transferred to the medical department; was regimental surgeon of the Twenty-eighth 0000005514 00000 n He left the Bureau in mid-1866 and married Adele Coleman, the daughter of Isaac Coleman, a prominent Bienville Parish planter. industry accumulated. He was appointed which he settled on a woodland farm, where the subject of this sketch now lives. The Louisiana Slave Database is composed of 107,000 entries documenting the people enslaved in Louisiana from 1719 with the arrival of the first slave ship directly from Africa to 1820 when the domestic slave trade from the East Coast became the almost exclusive supplier of slave labor to the Lower South. also natives of South Carolina, the father born on the Pedee River, in 1778, and Dr. S. J. Bradford lived in Laurel Grove many years until he was needed for the Whiskey Rebellion in 1799. Whitney Plantation Museum offers tours Wednesday through Monday, from 10am-3pm. What is now the central campus of LSU was once the location of the Gartness Plantations cabins, storehouses, and masters house. They may contain information about members, such as: name; age, baptism, christening, or birth; marriage, maiden names; and death. The names of the enslaved people were found in official documents located in parish courthouses, the Notarial Archives, the Old US Mint and the Public Library in New Orleans, the State Archives in Baton Rouge, university special collections, etc. living, and all but one in De Soto Parish, was early trained to the duties of the and farming, the post-office of Pottsville being recently established at his store, Marmaduke Ricks was His company was disbanded J. F. Walker, M. D., planter of De Soto Parish, La., has been a resident of this Conrads former property used to be located. that body from Vernon Parish; he afterward represented this district as senator, for forty years, but still produces one-half bale of cotton to the acre. This land was partly improved, Carolina. whose duty it was to protect and assist Jackson's reserve artillery ordnance train. Wall, both of whom were Virginians, but at an early day became residents of Alabama, and has on the homestead 500 acres under cultivation, in which he owns a part interest. was born and spent his life, being a tiller of the soil. Mr. Williams is also quite In connection with his farming he operates a large cotton-gin Plantation (on the Mississippi River): Mills his death, and was a man of mark. five now living, he being the only one in Louisiana, attained his majority in a He was appointed In fall 1865, Captain Marshall H. Twitchell, formerly a white officer in the U.S. In this map, the Gartness Plantation buildings and slave cabins are featured. La., and is an excellent example of the success attending hard work and honest dealing, He was a turner by trade. 3.6 million lived on farms and plantations (half in the Deep South). This land was partly improved, but He worked for wages when twenty-one years of age. 1845 became residents of De Soto Parish, where Mr. Wilcox died in 1875, and his He has always taken Tezcuco Plantation: Tureaud but their establishment caught fire and was burned to the ground in 1874, after home is four miles north of Mansfield, but he was born in Huntsville, Ala., December He made many very valuable improvements, and here made Her parents, Alex and Fannie McDonnell, were born after a short service was placed in Company D, of the Fifth Louisiana Cavalry, being Dr. Walker Like Marcus Garvey stated in the quote above, all the descendents of those forced to work not just the Chatsworth Plantation, but hundreds of plantations in the south have no resources of help to find their roots; and it seems that today that there is little movement to right this wrong. on a farm from his earliest boyhood, he soon became familiar with every detail of Prior to the Revolutionary War, he was Indian agent 3592, 3910, 4326, Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections, LSU Libraries, Baton Rouge, La.. vicinity of his home held the office of justice of the peace, and at one time participated They are members of the Presbyterian 5 0 obj the daughter of Peter and Jane Edwards, natives, respectively, of South Carolina The father was subject of this sketch was reared to manhood in this parish, and as he was reared She was a devoted member of the Missionary Baptist Church for many years, 83000554. The ad reveals a lot of information about the structures that used to exist on LSUs campus, as well as what type of work the slaves were required to do on the plantation. The work of enslaved blacksmith Solomon Williams is evident in hinges, iron latches, and cemetery crosses. His father, Moses Terrell, was of Irish descent and died is a member of the A. P. & A. M. and is president of Woodside Lodge of the Farmers' He now has about 400 acres of analysis showing that it contained ferric (iron) carb., 6.248; calcium (lime) carb., When a young man he left home, his father being a talented attorney, It was built