Did you get the memo? you are reacting to i require when its being used as i need. Lots of possible transfers options for GW23. It would be considered very unusual for me to simply call someone, though. The worst manager I ever had was constantly misinterpreting my text and she kept claiming that I was sending angry emails. + Read the full interview, Michel Vivas, Senior Technology Officer, TextRanch is amazingly responsive and really cares about the client. Same as something like, what can we do about this? It can be a genuine question or it can be a thinly veiled way of saying I would like you to tell me how to help you not do something like this again.. If I have asked a series of questions, I put a final, actionable question at the end. I use Please advise (and have taken it from others in the same grain in which I use it) more along the lines of I am not moving forward with any of this until you have your input on the matter. Maybe Ive been annoying folks all along without even knowing it. Satisfaction guaranteed! This happens quite frequently in my current job and its quite normal. Yeah, its annoying to me for that reason, too. But I dont think Ive ever used it on top of an already asked question rather, it IS the question. This is why I learned to use Would you like to know more (about this)? especially in conversation but it works for emails too. I require has a very different feel to me from I need I require implies that dang it, I need this and you better give it to me. This will save me on average X amount of time per day. . Please let us know if gets his speech back. Whats the verdict? But sometimes the reason people say it is because there are line-jumpers. Now his bosses, they hated it. One thing you can do, is watch how other people close their emails and steal the best ideas from what you see. Our supplier says it is now y. me: yes Its work. Free and automatic, this tool compares phrases. Thank you.. I use it fairly frequently, usually in a context like this: We have a situation with the chocolate teapots. No. I suspect itd be relatively easy to write a business email assist function that would help people compose nicer, clearer, more consistent emails. Well, except when someone isnt responding. Yes, I have lots of thoughts about this. I dont know. Given the general horrid state of business email etiquette in general, I find it difficult to complain about any word usage that begins with please. I do this too quite often. Please Advise.. Its actually pretty nice, IMO I hate when someone calls me unexpectedly and wants me to look into some issue while Im in the middle of something (and hence most of the time I dont answer the phone if Im not expecting a call). Im a little behind. To help you find the right words when you need them here are 20 great expressions for closing an email. Get it corrected in a few minutes by our editors. or 2. Currently leaning toward Option 2 or Option 4. But saying recieved, or acknowledged seems cold and robotic and something like Got it! would work except that I dont want them to think Ive literally gotten the package. At my first job out of college, please advise was only ever used in emails to point out to someone that they missed a deadline or made a mistake. Back-office folks are often out of touch with what client relationships mean. } else { The newbies stopped parking there, problem solved. There are a handful of people at work who use this on every.single.email. Need to use the refresh button a bit more frequently. I wouldnt ever want to imply that Im telling my boss what to do. In the nicest possible way, this made me smile because like is pretty common in the UK as well though mostly with younger people. I think this is completely context dependent and I think it *can* be really passive aggressive. Yeah, those are not please advise situations! I totally agree. So I explained the situation and stated quite plainly what I wanted her to do. + Read the full interview, I started to use TextRanch when I began to learn English. On that note, has anyone noticed the difference in these two phrases? The editors' comments are helpful and the customer service is amazing. Its not passive aggressive. Didnt know this was such a well known meaning! Both are perfectly fine, use which ever you prefer! I was just thinking about do the needful while reading this! Sorry that came across as rude. In the past, some researchers thought that if they did not include "don't know" options, they were forcing respondents to make choices about something they had no opinion about. As far as I know , we use "prefer" to express our preferences in general and we use "would prefer" in special occasions. I agree that using it the opposite way irritates. Let me introduce myself. Its quite amazing. Makes sense to me; Im asking for advice from my boss. Tuesday, 1/25: 2pm - 4pm EST. Please advise. Which would be annoying. Do you want to build a SNOWMAN?. I tend to err on the side of not reading snideness into emails unless its either really egregious or I have reason to believe that the person is actually trying to be snide. I agree it is annoying to listen to. I would like to give some of that advice to the current staff that I manage. I used to have to deal extensively with someone brusque, arrogant, demanding, and (based on her emails) borderline illiterate, and she regularly used plz advise. Those additional three keystrokes