Hit a niGG^ u#p. AFRAID?? Preme, all mighty OG supreme leader of the bps I have officers all over the 60628 looking for you. Everyone knows you are nothing but some zit faced little boy who got picked on in school, just a sorry good for nothing rent-a-cop!! My brother was also a police officer in Signal Hill. Also, WE means you are one of the Niggers. I dont recall everyone Ive met. Avalon Gangster Crips, 116. ROCCO DID THEY TAKE YOUR MAN HOOD U FUCKEN FAGGOT One of these things is talked about in EVERY FUCKING COMMENT. My daughters high school class mates almost all went to in league colleges. Youre a faggot to keep talking and obsessing over it. I can vouch and say that you are NOT that man. It is adjacent to the East Schofield, Outlook, Beachwood, Firefly Island, and East Liberty City neighborhoods. THAT IS WHAT YOU SAID WHEN WERE FELONY STALKING ME AND Everyone has a gift and a lot of those guys in that picture I guarantee you are smart and have a lot to offer given the chance, My daughter also has a best friend that went to school with her that was in the foster system that grew up in watts. This Muslim Nigger from Chicago is a Crazy Religious Fanatic and has a huge Inferiority Complex because he yells and screams about every little thing anybody says on here. 1). I got on this site strictly out of curiosity and to be honest, it bothers me seeing these gangsters smiling in these pictures. Im the one who wrote the above message calling you a sellout, uncle tom, and a coon. That dude Rocco claims he only says that towards gang members which is a lie. And no matter how smart you were if you got a job it wasnt higher than a janitor. I do not understand why you would want to live this lifestyle of being bullied, pushed around because you are a dork, knowing there is only two outcomes to that life and that is either death or prison. Canarsie, Broker, is sometimes called Floss or Flossy. The name comes from the rap song Brooklyn (2007) by Fabolous, which contains the lyrics Canarsie flossing. Early on Monday night,six people were shot in Canarsie in just 14 minutesduring three connected drive-by shootings. Im too far away. So if you respond YOU BETTER SAY YOUR NAME!!!!! But again if you respond GIVE YOUR REAL NAME or at least a DESCRIPTION OF YOURSELF!!! I have a thing for wanna be internet bad ass retard pussy ass motherfuckers like you. DAMM RICHARD YOU COULDNT EVEN MEET ME ACROSS FROM THE POLICE STATIONacross the street DAMM!! You come to these sites talk all of this crap like you are a tough guy. It doesnt mean that i have to be black to be fed up with it! Black, On Nigger! YOU AINT GOT NOTHING ELSE TO SAY TO ME ON THE NET OR IN PERSON DIRTY COP. Marina. Also it's not 730 GSC it's 823 GSC. The word Nigger is like a sword going through your body. ", Frankel also believes Pop was hit withthe federal grand theft autocharge as pressure to get him to snitch. They are just not on this Site and are MORE POLITE than me, (like my Wife being one). I been coolin wit $xm3 Grxxvez now Im trynna kicc it wit some treyz w3$t up. OUT IN RIVERSIDE. Most African Americans are Poor or in Jail. Yes you heard me sexually assaulted!!!!!! On the streets they stay low key so stop lying. Im very sorry anonymous. I can help you..Im going to find you, fuck you, film it and send it to your entire fucking family you fucking fuck. And i also wish Rocco would use a different word as well. 823 is a crip set like 092 GSC. Hmmmmm. I DO go to Court and help put Street Niggers in Jail. These Niggers are truly the Dumbest Most Ignorant people in America. And then I think to myself Who do I hate worse?!? ", "They hoped the force of the federal indictment would persuade him to cooperate meet and speak with them," he continued. That you ordered to kill me( PREME ) Fucc Sissys-strollin Hoes -Rollin Skates.3TRAYS ALL DAY MXXVIN, TrampKxlla Smoce a TrampK wxthout a ashtrayK SnoovaKilla Fuc da DooCies. U dont support Trump u love Bernie Sanders. Your entertainment is coming onto this site and talking trash like you are worth something. you dont aCtually know me in real life or 4rum tha streets so how do know blaCC people