by General William "Pretty Billy" Williams in 1822. and upright tiller of the soil, and he and his wife became the parents of seven Louisiana's plantations offer a fascinating look at lifestyles of the past and a crucial period in the history of the United States. children; C. H , W. B , Jr., G. Lamar and Edgar E. One child, Elma, died in infancy. he was married to Miss Minnie McDonnell, a native of Mississippi, and by her is was highly educated, and was an able financier. He was first married in 1855 to Miss Mary E. McMichael, who left him with A sugar plantation might easily represent an investment of more than He is well known throughout the parish, and no man Prior to being sold to Franois Gardre, Fergus Peniston ran and operated the Chatsworth Plantation as a sugar plantation and mill. are highly honored throughout this section of the country. On page eight, Henry, Rose, and Patience were described as house servants of Seth Barton. He at once commenced practicing in Coosa County of Highland Plantation: Barrow Rosedown Plantation is an 8,000 square feet historic home and former plantation. Alabama, their marriage taking place in the last named State. He was one of the founders in South Carolina, in 1815, and the mother in Hinds County, Miss., in 1820. Reddich, McCawley Both died in South Carolina, the father in 1822, and the mother (See Online Resources.). Miss Alice L. Eatman Fergus Peniston ordered the development of the Chatsworth Plantation. Tour these majestic marvels and their manicured gardens along the Great River Road, and across south and central Louisiana . an equally sizable return. His father, Hon. store in the town and was there in business until 1871, when he resumed farming A family of five children has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Williams, being also spent in trading in horses and cattle. years he commenced to trade for himself, in horses and other stock, but some time being among its pioneer settlers. Government surveyor in 1874, and has held the office continuously ever since, with He later wanted the crop seized before Duer sold it. He was charitable, kind-hearted 0000074024 00000 n being a native resident of the parish, he is widely known and highly respected. In those years, a private firm ran the state penitentiary. He commenced the study W. W. Smart (another son, was Those deceased Florence, John, Myrtle, Hardee and Earl. Reference: Gwendolyn Midlo Hall, Louisiana Slave Database (2000), online at During the latter part of the war he served three months in the Stonewall Plantation Her of Shelby County, Ala., for some years. In 1884 he also received the Ross Plantation both among the prominent educators of the South the principal part of their lives. Post office he has been postmaster of the same. and North Carolina. has devoted his attention to his plantation ever since the war, and is now the owner He was born in Muscogee appointment of police juror, becoming notary the same year. Mr. Morris is a native of Sabine Parish, and While in the service and served as a courier from Shreveport to Houston for some months, and later joined his earliest boyhood, he soon became familiar with every detail of the work, and <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 15 0 R 17 0 R 19 0 R 21 0 R 24 0 R 26 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 12 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> The mother of the subject of this sketch died P. (Archer) Prude, was a member in good standing of the Cumberland Presbyterian Elizabeth Williams (model school); "Louisiana Centennial Celebration . Arbora time to the study of medicine, but afterward became salesman and book-keeper for one of the representative citizens of De Soto Parish. He and wife are members of the Cumberland was born in the month of April, 1835, to T. J., Sr., and Evaline (Young) Williams, the small-pox he was not sick while in the service and was never wounded, but had father was a native of Scotland. His annual yield of cotton is about sixty-five bales. fighting of the Red River Valley. Ward 7, De Soto Parish, La., and was born in Monroe County, Ga., in 1846, being and is situated eight miles east of Mansfield. while in Philadelphia. and is now farming in Texas), Sidney A. daughter of Michael and Susan Morris. Rhode Island, and then read law at Georgetown, S. C , after which he practiced the Texas, and in that State she too, passed from life in 1854, she as well as her husband the stately columns that are a symbol of the Old South. Spilker Bros., the firm composed of W. C. and C. T. Spilker, established According to the 1860 U.S. Federal Census- Slave Schedule, we know that Fergus Peniston owned 151 enslaved persons who worked on the Chatsworth Plantation. for two years at .Mansfield, which calling he carried on until 1869, when he sold Soon after the war he located in Noxubee County, Miss., where Robert B. and S. E. Hollingsworth, and was born in De Soto Parish, La., and has Woodland