Graham published her memoirs, Personal History, in 1997. Suddenly, four challenges were filed against the company's Florida TV license renewals, triggering a 50 percent plunge in the price of Post stock. Smith, J. Y. She tried to push lawyer Edward Bennett Williams into the role of Washington D.C.'s first commissioner mayor in 1967. Moreover, if convicted of a felony under the espionage laws cited in the Times case, the company would lose the licenses for its two Florida TV stations, then worth about $100 million. [18], Philip Graham dealt with alcoholism and mental illness throughout his marriage to Katharine. [11], William Graham died at 69 on December 20, 2017, in his Los Angeles home. The reason for giving Katharine only a minority interest in the voting stock, Meyer said, was that "you never want a man working for his wife." But it was to be overshadowed by the issues she began to confront a year later, after Post Managing Editor Howard Simons phoned her at home on a Saturday, June 17, 1972, to tell her, as was his habit, what stories the paper was working on. As a manager, her strengths were intelligence, toughness, a willingness to listen and learn, and an ability to judge character. Stephen Graham. By Stephen Meyer Nov 16, 2017. In 1973, she and her management team found during a wildcat walkout that nonunion Post workers, trained to use new computer and photocomposition technology, could put out the paper without the printers. Stephen Graham (I) Actor Producer Writer IMDbPro Starmeter Top 5,000 150 Play video 3:58 The Rise of Stephen Graham 68 Videos 99+ Photos Stephen Graham was born August 3, 1973, in the small town of Kirkby, Lancashire, to a pediatric nurse mother and a social worker father. Once I found myself in the deepest water in the middle of the current, there was no going back. She was so ill at ease before attending the company Christmas party five months after her husband's death that she spent some time rehearsing how to say "Merry Christmas." The book won the Pulitzer Prize in 1998. Graham was the fourth of five children. "She set the newspaper on a course that took it to the very top ranks of American journalism in principle and excellence and fairness," said Bradlee, now a Post vice president. News of the suicide was first. "Mrs. Graham became a legend in her own lifetime because she was a true leader and a true lady, steely yet shy, powerful yet humble, known for her integrity and always gracious and generous to others. Mrs. Graham made frequent public speeches, particularly on news media issues on which she was widely recognized as an authority, ranging from the roles of investigative reporting and foreign correspondence to the impact of the Internet on the news. Katharine Graham couldn't have been happier. and they're going to have to get it renewed." The Post obtained its own copy of the papers on the day of that court order, and Bradlee brought reporters to his Georgetown home to begin secretly preparing stories for publication about the 7,000 pages of Vietnam war history. With Meg Greenfield, who in 1979 succeeded Geyelin as editor of the editorial page, she sometimes sneaked away from the newspaper for an afternoon at the movies. It was harder for Mrs. Graham to make her mark as a businesswoman than as a news executive. In My Heart is a Chainsaw, the first book in his Indian Lake Trilogy, Stephen Graham Jones devised a climactic scene in which scores of people watching the movie Jaws while floating on the lake over the 4th of July are suddenly engulfed in a tornadic . & Epstein, Noel (July 18, 2001). Agnes was reportedly very negative and condescending towards Katharine, which had a negative impact on Meyer's self-confidence. An important book of both breadth and depth." -- Dr. Henry F. Schaefer III, Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry, Director, Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, University of Georgia When she worked in her office at the newspaper on Saturdays, she gathered up small groups of editors and reporters from the newsroom for informal lunches at a nearby coffee shop. For several years, she could not find the management team she wanted, and as executives came and went, critics described her as erratic and arbitrary. "By the time the story had grown to the point where the size of it dawned on us," she said, "we had already waded deeply into the stream. The business picture improved only slowly. Philip declared that he would divorce Katharine for Robin, and he made motions to divide the couple's assets. Before her death, Mrs. Graham had been working on a possible new book, an anthology of stories and essays about Washington from 1917 -- when she was born and her father moved to Washington -- to the present. It also involved possible consequences for The Post that threatened its financial stability. One of the first things she let him do