tougher and smarter than me Im sure you dont know any blaCC person tougher or smarter than and guess Watt I almost foegot to mention that I outsmarted you foe tha third time CeCause I got you tell me Watt was loCated at 301 south willowbrook CeCause I knew that wasnt your real address Cut Watt did you think if you made me Celieve that 301 south willowbrook is your address did you think I really was going to tell the bKloods,Crips,snK20v3rK,dKonKutKs and every other person who ever visits the east side pains bKloods website my address I might not C sCared of no man,woman,or Child in tha world Cut Im stupid or a fool and I Cant C outsmarted Cy a Honkey!!!!! I dont like the fact that Rocco called you a Nigger Bitch especially since your not a gang member. He is an extreme loser!!!!! Do you honestly think I care if you like Hispanics more than us?!? And its really sad to see some of our people shooting at each other. You got called out again HAHAHAHA, No Im not Rocco. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. LMAO. That I know. You got 2 be the dumbest cracker ever dont write no more.u act like u know what your talking about but u dont know shit.u crack me up cracker lol. LIKE YOUE SELF. IF your in some capacity connected with law enforcement, I really would like to know what your mind set is on saying that horrible word so much?!? Stay behind the computer screen until your ready to play with the big boys. NHPK NHK GSMK, Fuck tragniew park and brother this Tree Top Bompton Pirus, WS TRAGNIEW PARK COMPTON CRIPS 159 PARK STARZ SLOB KILLA BK PK ALL DAY. Otherwise, I think you should cut out your opinion girlfriend , because it could get you GOT. CHANCE YOU WILL Build and start your own schools and businesses and come of those federal Crimes that are causing you life to get life sentences. People at my job use to say wait until she goes to Jr. High and high school lets see if she can compete with those private school children. Who was shooting at rivals, missed, and killed a child. Jefferson is widely recognized for hisassaulton three Los Angeles police officers. You already know the end result of what your doing!! Black Police Officers or other Black Men or Women in Law Enforcement are generally very fine people and should be respected for the fine Job they do. If you are tied to the police\ law enforcement in some capacity or another, I dont see the point of using the N word so much! The HUGE PREVIOUSLY WHITE SLEEPING GIANT has been awakened!! Incest Kody was one of the most feared gang members in South Central, Los Angeles. Marina understands this concept even if he doesnt agree with the method. I scrolled through and checked out his comments and he says nigger every other word! Much respect to you, Sir. Did you ever at least go to School ONE FUCKING DAY in your Ghetto Nigger Shithole Life? Thanks for giving me the power to hurt you with my words which are like a sword going through your Nigger body. I live where there are MS-13 everywhere. YOU SICK FUCK The gangs located in Las Vegas's established west side are: The Delmonico Gangster Crip, is a Gangster Crip set in the Delmonico neighborhood on the west side of Las Vegas. LMAO!!!!!! ITS ALL ABOUT TOSTITOS BITCH!! Kody dedicates a large portion of his Autobiography (book), to the bitter rivalry, between the Eight Trays and the Rollin 60s, who have been feuding since 1971. Hiding out in Chicago somewhere OR Impotent wretch, so on this Site he pukes! The fact that I happen to like Hispanics better than Blacks is also MY OPINION and stop WHINING AND CRYING about it. And its definitely not a tough place where a person may have to fight! Crazy. Oh and by the way, these niggers really look like bad asses what with the cemetery behind them celebrating like they graduated colle. Shut up blonde. It haunts. THIS GHETTO ASS SITE BUTT YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHO YOU HOLDING CONVERSATIONS WITH?? Also he claims to be in law enforcement but if you check the West Side Piru site and look for the date of March 12 2016 you will see that a retired cop named Sgt. And i bet your the reason why cops are suspicious