And that was the last time anybody heard anything from Brandon Swanson. He attended a small gathering at a house, where it is said that there was alcohol, however, Brandon did not appear to be drunk. Rural. Distinguishing characteristics for Brandon include Caucasian male. I live in Minneapolis. NASA's Photos From Mars: Don't Tell Me the Red Planet Wasn't Once a Thriving World! Brandon Lawson 911 call depicted last moments before he went missing Around 11:30 p.m. Aug. 8, Lawson called his father and mentioned he was heading to his parents' house in Crowley, about 3. This is the one case i cant seem to forget. I kinda feel like someone snuck up behind Brandon and kidnapped him, Brandon became afraid, said the expletive after they came up behind him and he could have dropped his phone out of fear; causing the phone to hang up on his own. I of course do not know the dynamics of the family, but Brandon was underage drinking, out very late at night, and his father was the last person to see or hear from him. They called Brandon and asked him to explain where he was, but even when they arrived at where he claimed to be they were unable to locate him, even after they both unsuccessfully tried flashing their headlights in order to try and hone in on each others locations. Her saying that is huge. It was determined that there was no evidence at all that he had met with foul play or that he had had any desire to want to suddenly run away. He planned to eventually enroll in a four-year university and have a career in the sciences. A search was launched involving hundreds of people and trained dogs, which would go on for around 4 months meticulously going through a 100 square mile area without finding the missing man or even any trace whatsoever of where he had gone. I am wondering if taking off his glasses and not wearing them was normal for Brandon and why do you think all the car doors were left open? Indeed, what happened to him in the first place? Police were able to find the young mans car, but it was nowhere near where he had told his parents it had been. Just to drop off the face of the earth like that so haunting for the family to live with. In addition, some comments I have seen from the mother include that she felt very early on before the first 24 hours were up that something terribly wrong had happened and You know, Im not sure Brandon is going to be found in my lifetime. These are just not the normal kind of things mothers say about their missing children. Let's take the case of Brandon Swanson. There had been many speculations as he may additionally have determined refuge in a deserted construction, he fell into the river and made it back out or he deliberate his disappearance. This requires police in Minnesota to begin immediate searches for missing adults under the age of 21, as well as any older adults who have been reported missing where there are suspicious circumstances. What direction he might have been walking from car to supposed town? Shortly after, Brandon exclaims; Oh s***. His father believes he hears Brandons foot slipping and the phone goes dead. Around 91% of all cases are closed within 48 hours, and 99% of cases are solved completely within one year. He's described as being six feet tall with brown hair and hazel eyes. . Then, he suddenly vanished without a trace. During all of this, Kyle and Audrey had dutifully retrieved the gas canister and were going to deliver it when they found Brandons abandoned truck. Even more recently still is the 2018 case of 21-year-old Matthew Weaver, who at the time had just moved to live on his own in the Granada Hills area of Los Angeles, California, where he worked as a linesman for his fathers telephone pole construction company. This is just my own theory, not saying this is actually what happened. Where is your pride, mother fucker? before hanging up. But there are a couple of issues with this theory, largely revolving around the phone call. BRANDON SWANSON - THEORIES (MINDSHOCK TRUE CRIME PODCAST CLIPS)Examining different theories in the Brandon Swanson disappearance.LISTEN to the FULL PODCAST here - this channel to get access to perks: FREE TRIAL - MINDSHOCK - FACEBOOK - - - - - The series of events leading to his disappearance near Bronte, Texas, appeared wholly contradictory. Forty-seven minutes into the phone call, Brandon suddenly exclaimed, Oh shit! and the line went dead. Impossible as it may seem, a nineteen year old manseems to have literally disappeared without a trace. Forgive me if this was ever answered and im so sorry for what Brandons family have endured.But where is Brandons phone now?.And maybe he was stopped by police their are cases like that Ive read about. It would be tragic if that is what happened of course, but at this point theres not much evidence either way. In NC a lot of cistrens abandoned Wells are filled in with rocks sometimes over years the shaft opens more rocks fall and now you have a deathtrap waiting. My first thought when I heard the initial story was that he was walking toward lights and then said, Oh Shit, I thought it was aliens/extra-terrestrials. The lack of his physical evidence makes it plausible? One fairly well-known case that I have covered before but seems worth mentioning here is a case covered by David Paulides in his Missing 411 series of books and revolves around the strange call made by a 19-year-old college student named Brandon Swanson. He has not been seen or heard from since this incident. I got lost driving last week. When i flip the other hand coinsthis case has more holes than facts till this day. I think eventually something will be found..I am hopeful.. Personally I wouldnt really buy that as an explanation without some kind of (very strong and very convincing!) Im actually planning a blog post about them too. Its a good question, as potentially that wouldve ruled out a lot of scenarios. He walked according to the average walking speed/hour. On the night of 14 May 2008, after celebrating the last day of college classes with a friend, he was driving home along a gravel road, and somehow crashed his car into a ditch. His father spent several hours looking for him, then notified the police at 6:30 a.m. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I really think this is all just an unfortunate accident. The phone wasnt shut off however, as the father also said the phone continued to ring when he tried calling back. Thats crazy!!! The runaway theory has been posited before I think, although the main objection to it would be the oh shit. I think the solution of this case is that he slipped away in a river bank. There is NO WAY he can defend himself from an attack with that height and body weight. It has been named Brandons Law. An answer might be that Brandon dropped the phone, causing the battery to fall out and so ending the call that way. The phone call would sometimes cut off or dip out for a while but they would call again and the conversation would continue.Brandon eventually gave up with this tactic and told his parents he was going to walk towards the lights he could see in the distance, assuming them to be from the small town of Lynd. What I find interesting is that the parents say the mom was dropped off and that the dad continued the search, still on the phone trying to find him. Not to mention the fact that an animal attacking, fatally wounding and then dragging a person away would leave a huge amount of evidence behind. Not only was Brandon in contact with his brother, Kyle, moments before he disappeared, but they were also in the same area, possibly yards apart. This involves walking furrows in 15-20 foot increments which is quite energy intensive and time-consuming. The most prevalent theory is that Brandon must have fallen into a river or creek possibly the Yellow Medicine River which is fifteen feet at its deepest point, and would have been running incredibly fast at the time he disappeared. I researched the phone, it was prone to battery problems. Subsequent searches over the years have also failed to find any clue as to what happened to Brandon Swanson, with all tips that have come forward likewise leading nowhere, and he has seemingly vanished into thin air. Brandon Swanson is still missing. Most of what he was saying was hard to understand over the poor connection, but he explained that he had accidentally run into someone, and then there is a lot of indefinable background noise that is then punctuated by what sounds like it might be gunshots. While his friends observed him consume a few alcholic drinks, they said it was not eough to mae him appear intoxicated. Brandon Swanson met with foul playI wanted to touch on this theory and the likelihood that Swanson was a victim of foul play. If his dad had run him off and he did leave then he wouldnt be afraid to call his mom..At least to tell her he was OK.. Hello) But if his dad ran him off and Brandon had left..Then he wouldnt have any fear in calling his mom, at least to let her know he was ok.. I would like to know how exactly the call was ended. I suppose because theres such a lack of hard evidence/information about what actually happened, then there are a number of theories which may fit the facts as they stand, and this could well be one of them. On May 14, 2008, nineteen year old Brandon Swanson disappeared from Marshall, Minnesota, approximately at 2:00 a.m. The phone records led to the discovery of Swansons car about 1.5 miles away from Taunton and on the borders of Yellow Medicine, Lincoln and Lyon counties. On May 14, 2008, Brandon was driving home from a party and drove into a ditch. To me, these things say that his vehicle was possibly staged. I found out about this disappearance and wanted to know more and found this post. Brandon told them he couldnt see the lights at all, so he got back into his car and started flashing his own headlights in the hope that maybe they would see him. The authorities say that there is neither any evidence of foul play, nor any evidence that Brandon would have staged his own disappearance. Clearly, in this situation, Annette and Brian Swanson were right to trust their gut instincts regarding their sons disappearance, and a more prompt reaction including a search and investigation was absolutely needed. Wonder if his phone dropped the call? Maybe it meant that they got a Phone Call 91 Days before the Body was Found. Join Facebook to connect with Brandon Swanson and others you may know. I also believe without a shadow of doubt someone hung up his cell phone for him, or Brandon HAD NO CHOICE but to end the call. Its believed that Swanson called some of his friends for help, however, nobody picked up the phone. She continued to party anyway, and was last seen leaving the party after midnight with two men, one of whom was dropped off and the other with who she went to his house in the nearby town of Berea, just off US Highway 421. It is not known why he went there, and he had not mentioned it to Melissa or anyone else. This is the last anyone has heard from him. Swanson has never been heard from again. I dont know what happened to him, and my heart has been heavy for him and his poor family that still to this day, leave the front porch light on for him. But it doesnt explain his last words on the phone.. That could be a consideration, although Im not sure if there are any search warrants/laws in the US that could be served to compel landowners to allow searches on their land in certain circumstances. Did he ever say anything during the call about his cell phone battery? These theories have major flaws, however; if a person has time to register