was go on a hiring spree, and the newsroom budget increased rapidly in subsequent years. With the new crews running the presses, the mailers' union voted in mid-February to accept a new contract, and other unions soon followed. ( : Katharine Meyer Graham ; 16 1917 - 17 2001) . Katharine Meyer was born in New York City on June 16, 1917, the fourth of the five children of Eugene Meyer and Agnes Ernst Meyer. ", "I really felt I was put on earth to take care of Phil Graham," she said many years later. I could find somebody else to run it. "Night after night, the questions were: How could we get tomorrow's paper out, and how late would it be?". The diagnosis was manic depression. By Mrs. Graham's own account, the most difficult part of her business career was a bitter, 139-day strike by the pressmen's union at The Post in 1975 and 1976 that began when strikers set fire to part of the pressroom. Graham does not appear in the film adaptation of All The President's Men, but Robert Redford, who plays Woodward, revealed that Graham had a scene written for her in earlier versions where she asks Woodward and Bernstein (played by Dustin Hoffman) about the Watergate story, beginning with, "What are you doing with my paper? During the more than two years of the Watergate scandal that followed, The Post Co. was the target of unrelenting hostility from the White House and its friends. Mrs. Graham decided to find out what he did want to do and invited him to lunch at the 1925 F Street Club. Philip Leslie Phil Graham (July 18, 1915 August 3, 1963) was an American newspaper publisher. At 5 a.m. on Oct. 1, Mrs. Graham was awakened by a telephone call from Mark Meagher, The Post's general manager. ", The Princess of Wales visited Mrs. Graham in Washington on several occasions during the period when Diana was struggling through a divorce from Britain's Prince Charles. Let's go. Her son, Donald, The Post Co.'s current chairman and CEO, also was attending the conference. His work tears down many purported barriers between science, philosophy, and religion. In 2004, Meyer ignited a firestorm of media and scientific controversy when a biology journal at the . In 1991, when Mrs. Graham stepped down as chief executive, revenue was $1.4 billion. He is predeceased by his brother, James. . She was born in New York City, United States of America. In "Personal History," Mrs. Graham said her biggest handicap was a sense of being inadequate for the task that had befallen her. She was criticized for her missteps -- often, she thought, rightly so. Katharine Graham assumed the reins of the company and of the Post after Philip Graham's suicide. Her mother, Agnes Meyer, was born in New York and was an active patron of the arts and supporter of education. You know, good old Mom, plodding along. During World War II, Philip Graham enlisted in the Army Air Corps in 1942 and rose to the rank of major. Diana and Mrs. Graham joined with fashion editor Anna Wintour, then of Vogue magazine, to host a 1996 charity dinner in Washington that raised about $1 million for breast cancer research. She held the title of president and was de facto publisher of the paper from September 1963. At the University of Chicago, Katherine Graham has a dormhouse in Max Palevsky Residential Commons named after her. Meyer founded Allied Chemical Co. Katharine Graham was born Katharine Meyer in 1917 into a privileged family in New York City, the daughter of Agnes Elizabeth (ne Ernst) and Eugene Meyer. "Far from troubling me that my father thought of my husband and not me, it pleased me," she wrote in her autobiography. In an early example in 1968, a book on national security by Robert S. McNamara, a close friend of Mrs. Graham's and former secretary of defense who served on the board of directors of The Post Co., received a scathing and dismissive review in The Post by Ward Just because it scarcely mentioned the conflict in Vietnam. Such was the newspaper that Katharine Meyer joined in 1939. After she hired him as an assistant managing editor in 1965, Bradlee quickly moved up to managing editor and then executive editor. And she later bought and renovated a house on Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts, where in the summer she entertained streams of friends. In the ensuing days, the scene outside The Post sometimes resembled a war zone. "I was beside myself with worry," Mrs. Graham said. In her library, a tense Mrs. Graham listened on the phone as Beebe, a trusted adviser, explained the dispute. Helicopters landed on the roof to fly pages to six plants that had agreed to print an abbreviated Post while the paper's presses were being fixed. She remained active in the company and the community after her retirement, hosting newly elected Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush at her home, actively participating in interviews that Post and Newsweek editors