, I have been told that the people of indoneisa are not dog friendly. I cant speak for other Americans but myself, my family and people I know personally are very kind to all people. Cairns also was so welcoming from our taxi driver to our hotel staff everyone was wonderful. . True ! They are very RUDE & do not respect others. My first six hours (out of 24 hours) in Budapest, Hungary, in March, 2008, were my worst travel experience in my lifetime of 67 years. No idea at all why some women in Sydney are so rude. Especially if you come from the third world country. They love to express their opinions on what you do wrong and what is wrong with you and tell you their better way regardless of whether you asked. I could tell tons and other types of examples but my points are: I must disagree with you about the Brits. The net one is Etienne Dumont in this list of ugliest people in the world who works as an art critic in Switzerland. But some sort of low culture and primitive loudly people you can find very rude. On the other hand, picture a country whose residents must endure political strife (possibly even violence), rampant inflation, high unemployment, poor health care, substandard education, and uncertain security, with few social programs, let alone support for the arts. This clearly depends on individual experience. PhilipPinos are the rudest people I have ever met. Meals were delicious; prices were very reasonable and service was great. However, it is possible in extreme cases for a country to score so well that its misery index is a negative numberfor example, in 2020, oil reserves were discovered in Guyana, resulting in a 25% boost in GDP per capita and a -3.3 misery index. It is terrible here. Respect yourself so others will respect you back! Many shops and businesses refuse to admit or serve non Koreans and taxis and buses wont stop for you if you arent Korean. Not only are the Austrailians friendly and helpful but they are so earth friendly as well. The city has the ranking of the most dangerous city in The Netherlands. I dont agree with you. Ive never been to Paris, but in Alsace the people I met were very nice. Hahahaha! Most Americans and Europeans from our company who deal with our Indian counterparts in the U.S. and in India find the same trends I do. NYers can be frustratingly rude to other New Yorkers and kind to those visiting. Philippines are bad but they are not all good either. I was driving along the Rhine, taking a detour on my way to Frankfurt, and I stopped frequently along the way. kooky, besides, everyone knows Japan is the most polite nation, I am french but im not rude i found lots of friendliest friends to me vut i thonk france are not rude might paris are rude because i just to live in france but i didnt live at paris, How goofy! The most friendly and polite people i have ever met is pakistanis. IRIE means good feelings in Jamaican and that is what you will have if you go there. They are generally hated in those countries. Just like if you continuously hit your head against the wall, at some point (probably after concussion) you realize that walls are hard. is that they size you up before giving you the time of day. Weve traveled to many other countries including Chile, Agentina, England, Scotland, and all over the Caribbean and have found that if one is friendly towards the locals, they treat you likewise. (There were, of course, exceptions, and we found exactly 3 Sicilians who were friendly, helpful and dignified.) In my travels I have found that people reflect your attitude. Nothing is any problem to them. Different cultures have different standards of beauty. In Tiverton, England we were arriving at our B&B where some people were outside enjoying themselves having a beer and they even helped us with our baggage and asked us to join their party and they didnt even work there! I agree a lot of people in the US are the New Yorkers. It's one of the world's most polluted and there isn't much to look at. I was in China for 2 months last summer and whenever your trying to get in a shuttle bus the driver started screaming at us and he had no patience whatsoever. I am Canadian and have traveled many times on long-distance travel around North America (big cities and rural areas) and the Americans are far more apt to strike up a conversation than Canadians. Interacted with many from those countries, and in addition, have interacted and or had friendships with people who were British Colombian, Hawaiian, Jamaican, Dominican Republican, Antiguan, St. Lucian, St. Martian, Trinidadian, Guyanese, Argentinian, Peruvian, Honduran, Mexican, Lebanese, Kuwaiti, Indian, Nigerian, Kenyan, Namibian, Philippine, Chinese, and Japanese. Billboards and name brands scream at travelers from every directionMcDonalds, Pepsi and all the rest. That makes no sense. I am Polish since 2004 had been living and non stop working in Dublin. Other than those country, Vietnam, Thai and Aussie were so so. The last time we went, we rented villas through Parker Villas. The rudest