danger, swear down the phone and then end a phone call, surely they would have time to get out of the way of an oncoming vehicle? And until more evidence/answers come to light, thats probably exactly how itll stay a mystery. Someone here mentioned those pig farms, so The theory Id like to mention is the possibility that Swanson did fall into the water, exited the water and couldnt find his phone, walked away, and ultimately died of hypothermia. For me it sounds more of a murder case, and the only answer you find in his town. He lived with his sister, who cared for him (a job that included moving him around the house, to the toilet, outside for fresh air, etc). For instance: What were the lights he might have seen was it a town? According to official statistics, in the US alone 2,300 people go missing every day. you have NO IDEA whos watching you. I dont know where you read what you typed but it is all wrong, he stayed with his car at first and then at 2:23am his dad called him back and spoke to him for 47 minutes, that is when he said he would walk to what he thought was the town of Lynd. The Disappearance. He had been dedicated to his fiancee, Ladessa Lofton, for 10 years and the couple had three children. Brandon Swanson of Marshall MN, has been missing since Wed. May 14th, 2008. He wasn't injured in the crash. I came across with this reddit post. I havent read much about that angle of investigation either to be honest. Brandon crashed about 2 miles away from the town of Taunton. These are questions that taunt us, without any answers and their ultimate solutions just as murky as these last calls and messages. A few hours later at around 6.30am they notified the police. Usually in a situation like this close relatives would be the first to be questioned/ruled out, so I assume that his father was, although as you say there isnt much information on this at all so its not actually that clear. But David doesnt put forth any theory as to what is causing all these people to simply vanish into thin air. I recently read a news story on the net where a couple of teenage girls who disappeared in the mid sixties were recently found (their skeletons) in the car they were in when it ran into a fairly deep running stream (out West, the drought had lowered the stream and the remains of the vehicle surfaced). Confessions of a Hitman (Confessions) Luc Picard. Its definitely possible based on the information we have. Also, how about an abandon well? Or maybe there is a single cause of all this that we just dont know about yet? View the profiles of people named Brandon Swanson. If someone was going to disappear, why make things seem mysterious by saying that? In spite of all the searches using state of the art equipment and techniques, and all of the theories and hours of investigations and searches, we are still no closer to knowing what occurred that night, or where Brandon Swanson is now. Updated 7 times since October 12, 2004. And I agree that whatever actually happened, it is a very sad situation. In this podcast Marisa shares her favorite theories with you (and Ethan). Brandon had mentioned passing fences and hearing nearby water, his father recalled. the minute brandon decided to walk on his own, the person/people start following him. I know what you mean about wondering what would happen next if this was a film, although if this was a film it would probably be considered too unbelievable. 12*4 is 48 min. A number of other theories have been considered, including the idea that Brandon might have hidden in an abandoned structure to escape the cold and then succumbed to hypothermia, or that he was attacked by an animal and taken away. 6.30 am Brian and Annette Swanson attempted to report Brandon as missing to local law enforcement but were advised to wait as this type of behaviour was not unusual for young men. Brandon Swanson has brown hair and blue eyes, stands 5'6" and weighs . I believe the river theory unlikely. His case remains unsolved. What happened to Brookelyn Farthing? Note: As a result of these events, a new law has been introduced. He told them that he was near the town of Lynd, Minnesota. Brandon Lawson, 26, vanished along a desolate stretch of State Highway 277 outside of San Angelo, Texas which is about 250 mile southwest of Dallas on Aug. 9, 2013, according to the San Angelo Standard-Times.On Friday, those closest to Lawson announced that a private team of . When Brookelyn did not show up for an appointment the next day and did not answer any calls or texts they contacted authorities. Brandon Swanson would never be seen again. The most popular theory among authorities is that Brandon fell into the river. So the father took Brandons mother home, so he could run Brandon off, so she couldnt help him with that college money, or any other money. She was last seen wearing a forest green pullover shirt, a blue nylon L.L. It was the last day of classes at Minnesota West Community and Technical College in Canby, Minnesota, where he was enrolled in a wind turbine program, and he had gone out with a friend to celebrate. An hour later, he called police when he ran out . This is according to Wikipedia. Could it be possible that a police officer pulled up to him ,and turned on his lights, and perhaps Brandon had been drinking a little or possibly had some illegal substance on him, so he comments oh shit and hangs up on his father, becouse he doesnt want the father to hear witness to the exchange between himself and the police, and i know the odds are one in a million but history shows us it has happened before, what if Brandon encountered a bad cop, with bad and deadly intentions. MARSHALL Ten years have gone by and Brandon Swanson is still missing. Hey, its just my opinion. I plan one day to go out there as I have had experience looking for lost folks. As