links in articles. Learn the fastest way to cheese all 100 EAZ mini boss kills in Destiny 2 for the Solstice of Heroes armor upgrades. You're correct that diamonds are bosses, but the triangles are majors. In Destiny 2, the last safe city on Earth has fallen and lays in ruins, occupied by a powerful new enemy and his elite . The surface of the Moon appears to be shattered with immense fissures in the crust spewing a sickly yellow miasma, hinting at the utter destruction going on deep beneath the lunar surface. No tricks for the third, hop into the Crucible. Bungie To get started on this path, grab the Lunar Spelunker bounty from Eris. Hope to see you soon..Second channel : h. The main issue is invariably going to be the sheer number you must defeat. Players will know when the enemy appears thanks to a system notification appearing and indicating that An Engineer Arrives to support the Cabal. I do know in Destiny 1 it was Majors for orange and Ultras for yellow (bosses). If anyone knows where Elites, Majors, Ultras, Bosses and Lieutenants fit in, be sure to share. It has one associated objective: System Core Vault accessed. SMASH the Like button and please subscribe. . Hit the console in the center of the room to get the next step. Once the boss phase begins against the shield brothers, kill two of the three bosses but make sure to. Once youre done, head to Eris to claim your new Exotic weapon. `${userDetail.user.displayName}${userDetail.user.cachedBungieGlobalDisplayNameCode ? Majors in Destiny 2 are also identified as Mini-Boss by the game, with their original role of "stronger line soldier" being taken by Elites. Once the above conditions are met, players need to play through the match as normal. The blast will release Void Orbs that will track enemies, and the further they travel, the more powerful the detonation becomes. {{ Here's the problem: Major Spec works on 'Elites . Farming the European Aerial Zone (EAZ) minibosses in Destiny 2 is extremely easy. Overview "The fight to take back all that has been lostbegins here. Kill the boss without the Deathsong buff. For the next part of the quest you basically have to go back to where the journey started. Discuss all things Destiny 2. You'll be investigating the Circle of Bones for this mission, and there's a handy quest marker on your map near Hellmouth. Destiny 2is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. 6.1K13708. The first step in unlocking Deathbringer is to finish the Shadowkeep campaign. The Deathbringer in Destiny 2 comes with a fairly interesting unique perk you fire the rocket with the left click of your mouse and detonate it by releasing it. You'll activate a special mission with a 920 Power level suggested. Destiny 2 High Moon Studios, Bungie. But then also, Boss Spec has been shown to work on most Majors (using wiki terms) also. In order to get it, you'll have to complete a long exotic quest, called Symphony of Death, which will require you to kill, loot and explore the Moon even further. All thats left now, of course, is for you to go out and get the gun. and our Edit Cheesing the EAZ mini bosses portion of the Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes armor is easy. You wont need to run around to get a hit on bosses, you wont be joining matches that are at the boss or chests, and you wont spend time in matchmaking. Copyright 2023 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. Next you'll be asked to defeat the High Conductor. With the Cabal, a Psion Engineer is loads in every 30 to 60 seconds or so, much faster and more predictable than other miniboss enemies. Play nice. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It would be nice to hear from a Dev or Staff member on this issue. Once you've reached the location, interact with the quest icon to begin the mission Faculties of the Skull quest. Complete Lost Sectors and public events to progress through the Discomfort and Pained Cries requirements quickly, and complete a few Strikes to finished Anguished Screams. You'll be going on a killing spree for this mission, as you need to fill. Adept Mods can be earned by completing a Grandmaster Nightfall, Master Raids, or by reaching the Lighthouse in Destiny 2 's Trials of Osiris. It has 2 attacks, a simple punch that deals 134.4 damage, and a second attack that's also utilized by the Gorilla King from the Jungle, in which it smashes the ground several times, stunning . Time to access the System Core Vault. The specific Cabal encounter youre looking for has three bosses at the end. Depending on your class, a different piece of the Solstice of Heroes armor will require 100 miniboss kills. To help expedite this process, you should aim to play in a Fireteam. Here's an infographic I made showing the differences: You can verify the names by going into a nightfall and killing enemies of that type. 'Destiny 2's Deathbringer quest starts with the Memory of Sai Mota. Its a doddle all you have to do is kill Nightmares with Arc abilities. You'll pick up the Silent Skull item and the Tainted Lullaby quest at this point, so head back to Eris for a chat. Cancel To start, pick up the Lunar Spelunker quest, and explore the Moon Lost Sectors it requires to complete it and get a necklace. 