what the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club believes or does. We only provide this when asked: we are one piece of an ecosystem of solidarity, not a disconnected group with a moral calling or chauvinistic urge to protect the untrained and unenlightened. [7], The Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club is a chapter based in the Seattle and Tacoma areas of Washington state. states. The Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club changes positions to the start of the Trans Pride March near Cal Anderson Park in Seattle, Washington, on 28 June 2019. While we've been living in tenements and slums for centuries, we've also been used by the rich to attack our neighbors, coworkers, and friends of different colors, religions and nationalities. A militia of their own", "Local activists strive for social change", "Asheboro mayor to KKK: 'Don't come here', "VP Mike Pence speaks at Focus on the Family's 40th anniversary celebration", "Kalkaska protesters argue about hate and freedom of speech in response to FB posts", "How This Small Town in Trump Country Dumped Its Islamophobic President", "Trump opponents show up with rifles near event", "Police deploy gas and pepper spray to disperse protesters outside Trump rally as thousands gather", "Charges Dropped Against Two Accused of Bringing Weapons to Anti-Klan Rally", "The Radical Politics Behind the Juggalo March on Washington", "Candlelight vigil for victims of opioid epidemic will be held Sunday downtown", "Right-to-Carry Laws Are Making Violent Protests like Charlottesville Even Harder to Defuse", "Local resident recounts Charlottesville", "Who Were the Counterprotesters in Charlottesville? This event is to publicly denounce the Klan, their beliefs, and show that we will not back down". https://www.flatlandkc.org/news-issues/left-wing-groups-take-up-arms-in-name-of-abolitionist-john-brown/. Kuhn argued that "organizations with the aim to primarily mobilize and organize among the white working class are mandatory if we don't want to simply abandon this part of the population and hand it to the right on a silver platter". Mawa Iqbal, Left-Wing Groups Take Up Arms in Name of Abolitionist John Brown, Flatland, July 23, 2020. [23] In May 2018, a member said that at least one third of the group's membership were women, people of color or non-binary people. We believe the 2nd Amendment is best defended through grass-roots organization, education, and advocacy centered around individual gun owners. The history of the white working class has been a history of being an exploited people. Redneck Revolt's statement said the march aligned with their "belief in the right to community self-determination and self-defense". https://protecttxkids.org/ This group is organizing the protests against drag shows in North Texas and any effort to make schools a more welcoming place for LGBT. From a safety and ideological perspective we cannot support events where police have involvement in organizing. "[52] Rothschild argued that while Redneck Revolt members see both anti-racism and bearing arms as part of a strategy of aiding marginalized people, media representations tend to depict them "as an oxymoronas if gun carrying and anti-racism are not two positions, but two opposing poles. But it might have been careless editing. In addition to community defense, we participate in other forms of mutual aid, with the goal of limiting our reliance on oppressive state institutions. x. Community defense is the implementation of the revolutionary philosophy that the working class and otherwise marginalized communities have the right to protect ourselves and our interests. While most of its projects are centered around advocating for marginalized communities, the club offers community range days at a local conservation area. [3] Redneck Revolt issued a statement saying that it had chosen to end the lawsuit and to "focus our energies on the many important fights ahead". To date, Gun Club members have reportedly not engaged anyone with their weapons during one of these protests. [3], In September 2017, the historian Noel Ignatiev expressed concern regarding Redneck Revolt's commitment to "defense of our communities". WebJohn Brown Brigades. [27] Activities around racial justice and transgender rights are predominantly oriented toward rural white people, while firearms training events are oriented toward women and people of color. [9], The group argues that the white working-class have more in common with working-class people of color than with the wealthy. [16][17] The group sees itself as part of a tradition of white working-class "rebellion against tyranny and oppression". [48] A lead attorney for the plaintiffs responded as follows: "The basis for this lawsuit is not about motives it's about engaging in paramilitary activity. The original club sought to militarize the white working class and spur it toward a social-justice revolution. [4][7][11][37][38][39][40][41] Days later, members provided security at a "Hate Is Not Welcome in Lane County" march in Eugene, Oregon, in response to the events in Charlottesville. We are a collective of antifascist activists, mostly anarchists, who are passionate about community defense. We will bash back.. Friday 6/24 around 40 heavily armed antifascist activists assembled in the Gayborhood of Dallas to send a message to Christian Fascism: whether that be Influencers, Proud Boys, or SCOTUS. Each local is unique, for better or worse. . Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, Twitter post, August 18, 2022, 8:23 p.m.. Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, homepage, accessed August 19, 2020. Background[ edit] Firearms are a big part of the mid-Missouri chapter of the John Brown Gun Club. Accessed November 7, 2022. Founded in Kansas in 2009, members were present at several protests against Donald Trump and against the far-right in 2017. Its political positions are anti-capitalist, anti-racist and anti-fascist. [22] In a September 2017 interview, a member said that the group was exploring ways to respond to health care challenges and food shortages. Accessed November 7, 2022. The original club sought to militarize the white working class and spur it toward a social-justice revolution. This both invites violence on those attending and renders community aid ineffective., DMV John Brown Gun Club, tweet, July 8, 2022: The supreme court justices should not know a moment of comfort.