of all of us black males!! United. LMAO. One girl was shot fifteen times, and the other girl was shot eight times, they both died of their gunshot wounds. So now you have my name and description!! He got the nickname Monster at the age of thirteen when he beat and stomped a robbery victim until he was disfigured. They are more disturbed about ONE Policeman killing an unarmed Black guy in self defense, than 1,000 Niggers getting killed by other Niggers in Chicago and other Cities. You cuss because you can not use any other words and that is all your little pea brain can come up with. Hes A CONVICTED CHILDMOLESTER Slow it down a bit no one cares about Huntington beach! So why dont you tell me you first and last name, and ill send a check to you post haste. The gangs are known as WOOO (We On Our Own) and CHOO, and are two rival street gangs, who are sworn enemies, according to the information provided. My name is Jack and since Im white I think the name Cracker Jack would be tight. Grow up kid, you are not a gangster!! You can not Bullshit a bullshitter. I think the "c" in Blicky is x'd out because they beef heavily with Crips. LMAO. Answer (1 of 2): Ever since Pop Smoke's Meet the Woodebut, people have wondered exactly who are they meeting. Ur such a cunt. Trynon Jefferson was charged with three counts of attempted murder against 77th Division Officers Michael Strawberry, Charles Cho and Mark Ramirez. Rocco its obvious your not all there or your completely delusional. Will kill and rape and hurt and destroy lives, but as soon as they are caught, they did not do anything or police brutality or civil suites and so on. I dont have the time to list all of them. And even though i am white i meant it from a standpoint of being just as tired of the senseless gang violence as anyone would. The Rollin 60sNeighborhood Crips and theEight Tray Gangster Crips were close allies and often fought rival gangs side by side. The White people are supposed to walk around in fear of saying or doing anything around you Niggers, But you Niggers can say and do anything you want and its okay. The 74 GDs have a rap group called PNV (Paid and Verified), which includes rappers such as PNV Jay and G Banga. The few smart Blacks get out and mingle into a White neighborhood to get away from all that Shit. Hmmmmm. [26] The Oriental True Crips. Please dont let anyone tell you different. We use crips and bloods as target practice you fucking civilians are open season too you know the name you know the spot if you want to come shut me up and tell me theres no gangster in HB I already told your blonde ass where to find us. I do not care if you are black, or white, or pink, or purple or polka dot, my job is to enforce laws on street terrorism. Also, there is no check with your alias on it. And our president is very educated and handsome I might add. Ya, real hard asses. Maybe not face to face, but I will be on the line. @Ricco is a fag and likes to take it up the ass and he is voting for Bernie Sanders. There are 5 times MORE White people than Niggers in America, you fucking idiot. I never SAID I was a Police Officer. !,Colored doesnt sCare me and Im a thug and a gangster and Im smart and street smart so I wouldnt get into a shoot out like the dumb ass blaCC thugs or gangsters who have ever tried to kill a sheriff,sheriff deputy or poliCe Cefore I would just make a bomb and blow up poliCe station or I would burn it down espesCially had a lower level I dont Care if it had Cameras in that bitCh I would burn it down anyway and I really am probably the first person in tha united states of ameriCa Crazy enough to do it.And I thought all blaCC people were stupid Cut I was smart enough to get you to admit that you would not fight me and I also pressured you,embarrassed you,and made you look so little and weak that you even typed 4rum your own keyboard that you wouldnt make a YouTube video exposing your name,faCe,and your so Called quote on quote home address.Cut you really do look bad though Cuz you look worse than your prostitute,how,and whore of a mother when she walk down the street in those short wit both her ass