people in the shole world are in Florida. And USA are also not that welcoming. Oh they speak English, just refuse to citing English language invasion into French. It was 60 degrees outside. Some white Scottish people think they are a racial minority and they are not, they have a very weird inferiority complex and compare themselves always to England, theyre obsessed. At the time, there were a lot of artiles in the U.S. press about how unfriendly the French were. If the people behind Louis Vuitton want to get a closer look at this house, they'd have to go to Mexico. The post you are responding to was obviously written in jest. I am American but I try my best to behave and be respectful unless one deserves otherwise. The amount of times I have been threatened with violence and sometimes even assulted just minding my own business. The 2022 Best Countries to Travel Alone rankings are drawn from a global survey of more than 17,000 people and highlight countries based on respondents' perceptions of them in relation to seven . It's a global representation of a country, luring travelers to see and learn about how other cultures and nations operate. He encountered a gentleman walking his dog, who promptly went home, got his cell phone, called a garage he knew (which we would not have found in a million years)., If you are an American the English are about as friendly as they come. For some reason, users have labeled women from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia as ugly. But in our daily life Im a victim of my fellows rudeness almost every day. If an American even attempts to speak the local language, I believe they realize what a huge effort it is for us monoglots, and almost all people respond happily.even if they dont speak English, they will make a greater attempt to communicate with gestures,etcand suddenly everyone becomes friendly. That is why so many of the all-inclusive resorts are based there. I look forward to finally visiting Germany. Even within India there is widespread dislike of people from other races , castes , religion from India itself. Rude, racist ill mannered unwelcoming. I understand, though, that once the Germans get to know you they are very kind. For example, the average person in Niger attends only 2.1 years of school, and the country's Gross National Income (GNI) per capita is $1201 PPP. We found the people to be very friendly and polite. People will think that average looking faces are more beautiful than the faces that look distinctive. Their reply was that the French treat everyone like that. By far the most arrogant, agressive, abusive, rude and soul-less people in the world. I fell in love with this beautiful country. Then get out! is the implicit motto in a Czech restaurant. Reading all these comments reminds that you can come across good and bad in every country. Sheep population: 9,000 (compare to 30 million in New Zealand). They will TELL you, not ask you to do something such as turn your cell phone to silent! or call the other government office number! or go to our website! etc.. .I have heard that the Vietnamese are not too much different when it comes to coarse, crude, blunt, & impolite but all I know is that they (Vietnamese) are REALLY noisy, love money & wear questionable attire as in if you saw them on the street youd think they were looking for a night partner(we have many friends that have Vietnamese wives). People are friendlier outside of Paris but even there one can generalise too much. That means you are been called beautiful. As one of the world's most famous cities there is no excuse for lack of beautification year after year. I am very well travelled and have lived in many countries but Spain (Andulucia) by a long mile wins the most rude award in my experience. 1. rajulkabir 13 yr. ago. Then he said rudely back THEN WAIT! I find them to be really friendly and warm. Quite the contrary, they way they treat you has improved significantly over the past two years. working with them resulted in a few being remotely sociable, others being standoffish at best, and finally, those who were downright unfriendly. Home > Top 10 > Ugliest Cities in the World. Of course, it works in the friendliest countries and the rudest amongst many others, Did you agree or disagree? Maybe they are rude to each other. I will say that Finland tops my list as friendliest. Secure employment is an ongoing problem in the city without a pandemic. was that little bag? Their mannerisms? So, dont say that Philippines dont like Indian, because we are a free country. This may also be because there is relatively less wealth than in the North. Well duh you went to shithole mayo filled Windsor Of course theyre rude cuz their miserable.. shouldve came to Toronto, Ive travelled to Argentina and found out that they are very friendly, it was a very pleasant trip. However, on several occasions, I have also met German people and I would have to say that I have received the WORST treatment by these people. The bottom end of Numbeo's index appears quite