&rdquo, Connecticut John Brown Gun Club, tweet, July 8, 2022: Randy Cox was brutalized by the New Haven PD and then, when he told them he couldnt move, they brutalized him some more. The original club was active between 2002 and 2008, but it has since given rise to spinoff groups such as the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club. *Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed August 31, 2022, https://twitter.com/EFJBGC.x The Elm Fork chapter also runs a page on Medium, but that had only 18 followers as of August 31, 2022. Accessed November 7, 2022. x Various Gun Club chapters maintain a presence on Twitter. https://dallasvoice.com/protesters-hit-the-strip/. Weve recently been contacted by several journalists who want to learn more about us, so we thought it was time for a little introduction. Accessed October 7, 2022. If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms. The Guardian, July 22, 2019. In August 2020, Facebook deleted multiple accounts affiliated with John Brown Gun Clubs as part of a purge of extremist groups. The ensuing battle left two militants and one soldier dead, and wounded two troops. We are not afraid. Nearly half of "strong Republicans" believe it's almost time for armed violence,. They were on the strip protecting the community way back on June 4th. Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club is still fighting anti-drag show protesters. 4:37 [21] In September 2017, a member said: "It's not about seizing the gun culture or becoming obsessed about guns. ", "The Caucasian Panthers: Meet the Rednecks Armed, Ready and 'Bout That Anti-Racist Life", "Hundreds in Eugene march against hate amid national outcry over neo-Nazi rally in Virginia", "Setting the Terms after Charlottesville", "Militia madness: City files suit against August 12 participants", "New suits filed against Aug. 12 rally organizers", "League of the South: No more armed rallies in Charlottesville", "Why Is Charlottesville Suing Two Anti-Racist Groups Over Last Year's Violent 'Unite the Right' Rally? Background[ edit] is sympathetic to the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club. Each local is unique, for better or worse. They have been banned from Twitter. The masked, armed supporters of the drag show were from the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, an anti-fascism group. John Brown Gun Club is a name shared by dozens of groups who have similar goals, and who participate in similar activities, but we speak on behalf of only ourselves: we are not affiliated with any other John Brown Gun Clubs. [26] In 2018, local groups in Shelby, North Carolina, Portland, Oregon, and Asheville and Boone, North Carolina, disaffiliated from the national network. Van Sant has also identified three lessons that Redneck Revolt offers to the American left, namely that working-class white people "are not inherently conservative"; that the group's success is drawn from their critique of modern American liberalism, including on firearms issues; and that they do not employ the rhetoric of white privilege, diversity or inclusion, but instead "position themselves as part of working class and white rural communities" and "act in solidarity with oppressed peoples". [16], In April 2017, members attended a counter-protest against groups including the League of the South, the Traditionalist Worker's Party and the National Socialist Movement in Pikeville, Kentucky. [12], The group does not identify itself as part of the political left,[21] nor as politically liberal. While not affiliated with other John Brown Clubs across the country, they do have the same goals but prefer to speak for themselves. A chapter in West Virginia, John Browns Mountaineer Gun Club, launched in August 2022 and had amassed 754 Twitter followers by August 31. It is a pro-worker, anti-racist organization that focuses on working class liberation from the oppressive systems which dominate our lives. WebThe Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club. [1][4][5][6] Founding member Dave Strano was previously part of the Kansas Mutual Aid Network which was involved in organizing protests against the Republican National Convention in 2004, in relation to which he and others began to train with firearms and engage in Second Amendment advocacy. [1] For instance, around 30 percent are people of color. [4] Some of the group's activities are modeled after the Survival Programs pursued by the Black Panther Party and the Young Patriots Organization in the 1960s. Back to the story about the Dallas Voice. John Brown Gun Club On the Showdown in Virginia on Gun Control Filed under: Anarchist Movement, Interviews, Radio/Podcast, The State, US Red Strings and Maroons Red Strings and Maroons podcast speaks with a member of the Steel City John Brown Gun Club about the upcoming January 20th mobilization against new gun control legislation in Virginia. UPDATE: Their twitter account has been suspended. You can use the Wayback Machine at the Internet Archive to save webpages which have a risk of disappearing so a permanent record will be kept. [7][44][45][46][47] The groups and individuals named as defendants which also included the white supremacist activist Jason Kessler were accused of unlawful paramilitary activity, falsely assuming the role of law enforcement officers and being a public nuisance. This sense of solidarity of interconnectedness and radical empathy sets us apart from militias, and informs the other elements of our work. WebJohn Brown Gun Club/Redneck Revolt. [12]. Its us, the Green Mountain John Brown Gun Club. At that point it is unavoidable. In July 2019, members of the chapter defended a Drag Story Time Hour event occurring at a library near Renton, Washington, against right-of-center protestors who allegedly included members of the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters. A lot of times you can find it at the Internet Archive. [23] Redneck Revolt does not have leaders[12] and does not offer a detailed blueprint for political action. The Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club has also been a resource for journalists, as have related anti-fascist researchers, in identifying