and reporters had with newsmakers in Washington and New York, leading delegations of editors and reporters on visits to heads of state overseas, lending her presence to charitable events throughout the country and working on such local mattters as improving public schools. "[14] Her father, Eugene Meyer, went on to become the head of the World Bank, but left that position only six months later. Early life. Mrs. Graham found that control over crucial aspects of producing the newspaper was held by various craft unions, which had no incentive for increased efficiency or the introduction of new technology. Meyer sold 3,500 of the 5,000 Class A shares of voting stock to his son-in-law and 1,500 shares to his daughter. "The nation's capital and our entire nation today mourn the loss of the beloved first lady of Washington and American journalism, Katharine Graham," President Bush said in a statement yesterday. By this time, Mrs. Graham had acquired glamour as well as fame and influence. Following up on Richard Dawkins's attempted takedown of Stephen Meyer's bike-lock analogy ("It's irrelevantbecause natural selection is a NONRANDOM process"), our Biologic Institute colleague Douglas Axe joined the conversation over at Why Evolution Is True. Katharine Meyer Graham (June 16, 1917 - July 17, 2001) was an American publisher. . Her memoir, Personal History, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1998. Stephen Meyer on Intelligent Design and The Return of the God Hypothesis Hoover Institution 776K subscribers Subscribe 1.5M views 1 year ago Recorded on March 30, 2021 To comment please go to:. In this role, her conversations with editorial page editors sometimes led to major new opinion policies. While running the newspaper, he played a backstage role in politics. "Partly this arose from my particular experience, but to the extent that it stemmed from the narrow way women's roles were defined, it was a trait shared by most women in my generation. Graham outlined in her memoir her lack of confidence and distrust in her own knowledge. But she wouldn't waver in her determination to have management manage the pressroom and to remove any pressmen involved in the violence, two of the terms the union wouldn't accept. A former geophysicist and college professor, he now directs Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture in Seattle. Graham, a 69-year-old lawyer, taught trial law at the University of California at Los Angeles before years of focusing on philanthropic activities to benefit youth education and medical research,. Inside The Post, Mrs. Graham worked cheerfully beside the others, taking classified ads, bundling papers in the mailroom, fielding subscriber complaints and cleaning up trash in the pressroom, where newly trained employees had begun to run the presses as they were repaired. ", She was no longer the person who, in the 1960s, had "adopted the assumption of many of my generation that women were intellectually inferior to men, that we were not capable of governing, leading, managing anything but our homes and our children.". [citation needed], On June 5, 1940, Meyer was married in a Lutheran ceremony,[9] to Philip Graham, a graduate of Harvard Law School and a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. She was also portrayed by Alison Brie in the 2017 film The Post. [39], In 1979, the Supersisters trading card set was produced and distributed; one of the cards featured Graham's name and picture.[40]. Katharine Meyer was born in 1917 into a wealthy family in New York City, to Agnes Elizabeth (ne Ernst) and Eugene Meyer. Philip Graham also bought the company's first two television stations. Katharine Meyer Graham (June 16, 1917 - July 17, 2001) was an American publisher. So he offered it to his son-in-law, and after talking it over with his wife, Philip Graham agreed. Verbal attacks were hurled at the publisher, with one sign at a union rally declaring, "Phil shot the wrong Graham.". Mrs. Graham did not know Bradlee well when they joined forces, but she admired his toughness and his eye for good stories and good reporters. Katharine Meyer Graham (June 16, 1917 - July 17, 2001) was an American publisher. She arrived at college an unquestioning Republican, like her parents. On Jan. 1, 1946, he became associate publisher. She found it an amazing story of how Graham was able to succeed in a male-dominated industry. She also served as chairman of the newspaper publishers group. With the first edition already on the presses, she received a call at her home, where she was giving a party for a retiring Washington Post business executive. Dawkins posted his original comments there, following a post by Coyne on the Toronto debate. Like his father, Phil Graham, he died by suicide. The book, written in longhand on legal pads, fully reveals a life marked by personal struggle and tragedy as well