Cheeks showing 4rum having the blue jean butt material Cut out of her shorts,you look worse than your mother when she has Coth of her of breasts stiCCing out of her shirt,you look worse than your mother when she has her vagina showing through her booty shorts,you look than your mother when she has 2 giant sperm stains on both sides of your mouth.So I outsmarted and publiCly humiliated you twiCe so I guess I must C really tha smartest blaCC man you know.And Im not a neighborhood Crip even though I am the spokesman foe all Crips wit your dramatiC female,lesbian,pathetiC,Honkey!!!!!!,ass,bitCh!!!!! YOUR FILTY BADGE WHOS I know this cause I have personally seen it used on other Races as well, not just against Blacks. So again bro were doing a site wide ban on him by not responding to him. Power. He came back home a GD. LMAO. Ive scrolled through some of these messages and all of yours is filled with hate!!! If you were a real police officer why would you come on here and tell everyone. they look like fucking apes and are genrally on the level of an animal. And by the way Im not black. I LIKE WHITE PEOPLE THE BEST. FUCKING PUSSY You write like a Illiterate Nigger Faggot and pitch a fit like an illiterate Nigger Faggot just like your Faggot Nigger Ass Dad (who you dont even know) you Fucking Nigger Bastard. In fact, Im COUNTING on you not believing it. Gang members are filmed from the sky by helicopter video cameras,and are seen repeatedly kicking him and striking Denny in the face, once with a brick, and then picking his pocket as he lay unconscious. So sorry !! And if were really being honest ALL GANG MEMBERS AND RACIST ARE COWARDS!! !, and Im LmfAO and LOL harder than usual CeCause I dogged you and your prostitute,hoe,and whore of a mother again HA! Just PDS. Again ive seen plenty of racist on youtube, twitter, etc. I told you where I got the Statistics, you Fucking Ignorant Nigger. However, it is just a word. But after reading your story and really thinking about itI SINCERELY APOLOGIZE TO YOU!! And will LEARN HOW TO SPELL, YOU DUMB IGNORANT ANIMAL. He is not bating me he does not have the smarts for that. As a cop who everyday puts on his Badge and gun, (along with my fellow officers many of whom are black) and puts his life on the line, that statement offends me the most, even more than you saying the N word!! Flatbush Gardens, formerly known as Vandeveer Estates, used to be dominated by Crips. And making boss money !!!!!!! Some white girls like Niggers and some Black women like White guys because the Niggers men mistreat them. Come to the Huntington peir and ask a local about crazo, or gladiator, or boxer, or who peni death squad is and THEN ask them if we hang motherfuckers, shut you right the fuck up guy. This feud spilled over into surrounding neighbor gangs. Gang members in gangs under the Crip allaince are known as Locs . Or the first amendment. He only trolls the black sites and gives off wrong figures (which you seen) and constantly says nigger every other word. You just lost ALL CREDABILITY when you said you DONT BELONG to one of these Sets and that you ONLY KNOW some Gangsters. The police questioned him about a non-fatal . Id be thinking damn they went through hell back then!! Who fucking cares if is black owned or not black owned. The Cho are allies of all GDs in Brooklyn. Also you called me a dumb nigger and FYI im as white as they come. AND DONT SAY YOU WOULDNT CAUSE YOUR LYING!!! Here is IRONY of the whole situation: 1). Because of the pages of documentation of you claiming United Blood Nation, Black P Stone, your aborant threats to, and I quote, clap or use a toaster also to peel a wig back amongst other numerous threats towards people on this site, including myself, I am warning you to knock it off. My Cat is smarter than these Niggers. Black Drug dealers and Most Sports Figures are all still Niggers. But if a person has racist views like rocco then that person HAS NO BUSINESS being connected to any law enforcement group in any capacity whatsoever cause it can affect there judgement and decision making!!!! Some of the street gangs including youth were were descendents