individuals who threaten queer and trans communities with violence. We still dont know much about them except as we might find out observing their Twitter feed. It provides armed security to left-wing protestors and trains other leftist groups in While Protect Texas Kids has been allowed back on twitter. WebThe group supports gun rights and members often openly carry firearms. . [8][17][24][9][22] Chapters provide firearms and first aid training,[27] food and clothing programs[17] and community gardens[15][17][27] and host needle exchanges,[17] potlucks[15] and educational events. Its no surprise the defense industry is full of fascists, but the fact theyre not hiding it anymore tells us they believe this is good marketing. [7] There is no official count of the number of chapters,[26] but as of December 2017 the group had around 45 such local chapters across more than 30 U.S. [30][31], In August 2017, members participated in protests against Trump's speech in Phoenix, Arizona. Accessed November 7, 2022. We're at a crossroads between unrelenting violence against the queer community & the autonomy to live in peace. [10][16] In a Facebook post, the group said: "We need to let the Klan know that if they leave their enclaves there will be a broad response from the community. x The Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club offers firearms classes and distributes literature at community events around Washington, including at the Anarchist Book Fair and other events aligned with the groups far-left ideology. Armed Insurrectionary Anti-Racism Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club Leaves Redneck Revolt Network, Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, January 23, 2019, Kim Kelly, If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms,. We believe the 2nd Amendment is best defended through grass-roots organization, education, and advocacy centered around individual gun owners. Just like Miramar. It is affiliated with the Pittsburgh Union of Regional Renters and PGH Mutual Aid and fundraises with them. No mention of the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club. He eventually began leading guerilla raids in pro-slavery towns that resulted in multiple deaths. [12][17] They advance a critique of white supremacy which they describe as "a system of violence and power that ensures that political, economic, and social power is withheld from people who aren't white". We need to be ready to rapidly respond to the armed right wing threat that menaces our communities. Something big happened on The Strip, the stretch of Cedar Springs with the Gay bars. White Workers Resisting Capitalism and White Supremacy: An Interview With Redneck Revolt. RedneckRevolt.org; originally appeared in The Hampton Institute and Its Going Down. In 2019, an anarchist whom police claimed had previously associated with the Puget Sound chapter of the group attempted to carry out a terroristic act on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facility before he was fatally shot by police officers. The group supports gun rights and members often openly carry firearms. Members of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club hold a memorial service for van Spronsen a year after his death. [41][48] They argued: "There is a marked difference between the armed white supremacist groups who invaded Charlottesville with the intent to do harm and the armed anti-racist groups who came to Charlottesville to assist in supporting and protecting our most marginalized communities". * Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, Twitter account, accessed September 1, 2020, https://twitter.com/PugetSoundJBGC. This is the tweet by the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club about their actions. https://twitter.com/SPKJBGC/status/1299637136996663297. Your email address will not be published. [22] Members also support the Black Lives Matter movement. Join the #1 community for gun owners of the Southwest. [11] Administrative and communications activities are divided equally along lines of gender. The Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club changes positions to the start of the Trans Pride March near Cal Anderson Park in Seattle, Washington, on 28 June 2019. At that point it is unavoidable. Anderson Distillery and Grill hosted a drag brunch that gained national attention. The Gun Club arms itself to defend against far-right violence and often appears as a security force at protests to protect against expected far-right violence. While the CHAZ has instituted its own form of unelected security throughout the area, the John Brown Gun Club has been one of the groups to spearhead the effort. Facebook (Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Mid-Missouri John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Connecticut John Brown Brown Gun Club), Twitter (Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club), Twitter (John Brown Mountaineer Gun Club), http://www.midmojbgc.org/2020/08/20/the-great-fb-purge-of-2020/. Redneck Revolt is a national network. WebJohn Brown Gun Club is an anti-capitalist, revolutionary-activist organization that advocates for gun rights from a left-wing perspective and seeks to radicalize the rural working class. Radical responses to Trumpism in the rural US", "A Professor Brought His Guns to Protect Protesters at White-Supremacist Rallies. * Kim Kelly, If others have rifles, well have rifles: why US leftist groups are taking up arms, Guardian (London), July 22, 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/22/if-others-have-rifles-well-have-rifles-why-leftist-groups-are-taking-up-arms.x New John Brown Gun Club chapters continue to emerge across the country. About Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club Helping marginalized communities in organizing community defense against white supremacists / fascism. Black lives Matter movement to publicly denounce the Klan, their beliefs, and informs the other elements our. Big happened on the strip, the group supports Gun rights and members often carry... This sense of solidarity of interconnectedness and radical empathy sets US apart from militias, show. In multiple deaths groups are taking Up Arms in Name of Abolitionist John Brown Gun,! 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