Last updated February 23, 2022 at 12:25 PM. The commission or the superintendent may make application to the appropriate court for an order enjoining the violation of section 4735.02 or 4735.25 of the Revised Code, and upon a showing by the commission or the superintendent that any person, firm, partnership, association, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or corporation has violated or is about to violate section 4735.02 or 4735.25 of the Revised Code, an injunction, restraining order, or such other order as may be appropriate shall be granted by such court. (8) Procuring a license under this chapter, for the licensee or any salesperson by fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit; (9) Having violated or failed to comply with any provision of sections 4735.51 to 4735.74 of the Revised Code or having willfully disregarded or violated any other provisions of this chapter; (10) As a real estate broker, having demanded, without reasonable cause, other than from a broker licensed under this chapter, a commission to which the licensee is not entitled, or, as a real estate salesperson, having demanded, without reasonable cause, a commission to which the licensee is not entitled; (11) Except as permitted under section 4735.20 of the Revised Code, having paid commissions or fees to, or divided commissions or fees with, anyone not licensed as a real estate broker or salesperson under this chapter or anyone not operating as an out-of-state commercial real estate broker or salesperson under section 4735.022 of the Revised Code; (12) Having falsely represented membership in any real estate professional association of which the licensee is not a member; (13) Having accepted, given, or charged any undisclosed commission, rebate, or direct profit on expenditures made for a principal; (14) Having offered anything of value other than the consideration recited in the sales contract as an inducement to a person to enter into a contract for the purchase or sale of real estate or having offered real estate or the improvements on real estate as a prize in a lottery or scheme of chance; (15) Having acted in the dual capacity of real estate broker and undisclosed principal, or real estate salesperson and undisclosed principal, in any transaction; (16) Having guaranteed, authorized, or permitted any person to guarantee future profits which may result from the resale of real property; (17) Having advertised or placed a sign on any property offering it for sale or for rent without the consent of the owner or the owner's authorized agent; (18) Having induced any party to a contract of sale or lease to break such contract for the purpose of substituting in lieu of it a new contract with another principal; (19) Having negotiated the sale, exchange, or lease of any real property directly with a seller, purchaser, lessor, or tenant knowing that such seller, purchaser, lessor, or tenant is represented by another broker under a written exclusive agency agreement, exclusive right to sell or lease listing agreement, or exclusive purchaser agency agreement with respect to such property except as provided for in section 4735.75 of the Revised Code; (20) Having offered real property for sale or for lease without the knowledge and consent of the owner or the owner's authorized agent, or on any terms other than those authorized by the owner or the owner's authorized agent; (21) Having published advertising, whether printed, radio, display, or of any other nature, which was misleading or inaccurate in any material particular, or in any way having misrepresented any properties, terms, values, policies, or services of the business conducted; (22) Having knowingly withheld from or inserted in any statement of account or invoice any statement that made it inaccurate in any material particular; (23) Having published or circulated unjustified or unwarranted threats of legal proceedings which tended to or had the effect of harassing competitors or intimidating their customers; (24) Having failed to keep complete and accurate records of all transactions for a period of three years from the date of the transaction, such records to include copies of listing forms, earnest money receipts, offers to purchase and acceptances of them, records of receipts and disbursements of all funds received by the licensee as broker and incident to the licensee's transactions as such, and records required pursuant to divisions (C)(4) and (5) of section 4735.20 of the Revised Code, and any other instruments or papers related to the performance of any of the acts set forth in the definition of a real estate broker; (25) Failure of a real estate broker or salesperson to furnish all parties involved in a real estate transaction true copies of all listings and other agreements to which they are a party, at the time each party signs them; (26) Failure to maintain at all times a special or trust bank account in a depository located in this state. Landlord's Corner - Abandonment clauses in leases. We'll mail the letter to your neighbor on your behalf. Upon receipt of the process, affidavit, and fee, the secretary of state immediately shall give notice of the process to the person, at the address given in the affidavit and forward to that address by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of the process. The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. The superintendent may process the application regardless of whether the licensee's license is returned to the superintendent. (B) A licensee does not breach any duty or obligation to the purchaser by showing the same properties to other purchasers or by preparing or presenting contemporaneous offers to purchase or lease the same property. (E) "Foreign real estate" means real estate not situated in this state and any interest in real estate not situated in this state. Each school, seminar, or educational institution approved under this division shall be open to all licensees