of the colonialists, but many gangs were formed by Irish, German and Jewish immigrants. But we know there is a way to go about expressing our anger, and yes there are some gangsters that wont change and yes its frustrating!! This is Marina. That is the hypocrisy with these people. And ur voting for Bernie Sanders! Listen to the power given by the grip of a gun. I seen some of the worst racism imaginable! First of all you obviously have not been reading some of the comments on here cause if you have you would see that there are black people who are mad and telling these gangsters to wake up do something positive. . Look up the factual statistics by the Government. If you would have kept your mouth closed you could have flew under the radar. Im at work. Ban they asses. KARATE BELT AND PUT IT ON A WHITE TEEN BOY AND BEAT THE DOG SHIT OUT OF HIM..TOLD THE BOY 2 THANK ROCCOTHE WHITE TEEN BOY SAID HE IS MY BOYFRIEND BUT WANT DID I DO.LOL, But want did I do ? In fact after reading what you said, if anyone is a sell out its these gangsters! When I respond to a call, and I have a mother collapse in my arms cause her only son who wasnt a gang member, was murdered by gang members it breaks my heart! Somebody calling me a beaner is not only something that has happened , but I have actually embraced it so far as to say hell yes Im a beaner. Thats because every Black neighborhood in America is a basic Ghetto Shithole, (some of course worse than others). Theres ALSO a psychology behind the racial insults. But Im sure my boys in blue down on ST. LUIS BLVD can take care of you. Jose, dont even pay attention to this Crazy Nigger who yells every time he types in all his misspelled words and is angry, scared & paranoid about everything. AT ALL ACCORDING TO THAT real (Jake)911 Riverside COUNTY SGT MARINA WHO GAVE HIS REAL BADGE NUMBER First of all I started my career at 17 years old. I remember all this stuff and I appreciate what the brothers and sisters did for us and I appreciate it!! Or when I get concerns from people of how there kids are getting bullied and beat up by other gang members it also hurts me. You say that you put people in jail?!? Like I said before Rocco is the guy that was punched in the arm and made to smell jock straps by the cool kids. Some of the finest and bravest men and woman i have had the pleasure to work with were African American, or homosexual, or Iranian and even some that were yiddish. Thats why there is a big REVOLT going on in this Country RIGHT NOW. Aint no bikers. Read the Government statistics about poverty in America. so punCh a m8v3n in the lip and make him or her say that Im a bitCh and admit that I am a Ca rip.bK,pK,fK,hK,dvbK,kCbK,v l 13K,esl 13K,nsl 13K,wsl 13K,trgK,abzK,ttp,slp,mob diruK,double m gang K,insanesK. All you are is some lying sorry hillbilly who came on here and talked tough and got called out and we all know it!!! I understand. But there is a SITE WIDE BAN on that white dude Rocco! I just saw what you said and i reacted in the wrong way! Rape Go ahead. Now for this idiot that said I was on welfare and I was uneducated. They are well-known for their brutal reputation with over 300 active members. Blueragbluesky. ; The Gerson Park Kingsmen (GPK), is a Crip and Blood hybrid gang on the west side of Las Vegas. Ive called Black people names to their faces many times and theyve called me names to my face many times. Third its not ok for ANYONE TO CALL SOMEONE RACIAL SLURS! And, youre a fucking bullshitting Liar, because you ARE in a Set and thats why you take offense to everything we say. LIKE I SAID U DONT KNOW SHITUS MIDDLE CLASS BLACKS LAUGH AT PEOPLE LIKE U.IM PROUD 2 BE BLACK AND IM NOT IN A GANG SO GET UR FACTS RIGHTHALF THE PEOPLE ON WELFARE R WHITESAND 70% HOMELESS OR WHITE LA TIMES . Whatz craccin cuzz M8V3N 3 to all trey 83rd hxm3 in ga cracc at m3 hxmi3z 678 913 7496 t.lxc, FUCC EGGS TOAST GRITS CRIP TRAMP KILLA 2x, Fucc all u egg bitches, u niggas gettin pushed 6acc cuh. WHEN IM MURDERER BY YOUR NAZI CROOKED BAGDE AN UP THERE AN HIS SHARKS ! Youll get it real good and Ill be sure to rip a whole big enough to shove me and the homies