Fish were caught from the lake and placed in the ditches beside the rows. Virtual reconstruction of an entire andesite building at Puma Punku. The Tiwanaku people who inhabited Puma Punku were polytheistic and had a special focus on agriculturally-themed gods. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. The second is simpler: we just weren't looking for them. Pumapunku, a name that means door of the puma, was a holy site started between 500 and 600 CE. Could the ruins of Puma Punku be evidence of a long-lost civilization? The Horsemen of Oyo were legendary warriors who served the Oyo Empire of West Africa. All it takes is a reason to do it, the will to do so, the right materials, and time to develop the know-how (the evolution of heavy-lift offshore cranes did not occur overnight). Must be aliens. It certainly would not be easy. I belong to a tribal region in Meghalaya, INDIA (South East Asia). In the past, the Tiwanaku culture had made the area an agricultural and trading center which may have supported up to 400,000 people during its heyday. We need to look at this from a completely unbiased perspective and learn whatever we can from this priceless gift to us from our ancestors. I do believe we, in the modern world, can re-create what has been built here using modern tools. The technical finesse and precision displayed in these stone blocks is astounding. that all members of society from infants to the elderly regularly used psychoactive, hallucinogenic plants. PS: Some of the knowledge from the builders is probably around in the form of the engineered language Aymara. These are big stones, and they are really heavy. I too am absolutely fascinated by these ancient stuctures an would love to know how they built them, but one of the great pleasures in life is not knowing sometimes but building our own lil world around what is a mystery an living in that lil world we create just for the pleasure of passing time. He probably had a whole team of smart workers, but none smart enough to carry on the work after he died. They mined the elements they needed. they all ran away. We may add one more possible clue to this story. On a totally unrelated note, but can be linked to oral tradition so i don't think i'm outta line by posting this, but there is a group of natives living around hudson bay, in canada for those who don't know, but they have stories from oral tradition that tell of stories of the bigfoot creature as a known an living comes from a parallel dimension. The issue with this is, it is several thousand feet above the water. Then again, we are human and subject to find fault with others easily and so prone to war. What you say is so true. The absence of everything except the ridiculously precise stonework almost makes the alien theory seem more reasonable. One good war and we are back to chasing rats and squirrels and wishing we had the lighter again. The present mistery of the mstodontic old constructions, is , therefore, logically explained. . Is it a stretch to suggest that a form of cement could have been formed and finished in the making of these stones? Before what is assumed to be the post Adam/Eve era when the Jews were 12 tribes? Available at:, Newman, H. (2018) New Discoveries at Tiwanaku & Puma Punku: The Lost Statue of Viracocha and Secret Rooms of Hidden Artifacts. Ancient Origins. One of the things I learned recently is that Earth is not the ideal cauldron for intelligent life we have been led to believe it is. I can remember watching the sky night and day with other people and talking extensively about itbut I dont know why. What does someone needs to drag a huge monolith? Aliens are humanoids from earth that have evolved by different means- probably from being in outerspace for more than thousands of years. I was confused and said nothing to anyone. Puma Punku is a large temple complex on the edge of Tiahuanaco. Temple Puma Punku: Model 3D: C4D. And the drawing of a giant lightbulb in one chamber didn't help to quell their enthusiasm. Any place life can exist, it will exist. So human who were bigger or taller than the average human being is possible. Then after we are done exploring we leave the moon to its indigenous people, and not go back, leaving behind all the buildings. It comes an goes at will, that's why its foot prints disappear all of a suddenthis story is steeped in oral tradition an everyone in north america has heard of the bigfoot creature, some claim to see it, but because its an oral tradition story, does that diminish the validness of who or what the story is about? I can almost say I would think they made some a form or a template they crushed the rocks and made large amounts of small particles like "Dust" from the materials mixing the two like we do today as with concrete same method I have made similar forms of art using the same method the smooth look to the sharp corners and flat side are the same I believe they are the reason why we have had stone art from many centuries because as time went on people starting teaching others how to reform rock just a theory. Puma Punku is just one of several stepped platform constructions that have been excavated