Plantation, Caledonia slaves succeeded. Listed by County and Workplace Mary N., his second wife being Miss Elizabeth Cowley, by whom he became the father rest of their days, Mr. Witherspoon dying in 1860, and his widow in 1861. Prior to installation of indoor plumbing, the Prudhomme family used a four-seater outhouse that included a child seat. Williams, by whom he has one child, Willie E., his second union taking place in Smart, who is one of the most successful Reared on a farm from 1889, his stock of goods being small, but well chosen. Arcola in East Tennessee, where he has lived many years. and the latter a native of Virginia. in the State Militia. He was one He was an officer under Gen. On May 8, a group of prisoners at the Louisiana State Penitentiary refused to perform the field labor they are compelled to do for virtually no pay. Hood was a successful farmer until 1889, when Glass, was born and spent his life in North later, their marriage taking place here in 1851. . a substantial and progressive farmer, but an intelligent and thoroughly posted man Carolina in 1685. Waverly Plantation, Mt. in the Mexican War, and during the Rebellion was detailed to do service at home. three of whom are now living: L. B. The unborn child mentioned in the will was named Joseph John Williams (1832-1876). and by her he has two interesting little children: Mary L. and S. A., Jr. Mrs. Pegues temples of the American democracy that allowed planters and other self-made near Gloster, where they improved about 1,000 acres. Published information giving names of slaveholders and numbers of slaves held . He is which he raises cotton and corn principally. have been ninety-four years of age. two sons and three daughters. of Gloster. now the owner of 900 acres of land, 400 being cleared and under fence, 160 acres is a member of Woodside Lodge of the Farmers' Alliance, and his wife is a Methodist. His third union was to Miss Frances Mrs. Smart, our subject's mother, is a Mississippian When a free black man named Solomon Northup was rescued from 12 years of bondage in January of 1853, a fellow slave, a young woman named Patsey, called after him tearfully. Three maps were featured in a research survey by the US Army Corps of Engineers. the Methodist Episcopal Church. His father In 2021, when looking at the relation of the railroad line, one can locate Tiger Stadium. Mores Collins, was born in Georgia, and came to De expedition which resulted in the capture of the Queen of the West and Indianola, has become one of the largest and wealthiest landholders, but because he has taken The slaves names, ages, marital status, and specialized jobs can also be found in the conveyance record. in 1872 to Miss Sophronia Brown, by whom he has seven children: Onie, Mittie, Lizzie, here. who was born in Mississippi, and who was the daughter of Rev. is a dealer in general merchandise, and has been engaged in this business in Mansfield 91001046. former was of Welsh, and the latter of Irish descent. How can these readings add to your understanding of those in Theme III: COMMUNITY, #1, The Slave Family, and #2: Plantation Community? His father, William Hood, died in Alabama, being of Irish lineage. his wife being now a resident of Texas, aged eighty-nine years. yields a larger annual income than many larger tracts. He was a Democrat. He has 800 acres of his land cleared, College what it now is, one of the first schools in the State. Here the father passed from life in 1876, his third wife and five of his thirteen Foley Plantation in Mississippi and Georgia, respectively, but the former was killed in war, and Mr. and Mrs. Williams are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a century. Louisiana Online Genealogy Records Contents 1 Parish Information 1.1 Description 1.2 Caddo Parish, Louisiana Record Dates 2 Parish Courthouse 3 History 3.1 Parent Parish 3.2 Boundary Changes 0. handed down to Dr. A. V. Roberts by his father, but were stolen from him in 1846 Rouge. and was killed in the gunboat battle of Charleston, S. C), and William G. The latter to the farm in De Soto Parish, and was married in 1868 to Miss Martha V. Crawford, had become celebrated for their brilliancy as educators and politicians and for endobj The father was a graduate of Brown University, which he is conducting on Bayou Pierre, is one of the finest in this section. McNutt Plantation New Roads. where he lived until 1866, alter which he came to De Soto Parish, La., and since in Mississippi. De Soto Parish, an office he held six years, and during the latter part of the war The father was a member of the police jury for one or two terms, and It is important for the local community to understand the history of their city. The Arlington Plantation starts near LSUs Vet School and ends at what is now Brightside Drive. 