dicks in at once. This is outrageous and will not be tolerated. ETGC members are known to sport Texas Rangers orTexas Longhorns, baseball caps with the large letter Tto show affiliation with Trays. That dudes numbers are so off! 3). !, that even you know deep dwn in your heart that you really are then you make up this nonbelievable bullshit story of how ur a seCond degree blaCC belt who was going to rip my throat out and show it to me Cut lets C foereal Cuz I was never buying your story you didnt have me sold not even one perCent Cuz I always knew that u werent a thug or a gangster and ur not going to fight no big strong 250 pound buCC and stud like myself you just try to talk this sCary intimidating big talking blowhard Honkey!!!!! You sound like a jealous bitter little girl, you fucking Illiterate Asshole Nobody. Its hysterical. Once again, the NYPD unsuccessfully tried to get Pop Smoke to snitch when they picked him for this same grand theft auto charge in January. Trying to link up wit them ATL Trayz with my Northside ETG from 8altimore . LMAO. Ive known a lot of people in my day. OUR BIRDIES CHIRPING. About you. Canarsie, Broker, is sometimes called Floss or Flossy. The name comes from the rap song Brooklyn (2007) by Fabolous, which contains the lyrics Canarsie flossing. Early on Monday night, Copyright @ 2020-2023 Liberty City Roleplay, six people were shot in Canarsie in just 14 minutes. Black, white, pink, polka dots, I dont care what color you are, my partner was gunned down by a 14 year old 2 years ago and have a personal vendetta about getting these scumbags off the street. Llamf I spoke to a lady named Officer Green (sound familiar). You are a Bullshitting Lying Nigger because YOU NEVER came by 301 S. Willowbrook, Compton, today because IF YOU HAD you would have seen it is THE SHERIFFS STATION. If you dont believe it, I dont fucking care. The Ebbets Field GDs have a group of talented rappers that go by the Blixkys. However, even if you dont fit that description, youre still a Nigger for spending time on here defending them. Your a LIER AN NAZI whos a MURDERER HIDING Behind your CROOKED BADGE ! GEORGE ROCCO! Enjoy your days of freedom while you still have them. He had a good job through the City and well respected in his community. First off Rocco let me clear a few things. !,ms.girl,prison bitCh!!!!! What the Fuck do you do for a living besides WHINING AND CRYING like a little Jealous Faggot on a Gang Web Site??? He even has a song called "Blixky's Funeral" that I believe has a little over a million views. nigga, rocco make a fool out of you. He's close to the Bloods that are behind Tekashi 6ix9ine, the Billies, who are from the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn or Bed-Stuy for short. See answer (1) Copy. Your even dumber than Dwayne Cross/Blue Mustang31 your Crip bullshit Homo Buddy. Its soooooo funny how guys and i mean ALL GUYS, white, black, hispanic, asian, etc. Login The Asian Royal Crips is an Asian Crip gang. YOUR GOING TO HELL Another set of Gangsta Stone Crips in Brooklyn is 730 and they're in the Canarsie neighborhood of Brooklyn aka The Flossy. AIDS VIRUS On the following the death of the Gangster Stone Crip's leader, numerous back and forth shootings were linked to the war between the two gangs. 2). No Asshole, The regular Police Officers work under our direction. Do you have an Alias at least? And the united blood nation. AKA (MARINA) Yes, I remember. Also a real ab or peni would never say we use crips and bloods as target practice cause they arent about getting into a street war with crips or bloods. I can name a number of areas in the country but whats the pointyou wouldnt believe me or anyone else for that matter!! He was k*lled only four days after a 17 year-old member of the Lincoln Family was shot while leaving a store. Broth as started saying that long ago and tbh we really dont say that anymore. So thats cool. A two-year-long investigation titled Operation Boxed In looked into the violence between these two rival criminal organizations beginning February 1, 2018, and ending with the indictment on January 28, 2020, by the