were apparently just a bridge too far for her. If it sounds normal and polite out loud, I think its fine to use in an email. The second option sounds like the sender is fed up. I dealt with a lot of rebate payments at old job and the reason certain accounts might be delinquent/unpaid was due to a variety of reasons such as items not qualifying, reporting problems, contract renegotiation so what I thought was due truly wasnt but I didnt have current documentation on hand, invoices making the report but some sort of tallying error causing a short pay, already paid but reported for the wrong customer, etc. Is it possible theyre meaning Do you have time for a question? People around here use Can I ask you a question? all the time, and Im perfectly happy to say Nows not a good timecatch me when I break for lunch.. 3 months ago. These are some of my other pet peeves: Sure, but theres no reason to avoid Please advise.. If you have met with the hiring manager and feel good about the role and your candidacy, and you prefer one company over the other, the reach out to the hiring manager immediately. (I hate picking a closer the most (in email-writing), I think its related to aspergers-y symptoms but it could just be a social anxiety thing). Please advise lets the recipients know that they are to pass on a certain piece of information that they should already have a previous understanding of to certain other people of interest without the risk of contamination by outside sources. How should I handle your request? That comes off as way more snarky/passive-agressive than please advise. TBC, I only use that when Im really looking for general thoughts, and dont necessarily have a specific question. This whole discussion is fascinating to me, because at my current job please advise is used a lot. Like us on Facebook by clicking the like button below: Share TextRanch on Facebook by clicking on the button below. Sometimes Ive had people reply with Do I need to know more? or Is there more? and then we can have a conversation about that, rather than me give them a long monologue without checking in with them first to make sure they want to know more. I dont like please advise either, but there are so many other awful things people do either inadvertently or deliberately (passive aggression is the worst) I feel like I have to pick battles. and it drives me insane. Like. Thank you in advance! Like, if Im asking my manager a question, Id say Hey manager, this is the thing thats happening, what do you want me to do with that? but if I was emailing the CEO with a variety of other senior staff copied, Id say Here is the situation please advise. I could see how it might seem snotty when used in a situation that doesnt call for it, like youre being faux respectful. + Read the full interview, TextRanch has been really helpful in improving the flow and repairing the structure of my sentences. Friendly reminder is bad too. I cant see anything remotely annoying in the phrase though I dont use it myself. On can ask questions in an email and never get a reply, so I make sure they realize I expect a reply. Yes, thats always how Ive used it. ok, thanks all. I dont use it all the time but will use it occasionally when she has dropped the ball again and pulled a Charlie Brown* on us. How come I did not think of that??? If I didnt have please advise to fall back on, Id have to quit my job. It seems like, no matter what, there are phrases that really tick some people off. I use please advise, but I use it sparingly, usually after I have presented options and just need some help deciding which option would go best for this particular situation. And then there are of course the people who reply all to say, hey, it will be posted, stop asking and then the inevitable please remove me from this list.. When would I use this?. I feel like I am being summoned. By describing the problem and outlining the requested solution, the rest of your email is already telling me to do the needful. I highly recommend it. Its politely collaborative. Hey! (We know people are not a statistic, so please let us know about any mistakes). I think thats kind of the same though I mostly get those when Im out of the office, and take it as a sign that theyre not expecting me to be available to take calls at any particular moment. Privacy Policy(function (w, d) { If they say the second line instead, people look at each other and defer to the next person. T eilen Sie mir bitte auch mit, wel che Zahlungsweis e fr Sie gnstig ist - entweder. I suspect that it just didnt translate well in to English. And what should I do next? to me. I actually had a conversation with my boss about this last week. Ive noticed that yeah, we dont say Sincerely anymore, but I feel really strange just writing my name at the bottom of a reply (and yes we have those auto signatures, but everything gets shoved down to the bottom of the chain, so you only see them properly the first time). There is no cost to keep your TextRanch account, and we store all of your past revisions in a secure and private manner. I assume since it is done so often that it is just a common formal phrase used in this culture. Please advise, like a lot of things, is one of those generic polite statements that can become really snarky depending on the context and the person using it. Not a fan. Just no. (Hope this helps really means - now leave me alone [or