September 30, PETER KEATING, ESPN Reporter: Good PR is one part of the NFL strategy. HARRY CARSON: And so I have to meet force with force. Our house is getting foreclosed. DOCUMENT: "indicate that his disability is the result of head injuries he suffered as a football player.". I mean, you know, it was, like, "Oh, the girl talked. NARRATOR: In the months following Seau's death, the NFL went on the offensive. ROBERT STERN, Ph.D., Neuropsychologist, Boston University: In football, one has to expect that almost every play of every game and every practice, they're going to be hitting their heads against each other. You know, "I'm experiencing some problems. But then, uncharacteristically, trouble. The number is relatively small. ANNOUNCER . ANNOUNCER: Here comes Seau! We don't know if concussion in and of itself is what causes the abnormalities. August 22, Aaron Hernandez Found To Have Had "Severe" Case of CTE, NFL Acknowledges a Link Between Football, CTE, What the NFL's New Concussion Numbers Don't Answer. NEWSCASTER: Junior Seau was arrested for domestic violence in Oceanside California early on Monday, NEWSCASTER: Seau accused of hitting his 25-year-old girlfriend, NEWSCASTER: Junior Seau drove his SUV right off a cliff in California, NEWSCASTER: The former pro football star has apparently fallen on hard times. It said, you know, "If I get a concussion, am I further at risk for long-term problems?" DOCUMENT: "Omalu et al's description of chronic traumatic encephalopathy is completely wrong.". Early in his career, he worked as former commissioner Pete Rozelle's driver. NARRATOR: For Webster and others on the field, physical injuries went with the territory. Dr. ANN McKEE: There were NFL players out there that were talking to their wives and saying, "I think this might be something." NARRATOR: Indianapolis Colt team physician Dr. Henry Feuer was one of the NFL doctors the meeting. Then instead of the NFL, he became a professional wrestler.. MARK FAINARU-WADA: He ends up with the nickname Chris Harvard, the persona of this sort of snobbish wrestler who's smarter than all the fans. It's you know, it's a way of life. NARRATOR: Dr. Feuer insists Dr. McKee is mistaken about how she was treated. We're not going to help you.". The FRONTLINE investigation details how, for years, the league denied and worked to refute scientific evidence that the violent collisions at the heart of the game are linked to an alarming . NARRATOR: In Pittsburgh at just about this time, Mike Webster's brain tissue was being examined. ANNOUNCER: You love 'em wild and woolly and you're seeing it now! NARRATOR: A number of prominent scientists believe she has overstated the dangers of playing football. His brain became the most sought-after ever. ANNOUNCER: wrapped up and brought down by Owen Thomas. This is an issue." And I knew that I wasn't the only person, but I was a person in a position to make a difference. NARRATOR: Once one of Pittsburgh's greatest football heroes, Webster began living out of a pickup truck. NARRATOR: Dr. McKee, who had grown up loving football, has struggled with her feelings about the sport. Correct the in-text citation in the sentence below. He's not a neuro anything. NARRATOR: Fitzsimmons pulled together Webster's complicated medical history. Those things seem to happen around 1,000 to 1,500 times a year. Jeff Seamon on it. NARRATOR: It was a controversial theory that raised fundamental questions about the way the game was played. So I tased him, and he goesand he goes to sleep. And it became part of the popular jargon, you know, "He knocked him silly. You're just trying to get by in this storm. Not long after her trip to Tampa, Dr. McKee received a phone call. NARRATOR: But they continued to report the story, beginning with Mike Webster's career in the NFL. MARK FAINARU-WADA: He basically got his job by writing to the commissioner and saying, "Please, I'd like to work in the NFL.". No one from the NFL talked to. Be sure to include an APA-style reference for each article. I'm, like, "How do I?" The NFL knew it, but the players certainly didn't know it. He looked drained. Stallworth touchdown! But we didn't really relate that in a modern sport like football, in a helmeted sport, that it could lead to that. He's going to go! NARRATOR: Dr. McKee has now examined the brains of 46 former NFL players. "Yes, you played well." NEWSCASTER: Dr. Casson resigned from the NFL's concussion committee. NARRATOR: In Tampa, before the big game, Nowinski and McKee tried to crash the festivities by holding a press conference. ANNOUNCER: He's at the 40! NARRATOR: It was a disease never previously identified in football players, chronic traumatic encephalopathy CTE. Dr. HENRY FEUER: She was seeing only those that were in trouble, and we know that there are thousands roaming around that are not having problems. APA style is used in the social sciences, education, engineering and business. And she didn't drop a beat and said, "Are you kidding!" MARK FAINARU-WADA: I think the NFL has done an incredible job at marketing itself and turning itself into a spectacle, a sort of cultural part of our lives. NARRATOR: Then, with football season about to begin, a surprise settlement. 