on an equal basis. (5) That as a dual agent, the brokerage cannot engage in conduct that is contrary to the interests or instructions of one party or act in a biased manner on behalf of one party; (6) A section specifying the source of compensation to the real estate broker; (7) That the client does not have to consent to the dual agency relationship, and the options available to the client for representation in the transaction if the client does not consent, including the right of the client to terminate the agency relationship and seek representation from another source; (8) That the consent to the dual agency relationship by the client has been given voluntarily, that the signature indicates informed consent, and that the duties of a licensee acting as a dual agent disclosed to the client pursuant to division (B) of this section have been read and understood. If feasible, the instruction in Ohio real estate law shall be taught by a member of the faculty of an accredited law school. The superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation shall obtain information from the federal bureau of investigation as part of the criminal records check of the applicant or licensee. The commission shall decide within sixty days of the filing of the hearing examiner's report or within sixty days of the filing of an Ohio civil rights commission complaint. However, the suspended license of the associated real estate salesperson shall be reactivated and no fee shall be charged or collected for that reactivation if all of the following occur: (a) That broker subsequently submits satisfactory proof to the superintendent that the broker has complied with the requirements of division (G)(1) of this section and requests that the broker's license as a real estate broker be reactivated; (b) The superintendent then reactivates the broker's license as a real estate broker; (c) The associated real estate salesperson intends to continue to be associated with that broker and otherwise is in compliance with this chapter. (A) No licensee or brokerage shall participate in a dual agency relationship described in section 4735.70 of the Revised Code unless both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction have full knowledge of the dual representation and consent in writing to the dual representation on the agency disclosure statement described in section 4735.57 of the Revised Code. (A) In representing a purchaser in an agency relationship, a licensee shall: (1) Seek a property at a price and with purchase or lease terms acceptable to the purchaser. (A) An application to act as a foreign real estate dealer shall be in writing and filed with the superintendent of real estate. (B) No partnership, association, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or corporation holding a real estate license shall employ as an officer, director, manager, or principal employee any person previously holding a license as a real estate broker, real estate salesperson, foreign real estate dealer, or foreign real estate salesperson, whose license has been placed in inactive or resigned status, or is suspended, or revoked and who has not thereafter reactivated the license or received a new license. The proof shall be submitted in the manner provided by the superintendent. The superintendent shall not be bound by any prior compromise or stipulation of the judgment debtor. (2) At or prior to first contacting any landowner or other person with an interest in real estate for the purpose of engaging in the activities of an oil and gas land professional, and on a form approved by the superintendent, discloses to the landowner or other person all of the following: (a) The oil and gas land professional's name and address as registered with the superintendent; (b) That the oil and gas land professional is registered as such with the superintendent and is a member in good standing in a national, state, or local professional organization that has been in existence for at least three years and has, as part of its mission, developed a set of standards of performance and ethics for oil and gas land professionals; (c) That the oil and gas land professional is not a licensed real estate broker or real estate salesperson under Chapter 4735. of the Revised Code; (d) That the landowner or other person with an interest in real estate may seek legal counsel in connection with any transaction with the oil and gas land professional; (e) That the oil and gas land professional is not representing the landowner or other person with an interest in real estate. (G)(1) Successful completion of the instruction required by division (F)(6) of this section shall be determined by the law in effect on the date the instruction was completed. (A) The superintendent of real estate, with the approval of the Ohio real estate commission, shall establish by rule an agency disclosure statement. (H) The suspension or revocation of a real estate broker's or foreign real estate dealer's license automatically shall suspend every real estate salesperson's or foreign real estate salesperson's license granted to any person by virtue of association with the broker or dealer whose license has been suspended or revoked, pending a change of broker or dealer and the issuance of a new license. The commission shall maintain a transcript of the proceedings and issue a written opinion to the complainant and licensee, citing its findings and grounds for any action taken. (E) No person shall take the foreign real estate dealer's examination who has not established to the satisfaction of the superintendent that the person: (1) Has not been convicted of a disqualifying offense as determined in accordance with section 9.79 of the Revised Code; (2) Has not been finally adjudged by a court to have violated any municipal, state, or federal civil rights laws relevant to the protection of purchasers or sellers of real estate or, if the applicant has been so adjudged, at least