different from that of other indexes, as Numbeo analyzes a smaller range of countries and excludes much of Africa. Ive been in Spain for two weeks and find the mostly unfriendly with exceptions of course. Filipinos are not racist or whatnot, theres a lot of Indians who are living here, well actually not just Indians, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Americans, Singaporean, Canadian, name it. Especially in a double standard and no-soul city like dubai. In England we absolutely HATE American and we give you incorrect directions when you ask us for help, Lol thats what I was thinking. I enjoy Italy because of its beauty but I have mixed feelings about the people Ive encountered. I know that you cat say an entire country is rude or nice, but many Canadians I have met were very rude to me and would brag. I have spent a lot of time in Hyperabad and Bangalore. But we had a bill for 2 thousand dollars to a hotel weve never been to. But I suspect that is true of most large cities. We also witnessed a young woman trying to pull a huge rolling suitcase up the steps in the Metro and a young man, unasked, grabbed another handle and lifted it up the steps for her. No need to shout. Of course if you only speak about French and Italians it has as much meaning as asking : are neighbors friendly it is quite incredible how Americans are internationally unaware and politically unawakened. The horn is only used in aggression after the event. But before you read the results, I think everything is best summed up by these 2 answers I received: People all over the world will be rude to you if you do not respect them, their culture or their language., Weve found everywhere in the world that If youre friendly to people, theyll generally be friendly to you.. :-) Im from the United States and believe It really depends on the way you treat people and your attitude, or state of mind upon visiting a particular country. Egypt is #1 rudest by a billion miles. and Im a Brazilian , Well I travel a lot a visit so many countries and let me tell you :French people,people from Tennessee and Florida and Greece are the rudest people! Mexicans also.They are friendly amoungst themselves only. how can we judge a person or a nation by one millionth percent of their population on any given day. People that apply for membership of the site are voted by existing users as beautiful or not. Seems like there are 2 sides to everything! Must have been a really bad luck. A man came to me, and said, Do you want to have dinner at my house? I politely accepted. Greece: I am not ignorant I am only stating a fact. Beautiful is fine, I guess. Can anyone tell me how is French people.?? Their secondary objective is apparently to deface their naturally beautiful land in whatever way is most convenient. And most of us were quite embarrassed and surprised by our admission, when we talked about it. All they want is Money, like they have no soul. Maybe because Im a tanned looking asian. Not just aesthetically but also in quality of life, which explains why it lost a quarter of its population in a decade. While I agree there are good and bad people in every country, Austria takes the cake for rudest in my opinion. From Goa in India. Nobody has mentioned Moroccans? However and to their credit they value humans better than most of us do and respect peoples rights more than the rest of us. Damn, they talk sweet bout themselves but what happens outside is tons of poverty. This report is so untrue. White countries aare going crazy dealing with immigration and they are mostly intolerant or rather insular people who cant differentiate between a brown refugee and a brown millionairethey lump everyone into one category and those categories are getting worse now with all the problems happening. How goofy! On the other side, in Eastern cultures like China, slim women with big eyes and pale skin are standard of beauty. The friendliest country and peoples are in Costa Rica., Brazil, Holland and Israel. I think one of the most important things to do when traveling is to learn a little of the language before you go. we Caucasians are considered dangerous inferiors, the clannishness of these folks is unreal. For example, in Western cultures including the United States, a woman who has a bronze skin and curved body with large breasts is considered more beautiful and attractive. Unfortunately the weather is very dull and some people get lack of Vitamin D. Scotland also has a population of just over 5million so there is less traffic! Here, Andorrans walk about briskly, attractive and slim as Italians, people who dress sharply, carry glitzy shopping bags and always, it seems, have somewhere to go. Scientists argue that the reason why we look at symmetrical faces as more beautiful is that they are a sign of health and good genes. Numerous ancient philosophers gave their takes on beauty, arguing that beauty exists in form and is embodied in the spirit. People from Texas and Portuguese people they are so helpful and polite. usa is the rudest