something like that].) I dont use the phrase for one of the reasons Alison mentioned: Its too formal for my taste. I bet these are the same thrifty people who are saving their turn signals for some special occasion. Ive been working in an administrative role for the past two years and have found your blog very helpful. But I think thats why he did it. E.g, the change request you sent me is asking for A and B. I live in the south. I hate it when someone comes to me and just says here are three options, which do you want? without providing any of their thoughts on it. I have been wondering how people bold or italicize here for ages, lol. I agree with the response, the person is merely probably wrapping up the email. because thats how it is used. I dont mind like Please advise when Boss is available, etc. I have marked this listing as Complete. Let me know when you are free in this week to discuss Let me know your convenient time in this week to discuss grammaticality Would people be shocked? Please click the link that we've sent to this address to post your question to our experts.Ok, I'll check my email. Terrible. if you so wish. To me the gentle reminder reads as Pease dont be mad at me, but I need to remind you of [xyz]., How about friendly reminder? I can see why youd do that for some people, especially when youve already said something multiple times! They use gentle reminder a lot which drives me batty. How can we move forward is similar in that respect, I think. Yeah, I never know what to do when you get something and Thanks! isnt really appropriate as a reply, but there isnt really much to say in reply. But it definitely still sets off a trigger for me! I had to Google it the first time someone said it to me, because I wasnt sure if it was supposed to be vaguely insulting or extremely polite. . There must be a lot of secretly snotty people in the South who are thinking mean things when they say Bless your heart, but Im glad Ive not met them. Thats going to tip it towards a stern request that you fix something without any further input from them. Ive never heard sleeps in the US. Its alarming how much I see that and I dont even receive emails nor work in an office. She said the word alright way too much. In Taiwan, the one that was odd to me was addressing people as dears whether in the email salutation or in person. Labyrinthine One of my coworkers uses VR. Just say, "Please let me know when it's done." March 31, 2012. 3. Prefacing the word reminder with gentle or friendly is a feeble attempt to soften the blow. A nun in grammar school taught us math. Friday, 1/28: 10am - 12pm EST; 2pm - 4pm EST. Hey boss, just an FYI to keep you in the loop, blah blah blah.. I gave it another try, coming at it from another angle. Sometimes I close with thanks for reading. Just as Im used to people replying with something like Great, thanks! or Ok, no problem rather than acknowledged, Im used to people ending emails with what do you think? or is it ok if we do X? not please advise.. Yes, sounds good to me. please advise as a declarative statement instead of a question is almost always used passive-aggressively. The. How do you feel about emails that say, Just wanted to let you know that blah blah blah.? I also find that, when replying all, it helps to specifically address the people who need to take some sort of action or provide an answer. Like, Kindly reply to this message by Thursday. Not something thats going to ruin my day or anything, but you could just ask me to do the thing, and Ill do the thing, because Im a professional adult who works hard to meet my obligations. Today more than 1001 people got their English checked. person: call me at (phone number) . The latter has a different meaning. At my old job, someone forgot and send wrong email to an internal listserv with about 1000 people, she realized the mistake in about 5 mins and quickly sent and apology email and a note to disregard. Yes! But that is definitely a personal preference issue. Cant think of any examples right off the bat but it definitely doesnt fit for some emails! It was never a genuine question. It is a shame April Fools Day has just been and gone, because you could have sent out a great email I am no longer going to be answering the question Can I ask you a question. Thank you !! Example Answer #2 I am available to work Monday through Friday, and I am very flexible about the start and end times on those days. Ill use Please advise when forwarding a question from one party to another when I dont know what question needs to be asked. var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; I use please review and advise quite frequently, but for two types of situations: 1 I need direction from my boss or call us at (205) 502-2500. Fresh content for your texts, so you can be more professional. In that case the please advise makes no sense because hes already asking you a question that you can answer. And if more emphasis is needed, you could throw in a Please at the beginning. The original model was created digitally in Nomad Sculpt . Friday, 1/28: 10am - 12pm EST; 2pm - 4pm EST. The issue is that they want to find a delicate way, which implies I dont think you can handle a straightforward mention that Im still waiting on this. The desire to more delicate than that is what grates. I have since found it an excellent catch-all phrase for any occasion. Its sort of a crowd control