as public triumph. She'll surprise you.". Washington Post heir Stephen Graham is getting a divorce, and it might not be amicable. Let the Times carry the burden of the First Amendment argument against the government, they said. Let's publish.". [15], The Grahams were important members of the Washington social scene, becoming friends with John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Robert F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Robert McNamara, Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan, and Nancy Reagan among many others. We asked whether 4-methylumbelliferone (4MU), an oral inhibitor of HA synthesis, could inhibit antigen presentation. In 1981, after years of decline, the Washington Star went out of business, and for a brief time, The Post was the only newspaper of general circulation published in Washington. and she tried to do all she could to bring about healing among the races.". I had to try to assure Wall Street that I wasn't some madwoman, interested only in risks and editorial issues, but that I was concerned with how we ran our business. She gave two dinners for Reagan and hosted introductory dinners for Bill Clinton and George W. Bush after their elections as president. Here's my review which ran recently in the Cox Ohio newspapers: Slashing Through the Blood Drenched Pages of a Deadly Delightful Horror Novel. The 2 1/2-week Pentagon Papers episode, which ended with victory for the Times and The Post in the U.S. Supreme Court, was a turning point for Mrs. Graham and the newspaper. She led her family's newspaper, The Washington Post, for more than two decades, overseeing its most famous period, the Watergate coverage that eventually led to the resignation of President Richard . In social and political Washington, Mr. Graham was widely known as a man of influence. He was married to Katharine Graham, the daughter of Eugene Meyer, the previous owner of The Washington P Originally, she supported the U.S. effort, but this gave way to doubt as success seemed further and further away and the protest movement gathered force at home. She had an impact because she brought together people who had something to say. Stephen Meyer Graham Parents : Philip Leslie Graham 1915-1963; Publisher, "The Washington Post" Katharine Meyer 1917-2001; Publisher, "The Washington Post" Siblings. "I guess I wouldn't," he said, offering less than emphatic opposition and making no mention of the financial risks. . Donald Edward Graham was born two years later. So the strike dragged on with no hope of a settlement, and The Post succeeded in putting out larger and larger papers without its blue-collar workers. When her husband went to the Pacific as an intelligence officer, she returned to her work at The Post. And she eagerly accepted invitations to after-hours newsroom parties, accommodating eager young reporters with stories about her career and interviewing them about their lives. She found an influential mentor in Buffett, the investor from Omaha. He and many other members of the family were at the hospital in Boise when she died. Buffett, who had been a Post carrier as a teenager after his father's 1942 election to Congress, became the company's largest stockholder outside the Graham family as well as one of its directors. Ma did hold up almost impossible standards, and I thought everyone was living up to them. [20], At a newspaper conference in Phoenix, Arizona, Philip apparently had a nervous breakdown. "Stephen Meyer is a genuine renaissance person. She was affiliated as a Lutheran. . Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. She asked if he would support publishing that day. It pitted the First Amendment of the Constitution and its guarantee of the right to publish against the government's right to protect secrets. previous 1 2 next . Regarding his educational history, he received his diploma from St. Albans School, a private institution. I could sell it. Several employees, including editorial and commercial workers who had voted to cross the picket line because of the pressroom violence, were beaten. But you never totally control it. Meyer acted through an intermediary and kept his identity secret until the sale became final. Some of her pleasures were modest. She led her family's newspaper, The Washington Post, for more than two decades, overseeing its most famous period, the Watergate scandal coverage that eventually led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. [13] Katharine recounts in her autobiography, Personal History, how she did not feel slighted by the fact her father gave the Post to Philip rather than her: "Far from troubling me that my father thought of my husband and not me, it pleased me. When the war began, The Post supported it. She kept the wooden wringer in her corporate office, near her desk. After graduating from college in 1938, she got a job on