country in term of driving on freways. French people are famous for their arrogance, they make rudeness into an art form. then I lost my temper and shouted back.???????????? 11. Alastair Bland Mexico City: This is the most dangerous city in the world, no wonder why it is part of the globe's ugliest cities.What makes this city not safe for everyone, both to locals and visitors, are the criminals that found a paradise in this district. Today, we present to you the. Our first villa was outside Verona. and I cant tell you how many people on the tube helped her cart that thing up staircases. The number 12 on our list of countries with the ugliest women in the world,Turkey, shows that the weather doesnt have anything to do with the beauty. I said, Im cold! BUT.an American once said to me .hay you there suck a fart out of my ass man .I was truly mortified .but am undecided as to witch category to put usa under .was the best offer I had that day . I accepted. Netflix cuts prices in more than 30 countries. Alastair Bland is a journalist based in San Francisco who writes about the environment, agriculture, science and food. Also discovered that the older the men were, the more they would flirt harmless but very fun. French 1England-Wales-Norway-. In Montepulciano, two apparently unoccupied carabinieri escorted us for five miles to a farmhouse we simply could not find and we had a terrific time with them in fractured Italian and hand signs. And just because they are nasty you shouldnt be otherwise you are travelling through life as an actor working for ego strokes, so be who you are and let nothing change or spoil you. Based on working with them for 6 years now, I have to say all of the above is true. People in Paris are the rudest is have met. I would go back in a minute, or just as soon as the dollar regains strength. Puerto Rico is a very friendly place and if you buy a hot dog on the street and dont speak Spanish, you will always get the correct change. With regard to Egypt being on the rude list, we found everyone there (in our nearly two weeks in a variety of areas a year ago) very friendly and helpful. Im not saying India is perfect but its getting better, and its a much more welcoming country than most western countries are now. We are going to the great white North with our list of Countries with the ugliest women in the world. Why? We just got back from a month in Australia and New Zealand traveling on our own and i must say those Aussies and Kiwis are by far the nicest and friendliest we have met anywhere in the world., Italians are always enjoying life as much as possible and care about everyone around them (except when they are driving!).. To me France is the rudest- I love Holland and Germany- also I was in Greece during December 2007 and I found the people to be very nice and helpful- I was doing disaster relief work back in the mountains and the people were very nice and friendly- I also stayed in Athens and again the people were nice-I plan on going back to Greece for an extended vacation. Louis Vuitton Logo House. I believe the secret to the wonderful way people have treated us has been the fact that we always try to speak a few words in the native language. We were refused service unless we each ordered a pizza. Here were the top five ugliest animals in the world, according to the British Science Society: 1st place: Blobfish. I have known more than a few people who brag so much u wonder when life started for this person. For those of you who like looking at pretty faces, check out our list of Countries With The Most Beautiful Women In The World. By the way, Ive also worked in law enforcement and have no illusions about sensible areas to visit. The people are rude, almost behond comprehension. Love England. I found Besancon in the east of the country to be one of the least friendly places in the country. In terms of drivers the least friendly and most aggressive are in my native state of California. The question is, what is the best way to quickly encapsulate which is which? Along the roads shoulder are chain-link fences and concrete barriers. Mauritius is one of the most amazing and most beautiful island in the world. My childhood experience in North America, Adolescent period in Asia and adulthood in Europe gives me many knowledge about the worlds vast culture. Ive never been treated in a mean way by a Brit, ever. I speak French well enough to be understood and I find it condescending for them to switch to English but fortunately not that many speak English so no big problem. Philippines are dont like Indians because I think because of our color. Omotenashi is the Answer as to why Japan Win the Gold Medal in Politeness hope you enjoy. As long as you keep your relationship respectable with them they will be respectful toward you. What is beauty and what makes someone beautiful? Hotels are over price for non tourist place. All Products, Our Story Try driving in a major australian city. Especially the Uighur people. Also a word of warning to young women-there is