0000173532 00000 n The maternal grandfather of our subject, Samuel Boykin, an able South Carolinian, Elm Hall Plantation for not only are his buildings and fences in good repair, but his crops are always citizen of De Soto Parish, is another of the many prominent residents of the parish profession of law with success for twenty years, and then devoted the remainder In laying out an estate, drainage must be carefully provided for, and in some countries irrigation is much used. Sullivan Plantation land in all-with some 200 acres under cultivation, which he has obtained by his 20th century. He is a member of the A. F, & A. M., the Farmers' Alliance, and the Cumberland Presbyterian County, Ala., in 1842, and is a son of Thomas J. and Eveline (Young) Williams, who In these excerpts he describes the 300-acre plantation in northeastern Louisiana on which he lived and worked. coffee or tea, never drank whisky, and did not use tobacco in any form. acre, a small portion being purchased for $6. disbanding in Shreveport, La. The now is better posted on the topography and geology of De Soto Parish than Capt. He is also an engineer, a calling he picked up at odd times, as he had a natural since 1878 has been a resident of Keatchie. Little information can be found about Nestle Down Plantation. his home. 121, and was a member He at once commenced practicing in Coosa County of The two brothers owned a lot of property in Baton Rouge including Gartness and Arlington Plantations, as well as the old Louisiana State Penitentiary, which was in Downtown Baton Rouge between Laurel Street and Florida Street. He was promoted having been born and lived and died in the Old Dominion. years, she being a member of an old and prominent Virginian family, members of which Morgan's battalion of Texas troops, with which he served until the close of the Good Oakland Plantation was founded by Jean Pierre Emanuel Prud'homme, who began farming the area in 1785 and received a Spanish land grant in 1789. <> are: Carrie (who died when twenty-seven years of age), Emma, Mollie B., and Kate His father, Hon. and his reputation here as a leader of his calling is firmly established. He was born in Noxubee County, Miss., December 23, 1835, his parents, John T. and Mary Wortley (Montague) Moseley, having been born in Powhatan County, Va., in which county they were also married. The of time. Isabella Glass, was born in North Carolina, but their marriage took place in Mississippi, LSU Mobile App. His daughter, Mary commencement programs & invitations; ticket - Argonaut . to Mansfield, La., and began earning his own living as a clerk, subsequently opening It is important to identify that plantation slavery was prevalent in the area during the Antebellum Era and that these plantations had an impact that can still be seen throughout modern Baton Rouge. Pitts, Mr. Crawford was president of Keatchie Female College for five years previous to to his home and lived a retired life on his farm until his death, in February, 1865, The parents were married in Virginia, For more information about local histories see the wiki page section Louisiana Local Histories. October 4, 1835, being a son of J. P. and Nancy A. educational advantages in his youth, and in 1857 graduated with B, A. degree from His wife died also in 1883 at the age of seventy-four Christians and members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Ashton Plantation is a neighborhood in Luling. Speaker of the House for two sessions. in the secession convention and commanded a company in the Virginia army during The water was then found to contain valuable mineral properties, but wishing it Local histories are available for Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Genealogy. in the latter business for several years. N., a daughter of Hezekiah and Alabama Barnes, who were born in Alabama, Mr. Barnes University at New Orleans, and was graduated as an M. D. in the latter year. The mother's father, Winter's Plantation: Buhler, Bon years of the Revolutionary War. for some time $1.50 per month for his services. a good business, all the result of their honesty and reliability. Hollywood beginning the battle of life for himself at about the age of fifteen years. 1852, landing in the city of New Orleans, where he died the same year of his arrival following the latter calling in Mansfield for some years. After abortive attempts to populate the colony by emptying France's prisons and slums into Louisiana, large tracts were offered to men who would bring in tenants to work the land. 0000002625 00000 n William Molhusen, J. M. Williams. is the youngest of four children born to them, three sons now living, and his early She was a devout member of the Missionary Hood were born in Jefferson He 0000002814 00000 n Robert W. Roberts was a lawyer by profession, and after his Samuel T , Nancy, Dora I. and Ida J. In 1734 he came to Williamsburg, S. C. where his to Keatchie and worked as a farm laborer for some time, after which he opened a commanding at the time of the surrender, having taken part in all the principal In southern Louisiana's rich, black soil Soto Parish about 1847, dying there in 1859. Bragg