at Tiwanaku. So, all one has to do is go visit the site in question or any site, do a lil ceremony an ask the creator for answers an he will give them to you in ur dreams. An elder (native) was asked why not that many people come to talk to him any more an why do the young people go to talk to this younger man who has stories to share an the young people are quite taken with him? Now! why is there no mention of gobleki tepe? More advanced cultures have had time to identify and develop the technology to visit interesting planets across the galaxy. Like the Inca after them, they practiced human sacrifice, disemboweling and dismembering victims as part of a ritual dedication to the gods. If they were then obviously a flood or something happened, that wiped out their civilization along with their knowledge and writings. Herodotus felt that beneath the pyramids lay the remnants of other ancient civilizations. More at The most intriguing thing about Puma punku is the stonework. The second largest stone block at Puma Punku is 7.90 meters (25.9 ft.) long, 2.50 meters (8.20 ft.) wide, and 1.86 meters (6.10 ft.) thick. (also you may as well read the book of Enoch.). Mounting evidence from around the Earth indicates that humans made the leap to real civilization MUCH further back in antiquity than we originally thought and may have established a sea-faring, organized-trade civilization that had outposts over much of the world all this about 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. Your email address will not be published. Our tribal people consists of The Khasi, Jaintia, Bhoi, War collectively known as the Hynniewtrep (meaning 7 huts) people, also known to be one of the earliest ethnic group of settlers in the Indian sub-continent, belonging to the Proto Austroloid Monkhmer race. 7 Puma Punku is located at an altitude of 12,800 feetthis makes it even harder to explain how the ancient quarried, transported and put into position the massive rocks as Puma Punku is located ABOVE the natural tree line, which in turn means NO trees grew in that area which means that no trees were cut down in order to use wooden rollers., #83. interesting comments over the yearsFirst of all, knowledge is NEVER lost, its just not used for todays life style. They themselves behave as if they're alive. Thanks. Even a house cat can walk outside and survive. Stones in pictures look like cast concrete . How is it that these ancient people were able to cut stones like this? By examining the ruins and their relationship to the stars, the archaeologist dated the ruins to be an astounding 15,000 years old. Crops were planted in rows of raised fields that reached up to three feet in height to protect the plants from heat and frost. Besides Puma Punku, there are other sites in Peru, pre-Inca, that have traits that cannot be explained other than these peoples possessed technology far superior to what we possess today, this goes for the great pyramids, and all of the Mayan Kingdom, who vanished as well. But here is something to think about and ponder, being as advanced as they are, they new when our planet and sun was about to have a MEE Mass Extintion Event and they stopped returning. I don't think there very many masonry tools that I haven't used, or at least seen used to construct every type of building or monument in this area. Reading about Ancient Architecure esp. Mount Hua Trail: Where 100 People Plummet to Their Deaths Every Year. Did they have advanced technology similar to ours and then die off? In my opinion, I think that civilizations, many civilizations at that, were erected, survived longer than we currently have or will, and were wiped off the planet in the remote, remote past, leaving little evidence. How Long In Prison? They developed raised field agriculture (also known as suka kollus) to adapt to this harsh environment. Is Ezekiel's Vision of the Wheel Evidence of UFOs in the Bible? Archaeologist Neil Steede, for example, has discussed how the astronomical alignments of the main temple at the site do suggest that it was built to coincide with the summer and winter solstices and the spring equinox as these events would have been seen 17,000 years ago. We by no means live in a large galaxy. Suggest replace y with letter l and see if that makes sense. the Incan Cuzco was quite AMAZING since there's a lot of eerie connection with my own culture and heritage. These are all possible causes of the destruction of the once great structure that is now the ruins of Puma Punku. While farmers and merchants remained in the lower half of the hierarchy. It doesn't have to be felled trees, it could have been cylinders carved from the same stone used in the project. WHY CAN'T WE JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE AND RESPECT THE CULTURES OF OUR ANCESTORS! At any rate, I'll be looking forward to reading the responses my most recent post generates. @MdBilly the Milkyway Galaxy is 100,000 light years across. If i had the means I will build my self a craft & explore the universe &, all what lies in it, that will be some thing then only i will know who god. Thirdly: lol, thirdlythe bible is a collection of