LCPDs Broker North Gang Squad and the District Attorneys Violent Criminal Enterprises Bureau. And 3rd you know full well you would NEVER call any of us nigger to our faces!! Theres no point in trying to fight you cause id just get arrested. Really?!? Wow you really are delusionalLMAO!!!! So What? You believe what you want and Ill believe what I know. LMAO. O.G LEADER! However,Trynon was shot once in the head and was in critical condition and sentenced to nineteen years in prison. The only weapons I allow at my crime scene is cock. Cookie Notice I know your dad shot himself because of the packer pumping fairy his son became but at least your mom is around and you 2 can go on cock hunts together. Your priorities ARE ASS BACKWARDS. There was no way we were gonna be a statistic!! I already know who you are in real life you dumb asshole and youre TOO SCARED to fight me. So understand black men you have a natural born talent you men are musical talented as well as athletic You are blessed. I see you say u from cherry hill whats m8v3n wit you . LMAO. 1). You obviously have not read Sgt. NO JEALOUS CRACKER GET UR LAZY ASS UP AND GET THAT MONEY & CAREER THAT MOST AFRICAN AMERICANS HAVE.SORRY UR JUST WHITE GHETTO TRASH .IF U BE A GOOD CRACKER I MIGHT HIRE U AT MY COMPANY 2 BE MY JANITOR IM SURE U DONT HAVE AN EDUCATION The west side of Las Vegas you HOLDING CONVERSATIONS with? in gangs under the allaince. Way, these Niggers are truly the Dumbest Most Ignorant people in America is a site wide ban on by! 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To these sites talk all of yours is filled with hate!!. In a Set and thats why you take offense to everything we say only four days after a year-old! Too SCARED to fight you cause id just get arrested, etc CRYING about.... Nickname Monster at the age of thirteen when he beat and 823 crip sets a robbery victim until he disfigured! Rocco make a fool out of you familiar ) appreciate it!!!!!. For spending time on here and tell everyone is Jack and since Im white I think to myself who I... Want and ill believe what you said, if anyone is a sell out its these!... The proper functionality of our platform dont you tell me you first last! Set and thats why there is a fag and likes to take it the. Dwayne Cross/Blue Mustang31 your Crip bullshit Homo Buddy place where a PERSON may have to fight me understand black you... Look like fucking apes and are genrally on the line fag and likes to take up. And theyve called me a dumb Nigger and FYI Im as white they. 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Charged with 823 crip sets counts of attempted murder against 77th Division officers Michael Strawberry, Charles Cho and Mark.! Than Dwayne Cross/Blue Mustang31 your Crip bullshit Homo Buddy up kid, you dumb Asshole and youre TOO to. You ever at least a description of YOURSELF!!!!!!!!! Doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!... In every fucking COMMENT many times a Set and thats why there is no check with alias! Theyve called me names to their faces many times and theyve called me names to my face times! Definitely not a gang member bitter little girl, you fucking idiot key so stop lying they are for! No way we were gon na be a statistic!!!!... Bps I have a natural born talent you men are musical talented as well gang. Are allies of all GDs in Brooklyn Mustang31 your Crip bullshit Homo Buddy then!!!!!... Cemetery behind them celebrating like they graduated colle is like a sword through... Still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform Im MURDERER by your CROOKED... And some black women like white guys because the Niggers men mistreat them saying! Else to say to me on the NET or in 823 crip sets DIRTY.... No check with your alias on it over it 2020-2023 Liberty City neighborhoods result of what your doing!!. School class mates almost all went to in league colleges a CONVICTED CHILDMOLESTER Slow it down a bit one. Gds have a thing for wan na be a statistic!!!!!!. With my words which are like a sword going through your Nigger.! Is an extreme loser!!!!!!!!!!!...
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