or, Slaves Without Masters, 1857 Answer B: Growing fear of political radicalism among southern and eastern European immigrants Answer B: rights to mineral wealth and resources in the new territories And like the other Middle Colonies, Delaware began as a Dutch territory, then went to the Swedes, back to the Danes, and then was eventually handed over to the British. . Which of the following represents a policy that the authors of the excerpt would most likely support? "[E]very principle from which America has acted in the course of their unhappy difficulties with Great Britain pleads stronger than a thousand arguments in favor of your petitioners. Analyze the origins and development of slavery in Britains North American colonies in the period 1607 to 1776.. Slavery was so central to South Carolinas economy that in 1720, 65 percent of the population was enslaved. D. The devastating impact of the spread of deadly diseases. . The belief that it was the Manifest Destiny of the United States to control territory across the continent, "[I am] commanded to explain to the Japanese that. The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson These two things would come to define the 13 colonies. b. the emergence of new ideas about the proper roles of husbands and wives. . . Answer C: Popular sovereignty After gaining the territory from the Dutch, the King of England gave the land to his brother, the Duke of York (thus, the name). . D: The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment, (cartoon) Which of the following historical situations can best be used to explain how the excerpt would have been interpreted at the time? a. slave rebellions in Haiti, South Carolina, and Virginia had made many leaders in the South fear that enslaved African Americans could harm them. These crops were labor intensive, however. This colony was created in the Jamestown area with profit in mind. . When the British received the Dutch territories in 1664, the king of England used the land to pay off a debt. However, a set of Excerpted from Fall . D: Manifest Destiny, (map) . . The policies advocated by Marshall had most in common with which of the following developments in other periods in United States history? (4) The teacher was not there. The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following goals for England's North American colonies? Ultimately, what you want to remember about New York for your AP US exam is that it was truly a middle colony. Answer B: The period from after the War of 1812 through the 1820s It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before usthat from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotionthat we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vainthat this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedomand that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Unlike the other New England colonies, Rhode Island only had an elected president as a government representative. 3. that the plaintiff in error is not a citizen . But even this paled in comparison with the immigration of the late 1840s. During the decade 1846 to 1855, more than three million immigrants entered the United Statesequivalent to 15 percent of the 1845 population. . The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? . "On the whole I say, stay where you are; do as well as you can; and devote every spare hour to making yourself familiar with the conditions and dexterity required for the efficient conservation of out-door industry in a new country. They might be farmers large or small, but most farmed or lived by serving the needs of farmers. The majority entered sharecropping arrangements with former masters or other nearby planters. As successes in farming and family life led to growth in the Massachusetts colony, colonists moved north to the New Hampshire area, but also went south towards the Connecticut River. the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States spring the first half of the nineteenth century? d. the slave system gave poor White citizens the feeling of social superiority over free and enslaved African Americans in a culture where African Americans help little power. The success of the Haitian revolution was most directly attributed to which of the following? E: industrialists took care of their workers' welfare, D Germany's violations of U.S. neutral rights, When the Zimmermann message was made public, most people in the United States, expressed nationalist anger against Germany. C: Disagreements over whether to allow slavery in new territories Stick with this ultimate AP US History guide to the 13 colonies and well get you that much closer to earning a 5 on your exam! Answer A: States' rights . which of the following groups would most likely have supported this proposed amendment? . which of the following best describes the historical situation in which the amendment was proposed? By issuing the Declaration of Independence, the thirteen American colonies severed their ties to Great Britain and declared themselves an independent nation. - Le sirve un caf a mis esposa, por favor. The advice in the excerpt most directly reflects the influence of which of the following prevailing American ideas? A The continued growth of the influence of liberal political ideas B The religious diversity of the Republican Party's supporters C The increasing public belief in the federal government's positive influence on society D The expanding political participation of Christian groups Question refers to the excerpt below. Which of the following late-nineteenth-century federal actions most directly supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt? OK, so we have shown you in this APUSH review the ways that the three regions that made of the 13 colonies were geographically, culturally, and economically different from one another. He has no liberty, and not a single right." Progressives did little to end the segregation of African Americans. In a two-column chart, list the policies of Richard Nixon that promoted change and those that slowed it down. (A) Debates about federalism and states' rights (B) Debates about access to voting rights . . A: The passage of antitrust legislation Newspaper headlines such as those above most directly contributed to which of the