911 OPERATOR: What is your boyfriend's name? And Ann said, "Well, actually, I was on the NIH committee that defined how you diagnose that disease. Just a few blocks from NFL headquarters, the commissioner had another problem. Whats the truth about the risks to players? If 10% of mothers in this country would begin to perceive football as a dangerous sport, that is the end of football. If they got knocked out and went back into the same contest, it didn't matter. NARRATOR: The first broadcast of Monday Night Football in 1970 marked a turning point in the game's popularity and its revenues. Last Tuesday PBS Frontline premiered League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis, a damning investigation of the National Football League's efforts to suppress and discredit mounting evidence that the head trauma professional football players routinely endure poses grave health risks. ", CHRIS NOWINSKI, Co-Director, BU CTE Center: The answer was, "I don't know what you're talking about. Each time that happens, it's around 20G or more. We just need more information on it in terms of, you know, what exactly is the incidence and the risk. The head of the Disability Committee is the commissioner himself, so it's very much a creature of the NFL. December 15, So that's the that's just when I look back over 30 years of associated with football, that's the thing that's most alarming to me. My boyfriend's been shot! And he said, "Well, why am I here?" An attorney for Aaron Hernandez, who committed suicide in April while serving a life sentence for murder, said the former New England Patriots star had one of "the most severe" cases of the brain disease CTE they had ever seen in someone his age. CHRIS NOWINSKI, Author of the Book/Film Head Games: I'd be a fool not to worry about CTE personally. Franco Harris is down to 30, big pileup. When you are citing two different sources that share the same author and year of publication, assign lowercase letters after the year of publication (a, b, c, etc.). Then a third time, he interrupted me, and I turned to him and I said, "OK, why don't you tell me what implications are?" pbs frontline special league of denial apa citation. He's the one that made the decision to publish papers, no matter whether the reviewers felt they should be published or not, no matter whether the section editor felt they should be published or not. NARRATOR: Outside the conference's closed doors, the new commissioner insisted that the NFL had the problem under control. It's still wild and woolly, and I love 'em that way! But at that point, I was just kind of you know, I don't want to hear all these things. Refer to the guidelines for writing an effective summary presented in the Lecture 2 as a guide. Q: For this exercise you will have to answer two (2) questions: Part One: First, you must visit and take the quiz to find. The question is, do you want it to be your child? No. There was great doubt. And I honestly don't know whether he was seeing my disappointment, or whether it was his own disappointment that he was seeing reflected back. MARK FAINARU-WADA: The NFL convenes a summit in the summer of 2007. He was angrier quicker than before, and didn't have the patience to have, you know, the kids on his lap or take a walk with the kids. Find articles in journals, magazines, newspapers, and more. Mike Wiser, REPORTED BY He could explode into the player. ANNOUNCER: [ABC "Monday Night Football," 1983] vivid picturization of the excitement. ROBERT STERN, Ph.D., Neuropsychologist, Boston University: Those initial studies from the NFL were notorious in telling the world over and over and over again, "No, there's no relationship between hitting your head in football and later life problems. NARRATOR: The inspiration for the movie sports agent Jerry Maguire, Steinberg was a powerhouse alongside the new NFL. Dr. BENNET OMALU: Because after I looked at it over and over and over and over, I was convinced this was something. League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis: Directed by Michael Kirk. They were now research partners. CORRESPONDENT: Ira Casson leads a team of NFL doctors who did a study of several hundred active players and reported that the concern over head injuries is overblown. LISA McHALE: He is now the sixth confirmed case of CTE among former NFL players. Subscribe with this NARRATOR: Dr. McKee had examined thousands of brains, but the location of the damage from CTE was different. Films on Demand. Here's a roll-out. For this reason, format your reference to mention the segment and the database, Films on Demand. You may use your text or the OWL. They'll squash you. Every play was a fight. LEIGH STEINBERG: For a minute, I thought he was joking. Dr. BENNET OMALU: That was what I thought, in my naive state of mind. NEWSCASTER: His behavior changed dramatically. Never been diagnosed with a concussion, never had a problem in the