thing. Watch the video and let me know which one you prefer! + Read the full interview, I love that TextRanch editors are real people who revise the text and provide feedback it makes it so personal. yes, but your reaction to it doesnt necessarily reflect the reality of it. Author: Douglas I have to admit Im looped in on a lot of emails that make me think, Uhhhh . When I used to work on an international team, I found they used Please Advise quite regularly. From coworker A, I dont give it a second thought. In choice experiments, respondents choose their most preferred option among different alternatives. It definitely gets results. Yeah, its more please give your overall thoughts or opinions on this matter versus a specific question. I admit that I have a visceral reaction to the use of the words please advise (and ALL CAPS and soft reminders and read receipts). Sort of a I cant move forward without a decision., Yes, it can be a little like this is me, putting the ball in your court. Two women went shopping and they decided to buy a jacket. hmm. Hello Dears. I hear this about bless your heart all the time. Like We had someone call from a company trying to sell us a bridge, so I took their name and number and told them someone from the bridge purchasing department would call them back. Same thing happened at my work placethousands of employees all responding with reply all. Don't use the phrase, "Hope this helps" in an email. = Sentence Where did you go? But in Namibian English, dear has come to be spelled dia. I spent a lot of time wondering who Dia was and why people were always thinking that was my first name, I just got really excited that someone else commenting here has lived in Namibia. Its the reminders that I *still* cant seem to figure out and loathe doing. I usually can get improvement by coaching them on this. I mean, what other phrase could you possibly use to indicate that youre ready to help the next person in line? TechCrunch. !1997 F350 XLT 4x4 Crew Cab (4 door) 7.3 Liter V-8 Diesel Powerstroke, Automatic with overdrive, Dana 60 front axle, Weld Racing Wheels and Toyo Open Country Radials (tires and wheels cost $4500) only 66,000 original miles Located in Seattle Washington 98188 1 mile from Seatac AirportI . Im pretty sure all 200,000 plus employees at my company use it regularly! Though now that I work in a more casual situation, I just say Please let me know, and sometimes I even omit the Please. Thats probably my own bias, though. I dont usually go for five opening questions before my real question, especially in instant messaging. The third is forward yet subduednot a bad option, honestly. I think Ive caught myself doing this a few times but I realize it before I send it out. Example: Just checking in to see if theres anything else you need from me so you can complete the [thing you havent sent back to me].. I have no problem in theory with please advise, but what bothers me is that it often indicates that someone is coming to me expecting me to solve their problem for them. I dont see it as passive aggressive at all. Its like some people where I work really hate double-sided printing. I just love this). This is the other circumstance where I use Please advise.. Can you please answer one of the 4 emails or 2 voicemails on this topic? I think the reason the qualifiers miff people is that they have the exact opposite of the intended effect. Came to say the exact same thing. I'm definitely trying to be polite! He ended the email with please advise. Please advise brought to mind this very accurate post: http://thebillfold.com/2014/06/office-speak-defined/. You do not become a priority to him by making him your priority. Can you check these teapots for errors? ", Reliable, meticulous and astonishingly prompt. Seriously I dont get why this people have to dig through their archives to start a new topic instead of simply clicking New Message. Now, someone in IT has figured out how to make all emails related to a conversation *poof* from the entire email network when something like this happens, so nobody has the email anymore to reply to all. The phrase that drives me right up the wall is please do the needful. I own a small business called Archetype Origins LLC, I will send you an invoice if you prefer to pay with a credit/debit card (taxes may apply). As you read through them ask yourself two simple questions: 1. Just a reminder that I needed X when you get a chance. Im having a problem with this and Im not sure what to ask for but this is what we need. YES!!! Like youre reminding a toddler Timmy, we do not hit our friends in the face with our shoes.. People with professional degrees should be required to take email etiquette classes, too. Could you at least answer me so I know the Chicago office has not been wiped out in a zombie apocalypse or other natural disaster? would not have gone over well. You obviously understand what they are saying but choose to read more of a personal message into it. I dont like gentle reminder either, but I think prefacing this kind of request with Just a reminder without the gentle is not a bad idea. I love this, and will forever now think of it this way every time I type it. That doesnt go away when its something that needs to be considered at a higher level. Help you find the right words when you get something and Thanks have time a! 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