two years have passed since the court decision and the superintendent has disregarded the adjudication because the applicant has proven, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the applicant's activities and employment record since the adjudication show that the applicant is honest and truthful, and there is no basis in fact for believing that the applicant again will violate the laws involved; (3) Has not, during any period for which the applicant was licensed under this chapter or any former section of the Revised Code applicable to licensed foreign real estate dealers or salespersons, violated any provision of, or any rule adopted pursuant to, this chapter or that section, or, if the applicant has violated any such provision or rule, has established to the satisfaction of the superintendent that the applicant will not again violate the provision or rule. 3601, as amended; (F) Disclosing to the client any material facts of the transaction of which the licensee is aware or should be aware in the exercise of reasonable skill and care and that are not confidential information pursuant to a current or prior agency or dual agency relationship; (G) Advising the client to obtain expert advice related to material matters when necessary or appropriate; (H) Accounting in a timely manner for all moneys and property received in which the client has or may have an interest; (I) Keeping confidential all confidential information, unless the licensee is permitted to disclose the information pursuant to division (B) of section 4735.74 of the Revised Code. Title 53 | Real Property: Title 55 | Roads-Highways-Bridges: Title 57 | Taxation: Title 58 | Trusts: Title 59 | Veterans-Military Affairs: Title 61 | Water Supply-Sanitation-Ditches: The citation also shall contain a statement of a fine of up to two hundred dollars per violation. The commission shall report to the general assembly on the third Tuesday after the third Monday in January of each year setting forth the total amount contained in the fund and the amount of each research grant that it has authorized and the amount of each research grant requested. Any person whose license is reactivated pursuant to this division shall comply with the requirements of this section and otherwise be in compliance with this chapter. The fee for the examination, when administered by the superintendent, is sixty-eight dollars. A licensee shall not renew the licensee's license any earlier than two months prior to the filing deadline. (4) The commission shall decide whether to impose disciplinary sanctions upon a party for a violation of section 4735.02 or 4735.023 of the Revised Code. (2) A person, partnership, association, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or corporation exempt under division (I)(1)(a) of this section shall be limited by the legal interest in the real estate held by that person or entity to performing any of the acts or transactions specified in or comprehended by division (A) of this section. (5) In conjunction with the enforcement of this chapter, issue advisory letters in lieu of initiating disciplinary action under section 4735.051 or 4735.052 of the Revised Code or issuing a citation under section 4735.16 or 4735.181 of the Revised Code. Each day a violation occurs or continues is a separate violation. (3) Recommend the appointment of an ancillary trustee who is qualified as determined by the superintendent in any of the following instances: (a) Upon the death of a licensed broker, if there is no other licensed broker within the brokerage, upon application by any interested party, subject to the approval by the appropriate probate court, to conclude the business transactions of the deceased broker; (b) Upon the revocation of a licensed broker, if there is no other licensed broker within the brokerage, to conclude the business transactions of the revoked broker; (c) Upon the incapacitation, suspension, or incarceration of a licensed broker, if there is no other licensed broker within the brokerage, to continue the business transactions of the brokerage for a period of time not to exceed the period of incapacitation, suspension, or incarceration. (iii) Twenty hours of instruction in real estate appraisal; (iv) Twenty hours of instruction in real estate finance; (v) The training in the amount of hours specified under divisions (B)(6)(a)(v), (vi), (vii), and (viii) of this section. Failure to reactivate the license as provided in this division shall result in automatic revocation of the license without the taking of any action by the superintendent. The following are dual agents under this chapter: (A) A licensee who represents both the purchaser and the seller as clients in the same real estate transaction; (B) A brokerage that represents both the purchaser and the seller as clients in the same real estate transaction; (C) A management level licensee who represents a client in an in-company transaction. (B) Whenever the commission, pursuant to section 4735.051 of the Revised Code, imposes disciplinary sanctions for any violation of this section, the commission also may impose such sanctions upon the broker with whom the salesperson is affiliated if the commission finds that the broker had knowledge of the salesperson's actions that violated this section. (G) Any owner of any interest in foreign real estate may refer a prospective buyer to the person who sold the owner that foreign real estate with the expectation of receiving valuable consideration, if all of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) The person who sold the owner that foreign real estate is selling qualified foreign real estate pursuant to section 4735.25 of the Revised Code. The applicant shall attach to the application a copy of each pleading and order in the underlying court action. The commission from time to time shall promulgate such canons and cause them to be published in printed form. 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