stories that the sheep herders use to tell to pass the time an someone collected them through oral tradtion an wrote them down as a collection an someone said these stories are true an gods word an what not an called it a holy book of stories an thats how the bible came to be, through oral traditions an camp fire stories. Debunking the Mystery of the Abydos Carvings, A First of Its Kind - 8,500-Year-Old Wooden Ladder Found at atalhyk. Maps such as the Piri Reis (1513) and the Oronteus Finaeus (1531) have been found that pre-date European discoveries. I know the voices are quiet so I listen more intently. Some of these blocks are finished to 'machine' quality and the holes drilled to perfection. Historic photograph of the architecture on the east side of the Pumapunku platform taken by Max Uhle in 1893. It is very possible that the human race was as advanced or perhaps even more advanced than we are today but that knowledge was all but wiped out at the end of the last ice age & over the next 10.000 years the rest was destroyed by whatever new religions appeared . The other three structures are the Akapana Pyramid, the Kalasasaya Platform, and the Subterranean Temple. @MdBilly actually, each galaxy is a universe in unto itself. The site, and many others like it, is an anomaly to modern science and is therefore avoided. Have you checked out the the discovery Gobeklitepe? My day visions sometimes make me pull off the side of the road -- they are so strong. Not even a razor blade can slide between the rocks. You're example of the lighthouse is a good oneI agree. I know they are emphasizing timing and a schedule I must be aware of. I attached photo of me to this email. etcIn order for the human civilization to keep expanding and reach new limits we must let go of our current religions and beliefs. To support this theory, they point to the evidence that some structures, including the Gate of the Sun, werent brought down by time or looters; they were deliberately torn down and broken. We may add one more possible clue to this story. Ivar the Boneless was likely the son of legendary Viking king Ragnar Lothbrok, and raided alongside his father and brothers, eventually becoming ruler of York in England in the 9th century AD. Been there done that. If pyramids were almost superhumanly difficult to create several thousand years ago, then how much more difficult would it have been to build Puma Punku? And it looks so utterly destroyed, bombarded almost, in the damage you see another link with the valley temple and the osirion in egypt, also so utterly destroyed; if it was deliberately destroyed, those guys must have been really pissed, the why of the construction is as mysterious as the why of the destruction. This Conspiracy Claims the Smithsonian Destroys Giant Skeletons, Explore the Mystery of Native American Creation Myths. ", "Preserved paintings, coins, and a detailed description of the entire transportation process. With the technology that we currently have today, it would be extremely difficult to recreate the site of these ruins, if possible at all. Are these claims true? As for lighter materials, an absolutely unbreakable crane with the weight of balsam wood is not going to lift these stones. The most prevalent common denominator to the whispers and signs coming from all sides all around me is ( HURRY ). Ever since she was a child Alicia has had a passion for writing and she has written Read More. See our, Here we are, a century-and-a-half later, and irrepressible rumors continue to grow that Puma Punkus massively heavy stone block structures were cut so precisely that, the ruins were reminiscent of a giant Lego set, and he said, We attempted to capitalize on archaeologists learned ability to visualize and mentally rotate irregular objects in space by providing them with 3-D printed objects that they could physically manipulate., that Puma Punku was an advanced Andean architectural achievement. As for those who claim it's all made of sandstone, that explanation doesn't fly either. 8km away, and then transported it by the river. older than any of this in south america? We seem to have similar interests so try reading one of mine. They are whats left of a stunning architectural feat accomplished by a society that predates even the Inca: the Tiwanaku. The architecture found in the ruins astounds archaeologists and historians and has inspired advanced ancient civilization and ancient alien theories. Let me give you an example of "lost" knowledge. If these statues are former rulers of the region, how do the co-called mainstream archaeologists explain the statues and with full heavy beards? Now my hypothesie is that 15,000-25,000 years ago they stopped at our planet for x years to replenish their fuel and or replenish whatever they needed many times. Or, maybe he just didn't ever find any students capable of fully learning what he knew, and the advanced techniques died when he did. If human minds can conceive them now, who is to say that they couldn't have done so in the past. Investigating the mysteries and history of the unique ancient megalithic sites of Puma Punku and Tihuanaco, Bolivia. By all accounts