no end to male chauvanism in Italy. They also seem to have no concept of queueing- proven by the fact theyll casually and unashamedly push in front of you in any given queue. Photo by Alastair Bland. But you run into these things many places. I think that the most friendliest people are Irish ! In recent years, this worldwide open marketplace has given rise to another growing trend: medical tourism. I find Filipinos especially outside of metro areas as the most friendly. So why am I living in Prague then, you may wonder. I also spend some time in China and the people are nice except when in line to buy something or see something-they will step in front of you and give you dirty looks if you say anything-. so stupid to be published. How can this country be considered even Nordic? I think they are just inhuman to non-koreans. I completely agree! We could see the waiter, who was so respectful to us, cringe. International SIM Card kooky. This is what were talking about, not for any special case. And the fact that France tops both the friendliest and rudest lists, shows its all down to personal experience. Buying a $25 guidebook and reading it thoroughly helps you understand some of the cultural differences and avoid misunderstandings and unintentional rudeness. XD u must be kidding me theyre the ruddest people on this galaxy if someone was nice to an american doesnt mean hes nice to others its all about money. They're concrete jungles, or victims of urban sprawl or of lack of urban planning. This troubled land would be an undeveloped country, possibly even one of the [least developed countries]((/country-rankings/least-developed-countries), and a much worse place to live. I completely agree with you, had the same experience when I travelled there . Topping the list of best places to raise a family were countries like Iceland,. They literally do not have in their culture to use please and thank you often. No mention of the people of Iran in this list! Im so glad I didnt listen to my friends and family who tried to convince me not to go there and actually Ill probably go back . Dont get me wrong Turkey is gorgeous! A friend is someone more personal whom you can rely on and wont stab you behind your back. Upon returning to France he gets on his computer and logs onto mobal.com and writes The Americans can be ever so unfriendly, the main problem with them is their lack of French, when will these blighters wake up and learn to speak OUR language more fluently? As an Indian, I support what you say. A swordfish statue in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia ALAMY Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Anyone who has seen footage of palm-oil plantations scarring. Its rude but its fine everyone makes mistakes and i know u Guys are just trying to share your experiences but however, u cant say that the French or whatever nationality is rude there are rude and friendly people everywhere no matter where u go. Makes you feel like a celebrity. Very seldom did we encounter rudenes. It never worked to offer ot pay my own or theirs. In order to create our list of countries with the ugliest women in the world, we decided to turn to the Beautiful People, a dating site that only accepts people that are beautiful. She was really rude to him shouting and being horrible just because she was not interested in what he was selling. We went to his house. For those of you who dont care to ever visit Andorra, who could blame youbut here are a few facts and figures on this funny little landlocked nation: Size: 180 square miles (about four times the size of San Francisco). I was pushed by women in Sydney quite a few times with no apology whatsover. Ive wandered the streets alone at 2:00 in the morning and its such a clean and safe place. It's undergoing a spectacular boom as the capital of Africa's recent economic success story, but let's hope the new development creates something more attractive than what we see now: ugly apartment buildings dotting the skyline of what incredibly is the world's most expensive city. We have realized that the majority of people everywhere are good, honest and well meaning human beings who will be helpful, generous and hospitable when one is polite or shows respect for them and their culture, and when theres a genuine need. Czechs I found to be generally on the friendly side a lot of them were jokesters, while others werent particularly gregarious but werent rude either. There we found very rude hotel staff. We just got back from our second trip to England and Scotland and last year we also went to Paris. More recently, John Hopkins economist Steve Hanke expanded the concept to include 156 countries and established an annual ranking of the world's best and worst countries to live in from an economic perspective. Japanese are simply the most polite people on earth, there is no doubt that. The Irish are the best and the Maltese and Greeks (Chinese and Thai are nice generally too). Peace out. 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