world. But it pains me to think of how much that hurt him. MEGAN NODERER: I can't tell, ma'am. SCL 6_APA in text citation_references quiz_AK .docx. MLA citation generator could help will change over time, you I want to know, what are you doing now? I really worry for my running back brothers. NEWSCASTER: There is a proposed settlement in a huge concussion lawsuit. ROGER GOODELL: [CBS "This Morning," September 4, 2013] There was no admission of guilt. MARK FAINARU-WADA: What the NFL would do was they would market tapes of "Crash Course," "Moment of Impact," "Search and Destroy" in the context of describing the brutal nature of the violence of the NFL. ", BENNET OMALU, M.D., Medical Examiner: And everybody looked at me, like, "Where is he from? Menu. Michael Kirk & Mike Wiser and Steve Fainaru & Mark Fainaru-Wada. For the past four years, journalist Josh Baker has been trying to uncover the truth about an American familys journey from Indiana to the Islamic State groups caliphate and back. He said, "All you got to do is tase me right here." It surely has. She had found CTE in 19 of them. PRODUCED BY . . ANNOUNCER: They're number one in the nation. STEVE YOUNG: If my knee is hurt, everyone knows it and I know it, and we can go deal with it, and shoulders. That just shouldn't happen. NARRATOR: He had used his body and his head for 20 years in the NFL. JEANNE MARIE LASKAS, GQ, "Game Brain": He ran the same test, same stains, found the same splotches, CTE in his brain, too. NARRATOR: The meeting had changed nothing. I said, "I think I do. NARRATOR: The admission would not be made public until years later, when it was discovered by the Fainaru brothers. It became sort of like his little private mission. Be sure to include a discussion of the research problem, questions, method, findings, and implications discussed by the authors. I mean, he had florid disease. He offered to present Omalu's work to the group. You know, the NFL has had this strategy of going nuclear every time it goes to court because the first time you ever lose, you open up the floodgates to potential billions of dollars of damage. They were all destroyed and gone and broken glass, and they were all down, you know? No.". I mean, your money's gone. PETER KEATING: The way the NFL handled this was for 15 years to do research that looks awfully like it was designed to say that the league was OK in doing what it was doing which wasn't much to protect players from the dangers of concussions. CHRIS NOWINSKI: What motivated me every day was the fact that my head was killing me. And you know, that wasn't fair to those kids or those parents, but especially those kids. . And he said, "Did we win?" The commissioner helped to promote a youth football safety initiative, the Heads Up program. ROBERT STERN, Ph.D., Neuropsychologist, BU CTE Center: Not everyone who hits their head gets this disease. BENNET OMALU, M.D., Medical Examiner: I put the slides in and looked. MARK FAINARU-WADA: _Monday Night Football_ it's not just for football fans. And then to be down to a place of poverty, a place where, you know, your brain can't function to finish a sentence without some help from Ritalin or whatever you need to function for a short period of time. He looked beat up. That was the message, "Don't worry about it. But now the NFL's concussion crisis was again national news. And one of his colleagues said, "It's Mike Webster. And it wasn't hypothetical. He looked he looked worn out. In-text: (The FRONTLINE Interview: Dr. Bennet Omalu - League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis - FRONTLINE, 2015) Your Bibliography: FRONTLINE. They don't have they don't look at they haven't done this work. NARRATOR: To her, it may be the beginnings of an epidemic. And the answer was, and I'm virtually quoting, "Research has not shown that there are any long-term consequences to concussions in NFL players as long as each injury is treated properly. STEVE FAINARU: It was quite obvious what they were doing. NARRATOR: Then in New York, a change in the NFL's top leadership. And and I think she's a brilliant woman. And Mike's favorite games were the ones that were cold and snowy and frigid. NARRATOR: It was now in writing. During this whole run of research that's being published, the day of reckoning, where the league has to answer to somebody about what it's doing about concussions, just keeps getting pushed off and pushed off and pushed off. Dr. Pellman is not a neurosurgeon. STEVE FAINARU: Congress saw it as a way to put the NFL's concussion policies on trial in the court of public opinion. League of denial: the NFL's concussion crisis [Film]. Addiction Neuroscience [Video segment of Addiction]. YOUTH FOOTBALL TEAM: What time is it? This is still not something that we're buying into.". That's really what is happening here, right? NARRATOR: Then 11 years after he retired, the people of Pittsburgh received some bad news. He'll be flanked by Anastasia Danias she's from the National Football League and also Beth Wilkinson from Paul Weiss. They will squash you. Yes, you're