1 day ago. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor. Does Sons of the Forest have console commands? Your first objective is to Find Toland, The Shattered. Sorrows Harbour is a good spot if youre struggling. Well, I am very curious and would like to know what the proper designations are. And that was it. Then the orange bars that have that long but thin health bar are Majors, with bosses who have that thick yellow health bar and skull next to their name being Ultras. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. The reason for this is that only minibosses you damage actually count. By continuing to use this site, you agree to the policies documented at, Our policies have recently changed. Beat as many minibosses as possible or simply wait until the timer ultimately runs out. By clicking 'Accept', you agree to the policies documented at, This site uses cookies to provide you with the best possible user experience. The route is tough to explain in text, so just go to the four-minute mark on the video above if you need more assistance. She's moved location, so jump through the portal near where she usually stands to find her. The map icon can be deceiving, but essentially what you want to do is go through Archer's Line and into the big door to the Hall of Wisdom and then the Circle of Bones. Tell us in the comments section! How to farm EAZ minibosses Farming the European Aerial Zone (EAZ) minibosses in Destiny 2 is extremely easy. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. It should come in on the same point each time. To round things off, we need to complete a quest in the Circle of Bones, which youll recognise as the place we started this Exotic quest. Once the boss phase begins against the shield brothers, kill two of the three bosses but make sure to leave the last one alive. While there's no penalty for leaving early, it leaves former teammates in a tougher spot. Ultimately, the method may not be incredibly fun, but considering the random nature of this mode, it has proven to be the fastest and most reliable method for completing this task so far. To get Ritualistic, do the Lost Sector in Sorrow's Harbor again. Defeat regular, elite / mini-boss and bosses or other Guardians Complete the Choir of Damned mission in Circle of Bones With that done, Deathbringer is all yours. You need to kill every enemy in the area to complete this step; the next mission will only drop if the place is empty. They're far more stylish than your average video game website tat. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Mystery Gift Codes. For more Shadowkeep guides, check out our pages on where to find the Horned Wreath and Captive Cord, how to get Phantasmal Fragments, Cores, and access Nightmare Hunts and how to use The Gatelords Eye Artifact. Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is now out in the wild and there's a shiny new Exotic to get your hands on. You are not allowed to view this content. Kill her, and you'll then be asked to record Discomfort, Pained Cries and Anguished Screams. Assassins Creed Odyssey Oikos (Sargon) Guide Where to Find Sargon and What is He Selling. Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is finally here, and that means skilled Guardians can finally start adding new Exotics to their collections. As far as Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Exotics go, its not too much of a grind, nor is it greatly difficult. - kill enemies in Sorrow's Harbor. I have multiple Essence quests to complete in Shadowkeep, two of which require the Fangs of Shun'Gath, which drops from a Thrall named Shun'Gath, the excised, and the Bound Manacle, which drops from a Knight named Ehrath'Ur, Eternal Blade. With that step out of the way, the path to earning the Majestic Solstice armor is that much clearer. After defeating this boss, Guardians will have to return to Eris Morn on the Moon and pick up their own Deathbringer in Destiny 2. Interact with the flag to start the mission. For this reason, its a good idea to go in with three players who are looking to complete that specific part of their armor. Get it on Google play. Once you see it, all you have to do is be somewhat responsible for its death to get the marrow. When you see this message, a Bone Collector is nearby. Make your way to the bridge, and you'll have one final fight with the Deathsinger. As long as the last Cabal boss is alive, the Psion Engineer will continually appear, ensuring that players have a quick and easy farming strategy to finish the 100 minibosses defeated objective. After that, shell ask you to complete the following tasks to satisfy the Marrows Elegy part of the Exotic quest: Collect bones from public events near the Hellmouth, the Lost Sector K1 Revelation in Sorrows Harbour, and a wandering Bone Collector on the Moon. Happy hunting. Once the time expires, and provided you dont need the EAZ chests, you can simply leave the lobby and queue again. Complete the encounter as normal, but when you get to the boss round, keep one or two of the three bosses alive. The 2019 Solstice of Heroes grind is officially on in Destiny 2 as players race to complete challenges on a special set of armor to upgrade it from the lowest rarity tier through to Majestic and Masterwork quality levels. Derek's love of games came at an early age when his parents first brought home the Nintendo Entertainment System. Were you able to finish the quest? Yeti - level 110 -Drops Yeti fur [Spawn time: 5 min] . Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. Iain Harris Our former deputy news editor now writes for GamesRadar. To help you keep track of all of these bosses, check out our Shadowkeep boss list below. The other requirement for this trick to be effective is that the boss encounter is against the three Unbowed Legion enemiesthoughsome users are reporting success with the Sister Colossi bosses as well. And that's it! Afterwards, you'll get the Of Darkest Harmony quest step. After that just visit Toland then Eris, and the Deathbringer is yours. The pointed symbols are elites. These weapon parts are dropped from majors that spawn in the World's Grave and the Gatehouse respectively. Enemy move was a higher percentage in one hit but, the time waiting for a second event makes gambit a faster way to achieve this. The confusing part is that Major Spec's description says it works on 'Powerful Enemies', not 'just' Majors. Pick up the Lunar Spelunker bounty from Eris and clear three Lost Sectors on the moon to get the Firewall Data Fragment. Once you do this, youll unlock the weekly bounties from Eris Morn that youll need to get this Exotic quest. This EAZ mini bosses cheese will cut down on excess time spent farming. Jump out at the second stop on the elevator ride to find him. For the. The fastest way to do this is to patrol Sorrow's Harbor and keep spamming your Super. By continuing to use this site, you agree to the updated policies documented at, {{client.users[message.memberFromId].displayName}}. Bungie packs each of its new expansions with oodles of exotics from weapons to armour so its often that these gems are what youaim for first. In Destiny 2: Shadowkeep players head to the familiar setting of the Moon to fight enemies, gather loot, and experience more of the game's emerging storyline. Where to find Nightmare locations in Lost Sectors in Destiny 2 From Destiny 2 Year 3 with the introduction of Shadowkeep, Nightmares will spawn in select Lost Sectors in destinations. Head underground, and just keep going down until you find it. A message that says "a Bone Collector wanders" will appear when the threat is closeby. It requires you to finish all the Moon's Lost Sectors with the. For the normal enemies, wed recommend doing Lost Sectors as it yields the quickest results. Next, you'll need to complete the normal version of The Scarlett Keep Strike to kill Sulmakta the High Conductor. Post, Download on the AppStore The Yeti is the tough level 110 boss enemy of the Frozen Village, being the highest level of the other enemies on the island (Snow Bandits, Snowmen) . The Destiny 2 Deathbringer is almost within reach. Published December 17, 2019 5:41 PM, Destiny 2: Shadowkeep How to Access Vex Invasion, Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Release Date Announced, Destiny 2: Shadowkeep Orbital Cartographer Emblem Unlock, Destiny 2: Recovering the Past Guide How to get the Perfect Paradox, Project Playtime Store Items For Sale Today, Destiny 2 Eververse Featured & Bright Dust Items. Complete Marrow's Elegy This step will require you to complete three objectives. For more information, please see our Thankfully, there is a way you can farm EAZ minibosses so you can get on to Masterworking the gear. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps of getting the Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher. I got 30% of the total needed for the deathbringer quest in a single gambit match. Get that done, turn in the Bounty and you'll get the Firewall Data Fragment. Killing or finishing a Major has a higher chance to yield Power Ammo. Move around the map together, taking out the targets once each player lands a hit. Sounds reasonable enough. The Destiny 2 Deathbringer caught a second wind after the release of its Exotic catalyst in the Season of the Splicer, making this once-overlooked Shadowkeep Exotic a mainstay of end-game DPS . Not only does this enemy have a yellow health bar, but he can be spotted due to his unique abilities of creating turrets as well as orange barriers. The further that ammunition falls, the more damage it does. It's incredibly easy for your fireteam to wipe considering all of the mechanics you'll need to pay attention . Your role as a moderator enables you immediately ban this user from messaging (bypassing the report queue) if you select a punishment. The System Core Vault is through this door. Thanks to Datto on YouTube. When it was discovered that Phoenix Dive healed you more based on your framerate, it was fixed within a month. This one is also pretty straight forward as all you need to do is kill Hive in the Circle of Bones, which is right next to the flag to start this mission. Once you've done that, head over to the K1 Revelation Lost Sector in Sorrow's Harbor and interact with the system core vault at the back of the boss room. 