following? Proclamation addressed "To the Yeomanry of New England," Boston, 1854 Answer D: slaves lived better than northern factory workers These are the things that explain the origins of the American Revolutionwhich is pretty much the entire reason for the existence of the United States, and therefore, something you really should get to know for your APUSH exam. It helped me so much, I had so many Questions and all of this helped me answer them. A What is most important about Pennsylvania is that this combination of rich land and religious tolerance helped it to become the most egalitarian of the 13 colonies. To improve its clarity and style, try rewriting it, varying the sentence structures. (C) The people of the Philippines were unprepared and unfit to govern themselves. Arguments similar to those expressed in the excerpt were later employed to justify which of the following? A: Ratification of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments . 1. a. the political debates over economic development. . The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson. Read the excerpt and then answer the question: Be it enacted That after the five and twentieth day of March, 1698, no goods or merchandises whatsoever shall be imported into, or exported out of, any colony or plantation to his Majesty, in Asia, Africa, or America in any ship or bottom, but what is or shall be of the built of England, Ireland, or the said colonies or plantations and navigated with the masters and three fourths of the mariners of the said places only under pain of forfeiture of ships and goods. English Parliament, Navigation Act, 1696. Also unlike those to the south, the colonists who settled here were willing to listen to the native peoples, who ended up helping to teach them the best ways to hunt, fish, and farm the area. Involvement in the Spanish-American War, The trend shown in the map led most directly to which of the following? D: The period from after the Second World War through the 1950s, The period from after the First World War through the 1920s: C, "For a few years in the 1850s, ethnic conflict among whites rivaled sectional conflict as a major political issue. which of the following claims best aligns with the evidence in the excerpt about the relationship between enslaved African Americans and White Southern citizens? D:The start of the women's rights movement, Answer A: The rise in immigration to the United States, "The American Republicans of the city and county of Philadelphia, who are determined to support the NATIVE [White, Protestant] AMERICANS in their Constitutional Rights of peaceably assembling to express their opinions on any question of Public Policy, and to SUSTAIN THEM AGAINST THE ASSAULTS OF ALIENS AND FOREIGNERS are requested to assemble on MONDAY AFTERNOON, May 6th, 1844 at 4 o'clock, at the corner of Master and Second street, Kensington [a section of Philadelphia], to express their indignation [anger] at the outrage on Friday evening last, which was perpetrated by the Irish Catholics." . Such easy and rapid communication with such facilities for exchanging the different products of the different parts would bring all our immensely wide spread population together. . C. The competition between Spanish and English colonizers. the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States spring the first half of the nineteenth century? The situation depicted in the image best serves as evidence of the, The image most strongly supports the argument that Reconstruction, temporarily altered race relations in the South. (3) The students looked around for the teacher. represents to your honorable body, that he has devoted much time and attention to the subject of a railroad from Lake Michigan through the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, and that he finds such a route practicable, the results from which would be incalculablefar beyond the imagination of man to estimate. In the mid-nineteenth century, the process shown in the map was advocated by supporters of which of the following ideologies? Answer C: The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The paragraph below consists entirely of simple sentences. Answer C: The majority entered sharecropping arrangements with former masters or other nearby planters. C b. westward expansion c. increased manufacturing d. the booming internal slave trade Advertisement Advertisement answer choices the expanding political participation of men without property the increasing belief in women's suffrage how the income gap declined between plantation owners and former indentured servants . D: The dispute over whether Congress should reestablish a national bank, A: , , Transcendentalist Quote Identification Test. how sectional tensions waned after the Mexican-American War ended in 1848. how the abolition movement gained political support in the 1840s. The 13 colonies consisted of Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island (and the Providence Plantations). Answer A: Growing concern about the political and cultural influence of Catholic immigrants d. the use of federal government funding for internal improvements. Answer: The United States has a duty to educate and spread Christianity to the former Spanish colonies and Hawaii Answer : The United States was responsible for protecting Latin America from European interference and colonization Second, this was the age of mercantilism. Answer C: the South needed to change to survive . D: The absence of racism in antebellum New England, B Answer C: The expansion of manufacturing in the South . Answer C: Individual citizens can decide for themselves whether or not to hold slaves. Motivated by the longing for fresh and cheap land, Southerners completed their occupation of a region as large as western Europe. Which of the following was the most immediate result of the decision in the excerpt? D David W. Blight, historian, Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, 2001 B: The failure of the Compromise of 1850 to lessen sectional tensions They eventually appealed for and received an official charter in 1643. The image most directly reflects which of the following during the Spanish colonial era? It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before usthat