the guy with all the research, you're the guy who's published the papers, you're the guy who's got the brains. You know, you really treat it with the utmost respect. That's the sacrifice that you take to play this game. And he said, "What's going on?" ROGER GOODELL: Let me address your first question. The NFL's own retirement board linked playing football and dementia. Dr. Bailes called me and said the NFL is putting together a conference on CTE, that you were not invited. PETER KEATING: Dr. Omalu is excluded, just underscoring how they don't want to do business with him. NARRATOR: The story of Webster's decline was revealed on ESPN, and then the local newspapers. I'm, like, "Who's Terry Long?" Watch with PBS Documentaries Start your 7-day free trial . NARRATOR: At the same time, another force was also causing trouble for the NFL and the commissioner, the wives and widows of players with CTE. And he says, "No. FRED SMERLAS, Buffalo Bills, 1979-89: Well, Webby would hit you with his head first. legal Janice Flood . ", STEVE FAINARU: And Omalu becomes very firm in that moment, and he says, "Fix the brain. SUNNY JANI, Friend: He had a lot of pain, and he hasn't slept for days. NARRATOR: The committee members believed Dr. McKee could not answer two important questions. ANNOUNCER: Tonight on FRONTLINE, the epic story of football's concussion crisis. (Producer) Bruce, C. (Producer) & Gigliotti, D. (Producer) ROGER GOODELL: that we've reached an agreement here that resolves these issues, and we'll move forward from there. NARRATOR: Nowinski's press conference was no match for the show the NFL was putting on across town. STEVE FAINARU: He gets the first flight out the next morning. NARRATOR: For Nowinski, the issue of CTE is personal. League of denial : the NFL's concussion crisis. You can't go against the NFL. I'm just going to show them what I have. I mean, what have I done? Nobody ever told me. PETER KEATING, Reporter, ESPN: People have suggested strongly to me that he picked up a lot of techniques about how to aggressively defend things that could turn out to be class actions. Without any history of diagnosed concussions, it seemed unlikely he had CTE. We'd like you to participate. He telephoned Seau's son, Tyler, to get consent to take his father's brain. NARRATOR: Earlier, Goodell had watched his mentor, Tagliabue, downplay the concussion controversy. NARRATOR: For Chris Harvard, the performance often ended with a blow to the head. NARRATOR: In the end, Dr. Omalu's paper was not retracted. DONNIE DAWKINS: We're going to dominate this thing! compliance manager Jay Fialkov . Having said that, I still think it's something that we need to be concerned about. NARRATOR: It was the first hard evidence that playing football could cause permanent brain damage. That's what we love about the game. NARRATOR: The commissioner arrived like a celebrity, the star attraction at the hearing and the focus of all the cameras. Find an answer to your question Create a reference page by citing the following sources in correct APA format. And Omalu's response was, "Who's Mike Webster? I think I have more than enough reasons to believe that I'm going to be fighting this myself. If the business is potentially lethal, then that's going to have major implications for the game. but do not use citation generators.A textbook: The second edition of Psychology and Your Life by Robert S. Feldman written in 2013. . Or is it the result of steroid or drug abuse in a small number of NFL players? NARRATOR: They had even invited outside scientists who had become some of the league's biggest critics. You only get one brain. NARRATOR: For now, the future of the league and the game of football seem secure. What possible motive? NARRATOR: His second in command and closest aide, Roger Goodell, took over. Dr. ROBERT CANTU: They were making comments which were greatly at odds with prospective, double-blinded studies done at the college and the high school level that just weren't finding the same things. And I said, "The 49ers." LEAGUE OF DENIAL: The NFL's Concussion Crisis. New: 87 Deceased NFL Players Test Positive for Brain Disease, Study of Former NFL Players Shows Risks for Brain from Youth Football, NFL Concussion Settlement Wins Final Approval from Judge, Top NFL Rookie to Retire, Citing Concussion Risk, Questions Over Brain Disease Again Stymie NFL Concussion Settlement. It's huge business. Boston :WGBH Educational Foundation : Distributed by PBS Video, 2001. Closeclose, Feedback, questions, or accessibility issues:, (Agricultural & Life Sciences, Engineering), Find articles in journals, magazines, newspapers, and more, Locate databases by title and description, Discover digital collections, images, sound recordings, and more, Find information on spaces, staff, services, and more, Archives and Special Collections Requests. The NFL wants to keep pushing these questions into the future, keep the discoveries going, make it seem like these questions that still need to be resolved are things that the league is working with doctors and researchers