well as trying to call their son, Brian and Annette Swanson continued to look for any sign of Brandon or his car. Brandon was last seen on May 14, 2008 leaving a friend's house. If anyone knows where to find more details let me know. He had made arrangements to transfer to Iowa Western Community College in Council Bluffs in August 2008. It is possible that Brandon was murdered in some way, possibly by another person from the party? I know what you mean about it sounding far-fetched, but this is a disappearance consisting of extremely mysterious circumstances and very few clues to explain them. Im pretty sure his Oh sh comment was made when he came to the realization that he was not where he thought he was, he probably didnt pick up the phone when his father called for the very same reason, justifying that his father would be mad if he found out hed been driving for almost three hours now looking for him in a spot where he wasnt, he tried to make his way home on his own, but being intoxicated with impaired judgement one of two things could have happened: A.) Unfortunately, it doesnt look like any additional investigating around the parents will be done, and so the mothers prediction will probably come true. The law requires Minnesota police to begin an immediate search for missing adults under 21, as well as older adults who are missing under suspicious circumstances. Not much to go by here. Among the several You tube videos on this case, people still throw around the drowning theory.. Detectives are still looking into whether this was a homicide case or just teenage folly, either way, our hearts go out to his family members who were left hanging for 91 soul crushing days after the night of the mysterious phone call.. The Charley Project is NOT a registered non-profit organization and any donations will NOT be tax-deductible. Wondering what his actual tone was. Hopefully therell be an answer one day, but until then there are really more questions than answers. 13th May 2008 Minnesota, USABrandon Swanson went to a small get-together at a friends house to celebrate finishing the school year. Did he have a flashlight? What gets me now is..If he was heading back to Marshall after having a few drinks in Canby to celebrate end of classes..He would have known Rt. According to official statistics, in the US alone 2,300 people go missing every day. Even his schoolfriends of the party where he went before missing, do they even search in his local network to find more evidence?? Source: He wasn't injured in the accident. Bean jacket tied around her waist . Wouldnt Brandon have closed the door automatically when exiting the vehicle? Thanks for commenting, and Im glad you found it interesting. The 47 min. And if he was picked up by someone, surely he would tell his dad, who he was on the phone with at the time? The ditch was shallow but steep and Swanson was unable to get the car unstuck on his own. There is always the possibility Swanson was followed whilst hed been driving, but surely this would have been mentioned in the phone call with his parents? Hes in the middle of nowhere, sees some lights, which he thought was the town, walks toward it and then realizes its not what he thought it was. If not, why wouldnt they? After Swansons disappearance, the Lyon County Sheriffs Department conducted searches for Brandon by ground, ATV, horseback, airplane and helicopter, but nothing was found. 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.04 - MU Plus+ Podcast - High-Res Healing, TikTok and Its Strange Proliferation of Mysterious Accounts of Skinwalkers, A 3,500-Year-Old Frozen Mummified Bear Found in Siberia. Maybe there are multiple explanations? His parents said that they couldnt anything either. then yea he was kidnapped, murdered, disposed of in who knows what way. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! It is unclear whether she knew these men before the party, but her sister Paige would later state that she had known everyone there. It has been named Brandons Law. Celebrating in the context of the description indicates alcohol intake and possibly some recreational drugs. According to Wikipedia, the average walking speed is 5 km per hour. Searches of the river didn't produce his body, however, and there's no evidence to support any theory. I live in Russia. His dad tried calling back a number of times, but Brandon never picked up his phone. Interestingly, police search dogs seemed to follow Swansons scent to the rivers edge but continued walking on. Noteworthy accomplishments: South-West Conference champions in 2011, the Green Wave advanced in 2012 to the state Class LL tournament semifinals. He was travelling from Canby to Marshall and for some reason thought he was all the way down in Lynd.WTF?!?!?!?? He seems to have just vanished into thin air. This week on the podcast, Ethan and Marisa discuss the strange and still unsolved disappearance of 19 year old Brandon Swanson. In 2009, Brandon's Law was passed that expands the Minnesota state's missing children's law to include adults under 21 who go missing under dangerous circumstances. How much driving experience? It might shed some light on things if there was a trail left by the mobile phone, although this may be something that the police have already looked into. What were the contents? Also, has his cell phone ever been found? This entry was posted in conspiracy theory, missing person, the skeptical folklorist, unsolved mysteries and tagged brandon swanson, conspiracy theories, missing persons, unsolved mysteries on September 8, 2015 by roianna. kidnappers knew this. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Lincoln County Sheriff's Department A mystery average walking speed is 5 km per hour goes dead planning! 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