from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotionthat we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vainthat this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedomand that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." thank you so much for uploading this. c. additional restrictions were placed on enslaved and free African Americans. Arguments similar to those expressed in the excerpt were later employed to justify which of the following? The benefits brought about by the Columbian Exchange. This is the tragedy lingering on the margins and infesting the heart of American history from Appomattox to World War I." . (9) Some students talked. The cartoon above is intended to express It is the judgment of this court that it appears . Pennsylvania actually means Penns woods. Very fitting, right? Which of the following could best be used as evidence to support the argument in the excerpt that "ethnic conflict among whites rivaled sectional conflict as a major political issue" of the period? Answer A: Gilded Age financial policies encouraged economic growth in the North and the South. Which of the following would most directly support the argument that Progressives were "exclusionary"? A. . . The Republican Party of the 1850s took which of the following positions on slavery? Developing them as a producer of manufactured goods b. Just remember for the APUSH exam, that New Jersey and New York or almost exactly the same. Much like Virginia to the South, this is the most important colony in the northern region of Englands 13 colony experiment. The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following trends of the 1770s? It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world, without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace. Answer B: Nativist sentiment The conditions that contributed most directly to the conflict described in the excerpt included all of the following except: High prices for the newly imported slaves . Answer C: opposition to states' rights It was a battleground and nobody wanted to live there until the British took over and made it a colony in 1732. Involvement in the Spanish-American War The developments described in the excerpt most directly reflect which of the following changes in the 1920s? "I believe that each of us who has his place to make should go where men are wanted, and where employment is not bestowed as alms. And third, even though all the colonists were British, they were all starting to get real tired of the crown. But how much do you really know about these early European communities and the governments that they created? (a) Note three aphorisms that deal directly with friendship. people who shared the views expressed in the excerpt most likely opposed which of the following? d. the development of regional cultures increasingly defined by the presence of enslaved people. Despite the variety of the land, . Come, then, by the early trains on MONDAY, and rally. Come with courage and resolution in your hearts; but, this time, with only such arms as God gave you." renewed interest in the whole student and all students reflects widespread recognition of major gaps related to what schools do in facilitating learning and development and in addressing . He owed the Penn family significant money and gave the land in the New World to William Penn in 1681 as repayment. B. The advice in the excerpt most directly reflects the influence of which of the following prevailing American ideas? b. westward expansion which of the following resulted from arguments made by Southern politicians, such as the one in the excerpt, in the years prior to the Civil War? Answer B: the purchase of land from France and Spain Answer A: a critique of Reconstruction Expanded United States federal authority . D: was interested in making the government of Japan more democratic, B: was willing to intimidate Asian countries like Japan to secure economic opportunities, "The petition of a great number of blacks detained in a state of slavery in the bowels of a free and Christian country humbly showeth thatthey have in common with all other men a natural and inalienable right to that freedom which the Great Parent of the Universe has bestowed equally on all mankind and which they have never forfeited by any compact or agreement whatever. . But instead of the Dutch, this time, it was the Swedes. The excerpt best reflects which of the following developments? . . You now know that the Southern Colonies increasingly relied on cash crops like tobacco, rice, and eventually cotton in order to make profits. The idea of Manifest Destiny included all of the following beliefs EXCEPT: A Commerce and industry would decline as the nation expanded its agricultural base. "I am filled with deep emotion at finding myself standing here in the place . Georgia is sort of the odd man out here. the ideas expressed by John C. Calhoun and others who shared his views on slavery had which of the following effects on emerging abolitionist movements in the years leading up to the civil war? The excerpt most directly reflects which of the following goals for England's North American colonies? which of the following pieces of evidence best supports the excerpt's depiction of reactions to slave rebellions? D: White laborers in the North and African American farmers in the South joined together in the Populist movement. Answer C: the Spanish-American War Simulate how different MCQ and FRQ scores translate into AP scores. . B: The compromise that resolved the election of 1876 The issue of freedom of the seas in World War I most closely resembles the cause of which of the following conflicts? A: Disputes over taxation and representation a. the growing tendency among Southern slaveholders to justify slavery as a positive good. During the Civil War, the Republican Party passed legislation promoting economic development concerning all of the following EXCEPT the, granting of government subsidies to encourage the export of manufactured goods. Which of the following does this excerpt support as the primary cause of the U.S. declaration of war in April 1917? Profit in mind APUSH exam, that New Jersey and New York almost... Us exam is that it was truly a middle colony following groups most. 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