the San Francisco News for $24 a week. Her grandfather was Marc Eugene Meyer, and her great-grandfather was rabbi Joseph Newmark. An important book of both breadth and depth." Dr. Henry F. Schaefer III, Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry, Director, Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, University of Georgia Katharine Meyer Graham (June 16, 1917 - July 17, 2001) was an American newspaper publisher. Nora Ephron of the New York Times, who was at one point married to Carl Bernstein, raved about Graham's autobiography. They had a daughter, Lally Morris Weymouth (born 1943), and three sons: Donald Edward Graham (born 1945), William Welsh Graham (1948-2017) and Stephen Meyer Graham (born 1952). He is best known for playing Andrew "Combo" Gascoigne in the film This Is England (2006) and its television sequels This Is England '86 (2010), This Is England '88 (2011), and This Is England '90 (2015). On Sept. 20, 1963, after a month's cruise in the Aegean with her mother and daughter and some friends, she assumed the presidency of the company. Mrs. Graham, former chairman and chief executive officer of The Post Co. and former publisher of The Washington Post, died at 11:56 a.m. of head injuries suffered when she fell on a sidewalk Saturday in Sun Valley, Idaho, where she was attending an annual conference of media business leaders. Simmons was the seasoned chief operating officer Graham had long been seeking, a partner to whom she gave free rein in managing the company and who made shrewd decisions with her on what and what not to acquire. The sale was conducted under the supervision of a bankruptcy court on the steps of the old Post building on E Street NW near the Willard Hotel. What she despised was the sexist way that her mistakes, particularly with executives, were ascribed to the belief that she was a "difficult woman" to work with, one who acted on female whims. The debate lasted for hours. Lally was born in Washington D.C. the United States on 3rd July 1943 as Elizabeth Morris Graham. The position went to Howard University-educated lawyer Walter Washington. If profitability was going to be increased, she had to change this. Former first lady Nancy Reagan said in a statement that "Washington, D.C., will not be the same without her. [21][23] On August 3, 1963, he committed suicide with a shotgun at the couple's "Glen Welby" estate near Marshall in the Virginia horse country.[24][25]. Throughout her life, she was attracted to great men she knew, from Auguste Rodin, Alfred Stieglitz, Paul Claudel and Thomas Mann to Adlai Stevenson and Earl Warren. She was well aware, as she said, that male corporate heads "fired executive after executive, but no one attributed their actions to their gender. Graham's . She denounced various stories as "bitchy," "tasteless," "snide" or "grisly." [43], In 2000, Graham was named one of the International Press Institute's 50 World Press Freedom Heroes of the past 50 years.[44]. Every time I pick it up to. They gave their children the advantages of great wealth but also led busy lives of their own. In Washington, Philip Graham served as a law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Stanley Reed in 1939 and for Justice Felix Frankfurter, who had been one of his professors at Harvard, in 1940. Former Congressman Stephen Buyer criminally profited from his access to power and confidential information, a federal prosecutor told jurors in the first of a . [27][28] As the only woman to be in such a high position at a publishing company, she had no female role models and had difficulty being taken seriously by many of her male colleagues and employees. 464 Graham Ave, Camarillo. Eugene Meyer was his maternal grandfather, and Agnes Meyer was his maternal grandmother. Her mother was Agnes Elizabeth Ernst Meyer, and her father was Eugene Isaac Meyer. ", As the head of the company, Mrs. Graham wrote in her autobiography, she was guided by the principle that "journalistic excellence and profitability go hand in hand. Former secretary of state George P. Shultz, a particularly close friend, said in an interview that "her friendship was not something that passed with the changing of one's Washington role." . Founded in 1979 by Stephen Graham, New York Theatre Workshop is one of the leading producing theatres of new work in the United States, The company's very first production was A Day in the Life of the Czar, written by Frank O'Hara and V.R. "That's a fantastic legacy.". The medications that are now used successfully to treat the illness were not then available. To treat the illness were not then available take care of Phil Graham, '' snide! 'S right to publish against the government, they said she had an impact because brought! In 1965, Bradlee quickly moved up to managing editor and then executive editor by. 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