there would be nothing left of us in just a few thousand years. The ruins of Puma Punku are one of four structures in the ancient city of Tiahuanaco. It was also a pilgrimage site which drew the people from distant Cochabamba and Moquegua regions who travelled to dedicate sacrifices and celebrate feasts. Photo credit, The numerous H-shaped blocks all match each other with extreme precision and fit into each other like Lego blocks. It is possible. This is part of the reason why many people have suggested that the ancient inhabitants of Puma Punku had received outside help to create the site. All Rights Reserved. judging from some of the pictures i got, of mummies found in peru, it certainly seems possible. What's always fascinated me is why in the world you want to build such difficult works? What a mystery! Bering Archipelago May Debunk Land Bridge Migration Theory, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu Wants to Clone Scythian Army, Archeologists Puzzled by Hundreds of Egyptian Tombs from Pre-Dynastic Era. No machines. Why is there no one in the world who knows as much about electricity as Nikola Tesla did? There was a series called Life After People that dealt with similar questions. Is Mother Nature just another word for God? whe environmental conditions make the need for change a reality an the need to adapt to survive. Dolomite is harder than granite. It was once an earthen mound with carved red sandstone walls that would have shone in the sun. As was the case of great cities all over the world, Tiwanaku started out as a simple farming village without a hierarchy among its inhabitants. Want out of the box? The same thing happened here. The last memory I have is a traumatic awareness we all had to suddenly leave immediately -- but I dont know why. But the temple the Tiwanaku knew during the height of their empire would have been magnificent. These megaliths are blowing my mind.I did construction/demo for over 20 years,.it just blows my mind, and it's often the small perfections and precisionsI'd love to know who this elder race was.but I'm glad they left some stuff for us to find.we won't, everything is plastic and cardboard. Actually, there aren't any trees in the area because it's at nearly 13,000 feet altitude, which means the air is to thin to support trees. For a time, the stone portraits found at Tiwanaku were believed to depict those first humans. According to the local myths, Puma Punku is related to the gods and the time of the first creation. The Tiwanaku managed to grow hardy crops such as quinoa, corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes for sustenance. Yes, trees die. Available at:, Darin, P. (2014) Enduring Mystery Surrounds the Ancient Site of Puma Punku. Epoch Times. However, these OOPARTS due shed some light on this possibility. Sandstone is a very soft stone, which just doesn't fit with what I've seen. Leonora Enking / FlickrFaces carved by the Tiwanaku at Tiwanaku City, an example of the art the great civilization left behind. All we have to go on are the magnificent stones that remain. The line would have defined the shape and the holes would have allowed removal of large sections of unwanted material by striking with a chisel or tool. I'd like to add a couple things. Pumapunku, The Ancient Ruins Where The Inca Believed The World Began. As far as most are concerned, there is no way that the Andean people could have done this 2500 years ago. Humans can do super amazing things and then made to forget them! The abrupt end to the last ice age about 10,000 years ago raised sea levels rapidly enough to throw down that civilization, causing a return to primitive ways. According to radiocarbon dating results released by anthropology professor . Today, Puma Punku is little more than an assortment of interesting weather-worn stone ruins at first glance, but scholars believe it was once a wonderous site for the Tiwanaku culture. secondly, Darwin would be absolutely shocked to hear about the "evolution of man" an how that has evolved into what it is today. Sources include "Mystic Places" on World-Mysteries, as well as Ancient Aliens on the History Channel. If the people who built this place cut these stones using stone cutting techniques, then they would have had to have used diamond tools. Aliens are not from outer space, they are not your friends , they are very strong, they don't even look like us, they were not born, they don't die, they have no females, so there are no baby aliens. This particular god was also worshipped by the Inca people (who rose to prominence thousands of years later, after the decline of Tiwanaku). Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. I'd like to mention that our people have erected megaliths and monoliths from the past which are thought to be impossible to be moved even by a 100 people. We do that now. Now the Myians have this end of time thing croniclized, based on these same folks and it is tied to the 27,000 year clock and our solar systems rotations within the spiral and alignments related to the center of the galaxy's black hole and the planets etc lining up. It focused mainly on the internal chambers of the great pyramids. Nobody did any sacrifices or warring with neighbors. dakebeeagceb. A transendent occupation that endures beyond the scope of human expectation due to the medium could not be given but had to be earned by a few worthy and those would be those that line the walls of the sunken courtyard. They are calling us home now!. They were designed and built by humans. I don't recall the part of the Bible where it was said but God is being quoted as saying something as "and there were several greater civilizations here before but I had them destroyed for their being evil. I am also writing a book called 'Beginning of u and i' - u and i are fictitious characters (hence lower case) based upon all the information availble today to start a Universe we live in today, yes alot contradiction and it takes common sense to unravel it all. (Note the controversial bowl found at the site at Puma Punku with Sumerian inscriptions, mainstream scientists deem this an OOPART for the most part, an anomaly of an artifact, I will leave that at rest, as it strays from my point). Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! Even today, the stonework of the temple is considered so precise that ancient alien enthusiasts, it was made by lasers and other extraterrestrial technologies., Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South America. If you look at them from above, they're simply squarish enclosures scattered about the area. Seeing these pictures of this amazing place and reading about the Wyoming legend I now know I have come across some thing truly amazing. It could be. Long before I ever saw them on TV in school I finally started learning about the pyramids in Egypt. but there was something not right about them ..they did not match my idea of a pyramid at all.. my many drawings all had steps and lush green surroundings such vivid sounds of hundreds of different animals. vivid smells of plants,,,trees,,,flowersetc.. ..vivid colors of greens from surrounding forestsbrilliant colors from all the animals..and beautiful colors of the clothes the people were wearing including myself. In addition, some of the stones were held together with copper fasteners, some of which were cold hammered into shape, and others that were poured into place molten.. Some people don't believe that these maps could have been made without flying over these areas in the sky. Prior to Herodotus, no one had presented a systematic, thorough study of the past, attempting to link events with how they shaped history. In this intervention the intelligent human was genetically brought to be . They are arguably the oldest and most baffling ruins on the face of the Earth. Isn't rewriting the textbooks, the whole f*ing point of science's search for truth? ( Adwo /Adobe Stock). ok I may not be the brightest person on the planet but have they ever thought the place could of been some sort of powerplant ??? Void Discovered in Great Pyramid; Is Mainstream Egyptology Still Credible? (2019) Pumapunku, The Ancient Ruins Where The Inca Believed The World Began. Ati. Archaeologists are baffled by what Puma Punku was and how it looked, said Childress. The nearest quarry is at least 10 miles away from the site of the ruins. We dont know our past becuase it would scare us to death and we would realize a grand truth- EVERYTHING IS POINTLESS. I think you have remarked some very interesting points , appreciate it for the post. Available at:, Lamoureux, A. No diamond tools needed. I have photos of the structures and places mentioned; if you're interested: 1. The Tower of Babel: An Ancient Symbol for Modern Globalism. Just after World War II, Austrian archaeologist Arthur Posnansky had a hypothesis that was far ahead of his time. When north and south poles ice melted. no step pyramid, or bent pyramid. i had a guide the previous day who showed me the temples, puma punku, and the museums. Available at:, Alicia McDermott holds degrees in Anthropology, Psychology, and International Development Studies and has worked in various fields such as education, anthropology, and tourism. The ruins of Puma PunkuIt is a pity that there is money for another new Mars rover and no money for our own history. Some of the stones are in an unfinished state, showing some of the techniques used to shape them. The ruins of Pumapunku, where the open courtyard was likely to have stood. The stones in Puma Punku are made up of granite and diorite, and the only stone that is harder than those two is the diamond. Required fields are marked *. What if, when we landed, we had stumbled across a primitive civilization living on the moon? We don't need to know more than what it takes to make a living so most do not try. A worldwide flood? A neighboring complex appears to have burned, and some vessels that appear to have been dedicated to food storage were smashed. Who among us has had an out of galaxy experience to make such an observation? A whole team of smart workers, but none smart enough to carry on the Channel. In great Pyramid ; is mainstream Egyptology Still Credible electricity as Nikola Tesla did grand truth- is. 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