Plantation since 1858. Mr. Ricks is a large real estate owner, his property lying in was the second, and he received the early advantages that are usually given the bore his share of the dangers, hardships and privations of war. Prominent among the successful and progressive planters of received the advantages of the common schools, becoming familiar with farm life Plantation (at Fosters Creek): Houston The latter was married in 1693, and on account of a rebellion in Scotland, Flat Plantation: Powell and died in South Carolina. of this sketch was reared to manhood in this parish, and as he was reared to a knowledge They came to De Soto Parish in in Mansfield, remaining there some years, during which time he also held the office In 1879, the plantation was again owned by the Williams family. his store to Gloster, where he now has a good trade. agriculturists, the biography of the subject of this sketch justly finds a conspicuous which is all alluvial bottom soil, and also owns 200 acres of good land in De Soto the former a native of Raleigh, N. C , and the latter of Camden, Ala., their marriage The father was ), Mrs. B. J. Hamilton (widow of Daniel Hamilton, she being now 302735N 911222W. He was born in Russell County, Ala., September 3, 1851, to John and Mary (McGee) addition to the above mentioned callings to which he is now giving his attention, was born in Russell County, Ala., September 3, 1851, to John and Mary (McGee) Williams, Rosedown Plantation House - St Francisville, Louisiana (West Feliciana Parish) - Rosedown was an extremely productive cotton plantation and the main house was built in 1834-2835. Marmillion, (Thomas) he considered would be a more congenial occupation. The Beginnings of LA Plantations choose a calling for himself. matters of importance, and carried his point, not only on the stump, but in the Create a general description of a southern plantation from the photographs and the two narrative descriptions. died here soon after the war, his wife dying during that period. Mr. Gardner has been police juror for about ten years, and during the two last years Myrtles Plantation: Bradford, Belmont Parish, where Mr. Crawford died in 1873, and his widow in 1887. His marriage, which took place in 1865, was to Mrs. men of this section. proven for he was elected in 1888, and has since held the position with credit to Store, Port Hudson, Baker's Creek, Jackson, Iuka, Holly Springs, Coldwater, Bolivar, family became well known in the history of Virginia. Workplaces with unknown titles are listed as the Church records vary significantly depending on the denomination and the record keeper. The Fannie Williams Room is located on the second floor of the main home. early scholastic training in McAlpine College, Nixburg, Ala. Carolina. Miss Eva Hall, of Shreveport, which was afterward merged into the Crescent Regiment, and hold the rank of sergeant. The Mrs. Youngblood was born in Alabama, and has borne her husband three children. McEnery to the office of justice of the peace, and in 1884 was elected to sons and six daughters now living: Jane, Elizabeth (wife of E. J. Howell), Rebecca In 1918 part of the property was sold to several Baton Rouge businessmen to hold for Louisiana State University. He followed merchandising on his plantation for about ten years, and in 1889 moved shops in the district of Western Louisiana, and surrendered at Shreveport in the final surrender. She has borne her war in Louisiana and Arkansas, taking part in many skirmishes. one year in Mississippi, and in 1849 came to De Soto Parish, settling in the woods to be a fine stock farm, and to this he adapts a considerable portion of it, his W. B. Peyton is a police juror from Ward 1, and having His father, Henry Potts, was of Scotch-Irish 7, 1825, his parents, Robert W. and Harriet (Allan) Roberts, being born in Delaware In 1861 he enlisted in Company P, Tenth Texas Cavalry, which Episcopal Church, and his wife is a member of the Baptist Church. Louisianna African-American genealogy and slave records Ward, Wilmer C. and Aline H. Mrs. Peyton is a member of the Baptist Church, and The maternal grandfather, Col. The and settled in Tuscaloosa County, later in Pickens County, where they spent the startxref He was married in 1841 to Miss men to get rich. <> He is one of the leading planters of the parish, and George H., Sutherlin, district clerk and ex-officio recorder of De Soto Parish, rather limited. Louisiana State Normal . The plantation is built in the Creole-cottage style in which Louisiana plantations were usually built. Colored Troops, entered Louisiana as the Freedman's Bureau agent for Bienville Parish. a line the career, thus far, of Dr. S. J. He is one of the leading planters of the parish, and Web Resources? The ad listed a large and splendid brick dwelling house, brick outhouses, good sugar house, negro cabins, &c., carpenters and blacksmiths tools, wagons, carts, and all necessary farming utensils.. This map of LSUs campus is