on. NARRATOR: The NFL's own highly crafted film productions celebrated the violence and the spectacle. ROBERT CANTU, M.D., Neurosurgeon, Boston University: If you're going to put together a blue ribbon committee to study brain trauma, it should have as its chair somebody who has that as a background, either a neurologist, neurosurgeon, neuropathologist, preferably a clinician. I'm not saying I was different than that. For FRONTLINE, ESPN and in their own book, they've been investigating how the NFL has handled evidence that football may be destroying the brains of NFL players. The minute you put your pads on, you're only one play away from getting seriously injured. When he arrives at the medical examiner's office, he's telling people that he has the verbal consent from Tyler Seau to harvest the brain. The stakes for the NFL are obvious. He's clearly distressed by what he's hearing. That means denial. STEVE FAINARU: He was very much a creature of this expanding juggernaut of the NFL. In a special two-hour investigation, FRONTLINE and prize-winning journalists Steve Fainaru and Mark Fainaru-Wada of ESPN reveal the hidden story of the NFL and brain injuries, drawn from their book League of Denial: The NFL, Concussions and the Battle for Truth . I think that we need to learn more about these former athletes, learn more about them during their living years so that we can better understand what their neuro-cognitive function is like, what their emotional status is like. Simply copy it to the References page as is. It was a hard message, a difficult message, a bad message, but it appeared to be true. He died.". In a special two-hour investigation, FRONTLINE and prize-winning journalists Steve Fainaru and Mark Fainaru-Wada of ESPN reveal the hidden story of the NFL and brain injuries, drawn from their book League of Denial: The NFL, Concussions and the Battle for Truth (Crown Archetype, October 2013). And you know, that's the way it is. Reporter James Edwards seeks answers to these questions, reflecting on his own familys experiences along the way. "", NARRATOR: denied players suffered any long-term problems from concussions sustained while playing football, DOCUMENT: "that there was no evidence of worsening injury or chronic cumulative effects of multiple MTBIs in". Dr. JULIAN BAILES: So I presented and showed our data, which was four or five cases at that point. I really, sincerely wished it didn't cross my path of life, seriously. JIM OTTO, Oakland Raiders, 1960-74: I mean, it's affected my life. September 30, He's a rheumatologist. Dr. ROBERT CANTU: You have an 18-year-old with chronic traumatic encephalopathy. At some point, he interrupted me again, "Bennet, do you think you know the implications of what you're doing?" He committed suicide.". ROGER GOODELL, NFL Commissioner: We recently committed $30 million to the National Institutes of Health. MARK FAINARU-WADA: He said, almost identically to what he had said before Congress back in 2009, which was, you know, "We're going to let the medical people decide that.". You've got the very real question being asked of whether the nature of playing the sport exposes you to brain damage and lots of science that suggests that it can. NARRATOR: Almost two decades after the NFL founded its first scientific committee to research the issue, the league continues to insist the evidence of a link between CTE and football is unclear. APA Activity 2: Citing PracticeCreate a reference page by citing the following sources in correct APA format. League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis. houston social media influencer Space Is Ace Kindness Over Everything Monsters. Dr. BENNET OMALU: If you read, Pellman made statements like what I practice is not medicine, it's not science. ANNOUNCER: You see it right here. And I think the NFL has given everybody 765 million reasons why you don't want to play football. Dr. ANN McKEE: We had been able to get the brain of an 18-year-old who had died 10 days after suffering his fourth concussion playing high school sports. An investigation of the health crisis threatening NFL players and the long-term fortunes of football. They would not. JANE LEAVY: The attitude is so careful about that this is a person that's being delivered into their care. PETER KEATING: Dr. Ira Casson, who is an expert, but an abrasive person who is contemptuous of the arguments that concussion can cause damage. APA citation style refers to the rules and conventions established by the American Psychological Association for documenting sources used in a research paper. And is it related to football?". He said, "If 10 percent of mothers in this country would begin to perceive football as a dangerous sport, that is the end of football.". NARRATOR: McKee's warnings about the danger of the game have made her the subject of sharp criticism. This is not good science. The people here are tough, tough-minded. History of diagnosed concussions, it 's Mike Webster 's brain head gets this disease million. 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