'Destiny 2' is available on PS4, Xbox One and PC. All rights reserved. And yes, in an interview before D2 launched (which I cannot find anymore) Bungie talked about them referring to some enemies in their game as Lieutenants in-house, but did not want the player to worry about designations like that. The main issue is invariably going to be the sheer number you must defeat. - kill the big Brutes in Sorrow's Harbor. Once you're finished, you'll unlock the final mission: Choir of the Damned. I've looked up video's of popular content creators and they all use different designations for enemy classes. You can find Derek here, at his personal website, or @GamerCrash on Twitter. A simple one to start you on your way to getting the Deathbringer in Destiny 2, but youll need to finish Shadowkeeps main campaign. For PlayStation 4 players, changing thedate from the console settings to an earlier time will trick the game into loading a zone without any other players. By having two other players whom you know in your team, you can prevent missing out on acquiring kills. Destiny 2 server status - is Destiny 2 down? 23K views 4 years ago #Destiny2 #Exotic #Malfeasance Destiny 2 - EASY Taken Bosses/Mini Bosses - City of Secrets - Malfeasance Exotic Quest Guide A quick and easy guide on how to defeat. Aim high to make the most of the Dark Descent Perk, then release as a cluster of Void ammunition tracks foes from above. Join. Once all the fanfare is over, talk to her and you'll get the Memory of Sai Mota. A one-stop shop for all things video games. After you've completed Shadowkeep's main campaign, you'll be able to start the quest to find the Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher. What are your thoughts on the Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 6 Gahlran. Interact with the terminal inside and you'll get Sai Mota's Broken Necklace, so head back to speak with Eris. Deathbringer is a new exotic weapon in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. 'Destiny 2' is available on PS4, Xbox One and PC. After that, head back to speak with Eris. According to one of the wiki's, Elites are regular orange bars that used to be called Majors in D1. As a Guardian in Destiny 2, players must master new abilities and weapons to reunite the citys forces, stand together and fight back to reclaim their home. To get started on this path, grab the Lunar Spelunker bounty from Eris. The Hive have been buried within the moon for centuries, growing stronger within its lifeless core where . The Dark Deliverance and Dark Descent perks make the Deathbringer special. The nomenclature on this is all over the place. (Destiny 2) Fallout Plays 547K subscribers 151K views 1 year ago #Destiny2 Video sponsored by Ridge Wallet: Use Code "FALLOUTPLAYS" for 10% off your order Are. Please enable JavaScript to see comments. Destiny 2 character boosts and Lightfall campaign boost explained, Here's the best deal to buy Destiny 2 Lightfall on PC, but act fast, Here's when you can preload Destiny 2 Lightfall. Keep in mind that kills on the moon accelerate progress. Originally growing up exclusively with Nintendo products, Derek's perspective grew to include other platforms ranging from Sony, to Microsoft, the PC, and more. This is a 920 Power mission, so it might be a good idea to join a stronger Fireteam if you're a lower Power level. There are three different ways that players can acquire these powerful weapon enhancers. On the way there you'll encounter the Deathsong debuff that requires a series of enemies to be killed quickly before the timer runs out. The next quest step is called Symphony of Death, and it asks players to visit the Circle of Bones. Group up with your Fireteam in the center of the EAZ and kill the Engineer as it drops down. The quest step will update, requiring Guardians to collect Festering Bone, Ritualistic Bone and the Bone Collector's Marrow. Create Fireteam However, try and do it with a full Fireteam so that some random doesnt get dropped in during the boss round or left high-and-dry. Discomfort - kill red bars with faster progress on the Moon - just do a Lost Sector. Moved location, so head back to speak with Eris grab the Lunar Spelunker bounty from Eris Morn receive. Requiring Guardians to collect necklace scarps by killing enemies with Arc abilities a Dev or member! Hear from a Dev or Staff member on this path, grab the Lunar Spelunker bounty from Eris then... Looked up video 's of popular content creators and they all use designations. Elevator ride to find Toland, the boss rush is over to obtain the Symphony of Death and. There are three different ways that players can acquire these powerful weapon enhancers that kills on the ride. 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