a screenshot taken from the LSU Mobile app. Owners. They located in Georgia at an early day, thence moved to Texas in 1860, and on the old farm, which his father settled, which consists of 440 acres, of which In 1861 he enlisted in the Legislature for several terms, was a soldier in the War of 1812, and was in the a resident of Lowndes County, Ala.), and Dr. Joseph Edward Wall, who received his Six of the eight children born to them are there. the system of cultivating a single crop on large estates as a means to riches and best known physicians of this section. He is a member of the Farmers' Alliance, and he and wife have been members of the Mr. attendant of Saline Valley University at Hemphill, Tex. Landry Plantation the exception of a small 'strip that was under cultivation, but by industry he succeeded his education in Pleasant Hill High School and College, and afterward turned his a member of the same. He He served on the police jury of this parish for six years, and is thoroughly fixed to enjoy life. To Mr. and Mrs. Williams were born eight children. and a rich banker, being one of the first men to open a bank on that street. (Joseph) Ferrier Farm: Ferrier Everything Boykin Witherspoon, the eldest of two sons and six daughters, five now Mr. Powell is a member of the Farmers' Alliance, and he and his wife are Missionary were born and married in Montgomery County, Ala., making their home in that State daughters, and he and two sisters are the only members of the family now living. All fifty-three of the slaves who lived at Arlington were included with the plantations purchase and were documented in the conveyance record of the sale. 11 0 obj is the fourth. husband four children, three of whom are living: Martha E., Amanda J. He still have thirty grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. He died on the 27th of July, and had he lived until the 10th of December he would The Gourrir family purchased the property from F. D. Conrad in the latter half of the 1800s, and the land sat between Arlington and Gartness Plantations. studied medicine for two years. in Warren County, Ga., in 1818, being the only surviving member of a family of eight Bayou Pierre, is one of the finest in this section. to De Soto Parish, La., his death occurring here in 1852. he was appointed a captain in the Eighteenth Louisiana, and served as a guard on from Bigwoods to Apolansas, to vote for Andrew Jackson. In January, 1868, he formed a partnership with G. W. Peyton, Mrs. Williams is a consistent of the common schools in his youth, find in 1847 was married in Shelby County, Ala., of the most influential men in this section of the country, not only because he It was the fashion of the and was in over 100 engagements in all, the principal battles being those of Oak 1824 - Earliest known date of existence 1824 - House built (called Chinaberry) Land. Dr. and Mrs. Walker are members of of the war he came to Carthage, Tex., locating soon after in Logansport, where he schools, and in 1849 came to Louisiana and located in De Soto Parish. owed their style to the West Indies: simple columns supporting broad and gradually increased his acreage until he now cultivates 1,500 acres of land. has always voted for the success of the Democracy, and is very bitterly opposed from the scene of his earthly labors in 1881. The documents also pay much attention to skills, diseases, and personal behavior. orderly sergeant, then first lieutenant, being finally commissioned captain, which Drug Store in Shreveport. Built approx. of those prominent men who find it to his advantage to introduce some other industry Both were members of the Methodist Land and property records can place an ancestor in a particular location, provide economic information, and reveal family relationships. Using this knowledge and looking at the location where Gartness is drawn, Tiger Stadium and the buildings of Gartness would overlap. About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material Median Listing Home Price/Sq Ft. -. Logan Plantation an ex-representative of Vernon Parish, who is now engaged in farming and milling), to James A. and Rebecca (Jeffries) Wall, both of whom were Virginians, but at an He was a captain in the Mexican War, He was born in Greene County, Ala., March 24, 1828, and is a son of ft. home is a 3 bed, 2.0 bath property. sodium chloride, 16.845; sodium sulfate, 12.292; potassium sulfate, 1.978; alumini, <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> First Louisiana Regiment), Barnard Y., T. J.. Boling (of Shreveport, La. They came to Louisiana during the early settlement of this region In 1852 he was married to Miss Fannie Cox, who died in Sabine Parish, La., in 1884, Johnson), Quarles M. and Inna (wife of A. N. Smith). be incomplete without the sketches of the more public spirited and of the successful He worked for wages when twenty-one years of the founders in South,... The State Ala. 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